Top Miracle Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Miracle quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Miracle quotes.

Image of Freeman Dyson
It's us that's really amazing. As far as I can see, our concentration of different abilities in one species - there's nothing I can see that in this Darwinian evolution that could've done that. So it seems to be a miracle of some sort.
- Freeman Dyson
Collection: Miracle
Image of Farrah Fawcett
I do not want to die of this disease. So I say to God: "It is seriously time for a miracle."
- Farrah Fawcett
Collection: Miracle
Image of Ogden Nash
Where there is a monster, there is a miracle.
- Ogden Nash
Collection: Miracle
Image of Freeman Dyson
As far as I can see, our concentration of different abilities in one species - there's nothing I can see that in this Darwinian evolution that could've done that. So it seems to be a miracle of some sort.
- Freeman Dyson
Collection: Miracle
Image of Tony Evans
Faith doesn't make sense. It makes miracles.
- Tony Evans
Collection: Miracle
Image of Ogden Nash
When there are monsters there are miracles.
- Ogden Nash
Collection: Miracle
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The world is the perennial miracle which the soul worketh.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Miracle
Image of Albert Einstein
The beauty of it is that we have to content ourselves with the recognition of the miracle, beyond which there is no legitimate way out.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Miracle
Image of John Green
The miracle and hope of human consciousness is that we can still conceive of boundlessness.
- John Green
Collection: Miracle
Image of Matthew Arnold
Miracles do not happen.
- Matthew Arnold
Collection: Miracle
Image of Edward Gibbon
Does there exist a single instance of a saint asserting that he himself possessed the gift of miracles?
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Miracle
Image of Stephen Fry
I have always been an impassioned advocate for the works of Shakespeare. I regard him as one of the most complete miracles of his or any other age.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nadine Gordimer
It was a miracle; it was all a miracle: and one ought to have known, from the sufferings of saints, that miracles are horror.
- Nadine Gordimer
Collection: Miracle
Image of Lucian Freud
The paintings live because their creator has been passionately attentive to their theme, and his attention has left something for us to look at. It seems a sort of miracle.
- Lucian Freud
Collection: Miracle
Image of John Green
The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle.
- John Green
Collection: Miracle
Image of Mark Hart
We must not become so preoccupied looking for "major" miracles that we miss all the daily ones.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Miracle
Image of Jean Giraudoux
Their own kind of logic which cries for miracles and, on occasion.
- Jean Giraudoux
Collection: Miracle
Image of Bill Gates
The microprocessor is a miracle.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Miracle
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Nonviolence, when it becomes active, travels with extraordinary velocity, and then it becomes a miracle.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Miracle
Image of David Gemmell
Miracles are merely events that happen just when they are needed.
- David Gemmell
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
Each second of life is a miracle
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness is like that—it is the miracle which can call back in a flash our dispersed mind and restore it to wholeness so that we can live each minute of life.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Ben Harper
To go through this life and see it through - what it really is - and not be insane or addicted, is a minor miracle for anyone.
- Ben Harper
Collection: Miracle
Image of Daniel Handler
Miracles are like meatballs, because nobody can exactly agree on what they are made of, where they come from, or how often they should appear.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Miracle
Image of Daniel Handler
Miracles can happen, even to those who are small, flammable, and dressed all in black.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
The miracle is to walk on the earth.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Bill Hicks
Childbirth is no more a miracle then eating food and a turd coming out of your ass.
- Bill Hicks
Collection: Miracle
Image of Gordon B. Hinckley
Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way.
- Gordon B. Hinckley
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
Be part of the miraculous moment.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
Your presence is a miracle.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
You are a miracle, and everything you touch could be a miracle.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Gordon B. Hinckley
I hope you will simply do what you can do in the best way you know. If you do so, you will witness miracles come to pass.
- Gordon B. Hinckley
Collection: Miracle
Image of Heinrich Heine
Music is a strange thing. I would almost say it is a miracle.
- Heinrich Heine
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
Life is a miracle, and being aware of simply this can already make us very happy.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Ernest Hemingway
You may talk. And I may listen. And miracles might happen.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Miracle
Image of Daniel Handler
The miracle is the adverbs, the way things are done.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Miracle
Image of Nhat Hanh
To live in the present moment is a miracle.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Miracle
Image of Karen Horney
miracles occur in psychoanalysis as seldom as anywhere else.
- Karen Horney
Collection: Miracle
Image of Robert Green Ingersoll
We have at last ascertained that miracles can be perfectly understood; that there is nothing mysterious about them; that they are simply transparent falsehoods.
- Robert Green Ingersoll
Collection: Miracle
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Today our problem is not making miracles, but managing them.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Miracle
Image of Johannes Kepler
He who will please the crowd and for the sake of the most ephemeral renown will either proclaim those things which nature does not display or even will publish genuine miracles of nature without regard to deeper causes is a spiritually corrupt person... With the best of intentions I publicly speak to the crowd (which is eager for things new) on the subject of what is to come.
- Johannes Kepler
Collection: Miracle
Image of Randall Jarrell
One Whitman is miracle enough, and when he comes again it will be the end of the world.
- Randall Jarrell
Collection: Miracle
Image of Robert Green Ingersoll
Secularism is a religion, a religion that is understood. It has no mysteries, no mumblings, no priests, no ceremonies, no falsehoods, no miracles, and no persecutions.
- Robert Green Ingersoll
Collection: Miracle
Image of Carl Jung
Learn your theories as well as you can, but put them aside when you touch the miracle of the living soul
- Carl Jung
Collection: Miracle
Image of Helen Keller
Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. True education combines intellect, beauty, goodness, and the greatest of these is goodness. When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
- Helen Keller
Collection: Miracle
Image of Robert Green Ingersoll
The priests of one religion never credit the miracles of another religion. Is this because priests instinctively know priests?
- Robert Green Ingersoll
Collection: Miracle
Image of Washington Irving
Every desire bears its death in its very gratification. Curiosity languishes under repeated stimulants, and novelties cease to excite and surprise, until at length we cannot wonder even at a miracle.
- Washington Irving
Collection: Miracle
Image of David Hume
No human testimony can have such force as to prove a miracle, and make it a just foundation for any such system of religion
- David Hume
Collection: Miracle