John McAfee

Image of John McAfee
Jealousy, greed, fear. We're all full of these things. But also love and compassion. If you saw a drowning baby, it wouldn't matter if you were wearing a tuxedo on the way to your own wedding. You'd jump in to save him.
- John McAfee
Collection: Jealousy
Image of John McAfee
One who understands the relationships between the human heart and the human mind will always out-hack those who chase after an ever-changing technology.
- John McAfee
Collection: Technology
Image of John McAfee
Belize is so raw and so clear and so in-your-face. There's an opportunity to see something about human nature that you can't really see in a politer society, because the purpose of society is to mask ourselves from each other.
- John McAfee
Collection: Society
Image of John McAfee
Governments are composed of human beings, and all of the frailties that humans possess are absorbed into these governments and become active within these governments. Hatred, anger, jealousy, fear, greed, distrust and the whole host of afflictions that humans must bear, lurk just beneath the surface of civility displayed by 'government.'
- John McAfee
Collection: Anger
Image of John McAfee
An angry people cannot create anything that is not imbued with anger.
- John McAfee
Collection: Anger
Image of John McAfee
The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.
- John McAfee
Collection: Change
Image of John McAfee
The gig economy is empowerment. This new business paradigm empowers individuals to better shape their own destiny and leverage their existing assets to their benefit.
- John McAfee
Collection: Business
Image of John McAfee
Private communication systems have been around since the beginning of human culture.
- John McAfee
Collection: Communication
Image of John McAfee
Making money is easy. It is. The difficult thing in life is not making it, it's keeping it.
- John McAfee
Collection: Money
Image of John McAfee
I think that it's when we step out of the road, step outside the box, become our own person, and we walk fearlessly down paths other people wouldn't look at, that true progress comes. And sometimes true beauty as well.
- John McAfee
Collection: Beauty
Image of John McAfee
The most astonishing subset of the Deep Web is a collection of dark alleys called the Dark Web. The Dark Web is generally thought of as a collection of criminal elements intent on subverting the law, stealing our money, and possibly kidnapping our daughters.
- John McAfee
Collection: Money
Image of John McAfee
Success, for me, is being able to wake up in the morning and feel like a 12 year old.
- John McAfee
Collection: Morning
Image of John McAfee
Our mobile phones have become the greatest spy on the planet.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Social engineering has become about 75% of an average hacker's toolkit, and for the most successful hackers, it reaches 90% or more.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I would describe myself as quite sane and lucid, which is why I'm still alive.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Any idiot can make money. Keeping money, very few can do.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Hillary Clinton was asked if she wiped the disc she was using for her email; she said, 'Do you mean with a damp cloth?' This, to me, is frightening.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
A simple social engineering hack might involve leaving a thumb drive on the pavement close to the driver's door of a car.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
America is in a state of somnolence. It's an avoidance of paranoia through ignoring reality.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Steve Jobs would have wanted his words to change not just technology but politics itself.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I've been called 'paranoid,' 'schizophrenic,' 'the wild child of Silicon Valley.'
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
As the economy goes south, petty theft begins. And then grand theft. And then muggings.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Hackers rarely have full knowledge of the technology stack of a target.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Donald Trump is proud of the fact that he's never written an e-mail.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
The government generally is just too top-heavy.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
There are no secrets.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Steve Jobs was a friend and mentor whom I miss more than I can say.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I was one of the first practitioners of social engineering as a hacking technique, and today it is my only tool of use, aside from a smartphone - in a purely white hat sort of way. But if you don't trust me, then ask any reasonably competent social engineer.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
We are losing privacy at an alarming rate - we have none left.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
My fragile connection with the world of polite society has, without a doubt, been severed.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Do you think the Chinese think twice about hiring a hacker with a mohawk or a tattooed face? No.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Let me tell you what the truth is... I have learned one thing in life: there is no such thing as bad press. There is not. That's a fundamental truth. The more bad things said about you, the more power they give to you.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Belize is still a pirate haven and is run more or less along the lines established centuries ago by the likes of Captain Morgan, Blackbeard, and Captain Barrow.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
We live in a very insecure world with a very insecure communications platform.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
It's very hard to keep an uncrackable encryption if you share it with the government.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Is Snowden a good man or a bad man? I have no clue and even less interest.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Libertarian principles are very simple, but you can't violate any of them and still call yourself Libertarian.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
People are afraid of their own lives. Shouldn't your goal be to have a meaningful life? Unknown, mysterious, thrilling?
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I have dual citizenship; I would be happy to go to England. I would be very happy to go to America.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I am not in any way a conspiracy theorist and have no time for such nonsense.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I would like to point to the extraordinary lengths the mainstream media will go to maintain a sensationalist story.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
In this age of communications that span both distance and time, the only tool we have that approximates a 'whisper' is encryption. When I cannot whisper in my wife's ear or the ears of my business partners, and have to communicate electronically, then encryption is our tool to keep our secrets secret.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I had more money than I could spend in million lifetimes.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I simply refuse to play by the rules.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Dwight Eisenhower warned American citizens at the end of his presidency about the implications of the military-industrial complex and its influence over government. We have now gone well beyond any of the wildest imaginations that could have entered Eisenhower's mind.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I, perhaps wrongly, assume that people actually read articles that interest them rather than just headlines.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Living with one woman is horrific.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
I would be very happy to go to America. America is where I was raised and that's exactly what I want.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
Limit use of shareware and public domain software to systems without fixed disks. If you do use them on fixed disks, allocate separate subdirectories... Public domain or shareware software should never be placed in the root directory.
- John McAfee
Image of John McAfee
If operating in a network environment, do not place public domain or shareware programs in a common file-server directory that could be accessible to any other PC on the network.
- John McAfee