Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 94

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 94 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of John Piper
God created us for this: to live our lives in a way that makes him look more like the greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that he really is. This is what it means to be created in the image of God.
- John Piper
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Wahlberg
I'm not the guy who will sit in a room with somebody who's using a bunch of big words and just act like I know what they're talking about, or sit on set with somebody and they'll be trying to explain something and not using layman's terms and I'll just say, "Hey, excuse me, what do you mean by that? Explain to me so I just understand."
- Mark Wahlberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Patricia C. Wrede
You mean I'm going to have to do a spell in front of a bunch of toffs?" Kim said, outraged that no one had mentioned this before she had agreed to this come-out. "Yes, exactly", Lady Wendall said serenely. "You and Richard have plenty of time to design something that will reflect your unique background, as well as demonstrating your abilities as a wizard. I am looking forward to seeing what you decide upon." "I could pick everyone's pockets at once with magic, "Kim said, still disgruntled. "That'd 'reflect my unique background', all right".
- Patricia C. Wrede
Collection: Mean
Image of Patricia C. Wrede
You mean he thinks I'm going to get MORE offers?" Kim said, appalled. "He doesn't seem to be the only one that thinks so." Mairelon said. "Aunt Agatha mentioned it to me yesterday afternoon. Is there anyone, or would you rather I turn the lot of them away?" Kim shook her head. "There isn't anyone." Except you.
- Patricia C. Wrede
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexis de Tocqueville
One has freedom as the principal means of action; the other has servitude. Their . . . paths [are] diverse; nevertheless, each seems called by some secret design of Providence one day to hold in its hands the destinies of half the world.
- Alexis de Tocqueville
Collection: Mean
Image of Jaggi Vasudev
Higher dimensions of Awareness means Higher dimensions of energy.
- Jaggi Vasudev
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope John Paul II
It is more necessary than ever to intensify liturgical life ... by means of an appropriate formation ... of all the faithful.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope John Paul II
On the basis of his work each person is fully entitled to consider himself a part owner of the great workbench at which he is working with everyone else. A way toward that goal could be found by associating labor with the ownership of capital joint ownership of the means of work, sharing by the workers in the management and/or profits of businesses, so-called shareholding by labor, etc.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Trump
Of all the unpopular things that Donald Trump is doing, the polling shows that the one that's most out of whack with Americans' opinions are these attacks on the environment. And it means, too, that people are going to have to start stepping up a little bit in other places.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Henri Nouwen
Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place. It is not to bring men and women over to our side, but to offer freedom not disturbed by dividing lines.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Mean
Image of Henri Nouwen
Community means that people come together around the table, not just to feed their bodies, but to feed their minds and their relationships.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Mean
Image of Henri Nouwen
Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Mean
Image of Baal Shem Tov
People should allow themselves the opportunity to really know what the unity of God means. To grasp a part of the nondivisible union is to grasp the whole.
- Baal Shem Tov
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Watts
When your eyes are functioning well you don't see your eyes. If your eyes are imperfect you see spots in front of them. That means there are some lesions in the retina or wherever, and because your eyes aren't working properly, you feel them. In the same way, you don't hear your ears. If you have a ringing in your ears it means there's something wrong with your ears. Therefore, if you do feel yourself, there must be something wrong with you. Whatever you have, the sensation of I is like spots in front of your eyes - it means something's wrong with your functioning.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Watts
You don't need to try to be God, you are! But if you try to be God it means you don't know you are.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Trump
Identity theft, financial laundering, as well as ransom and ransomware - I mean, think of it - all involving extortion of a hacked institution are becoming increasingly common.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Trump
I will also ask my secretary of defense and joint chiefs to present recommendations for strengthening and augmenting our cyber command. As a deterrent against attacks on our critical resources, the United States must possess, and has to, the unquestioned capacity to launch crippling cyber counterattacks. And I mean crippling. Crippling.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Sakyong Mipham
A lot of people dabbling means Buddhism has come into the mainstream, where people begin to use these terms and ideas, and they become less foreign.
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Mean
Image of Elon Musk
The overarching goal of Tesla is to help reduce carbon emissions and that means low cost and high volume. We will also serve as an example to the auto industry, proving that the technology really works and customers want to buy electric vehicles.
- Elon Musk
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Tucker
I want to do movies that mean something, that make people laugh and cry great movies, period-piece movies and work with the best people out there, who bring the best out of me.
- Chris Tucker
Collection: Mean
Image of Louise Hay
When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life.
- Louise Hay
Collection: Mean
Image of Louise Hay
When we have throat problems, it usually means we do not feel we have the right to do these things. We feel inadequate to stand up for ourselves.
- Louise Hay
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
Meditation is the key to open the door, the door of absolute contentment. Mind is always discontented., hence meditation means creating a state of no-mind. That space is always contented.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
Awareness means that whatsoever is happening in the moment is happening with complete consciousness; you are present there. If you are present when anger is happening, anger cannot happen. It can happen only when you are fast asleep. When you are present, immediate, transformation starts in your being, because when you are present, aware, many things are simply not possible. All that is called sin is not possible if you are aware. So, in fact, there is only one sin and that is unawareness.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Mother Teresa
We all long for heaven where God is, but we have it in our power to be in heaven with him right now-to be happy with him at this very moment. But being happy with him now means.
- Mother Teresa
Collection: Mean
Image of Jessica Valenti
People aren't comfortable thinking of women as people. Like we're not people, we're women, and that means something completely different, especially when you have power.
- Jessica Valenti
Collection: Mean
Image of Jessica Valenti
I've been thinking a lot about Lady Gaga and what she means for feminism. I think - I find her completely fascinating, and I really like what she has to say.
- Jessica Valenti
Collection: Mean
Image of Yevgeny Zamyatin
The knife is the most permanent, the most immortal, the most ingenious of man's creations. The knife was a guillotine; the knife is a universal means of resolving all knots.
- Yevgeny Zamyatin
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Rauschenberg
My fascination with images open 24 hrs. is based on the complex interlocking if disparate facts heated pool that have no respect for grammar. The form then Denver 39 is second hand to nothing. The work then has a chance to electric service become its own cliché. Luggage. This is the inevitable fate fair ground of any inanimate object freightways by this I mean anything that does not have inconsistency as a possibility built in.
- Robert Rauschenberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Christopher Nolan
It's very important that a film that intends to play tricks on the audience... has to play fair with the audience. For me, any time you're going to have a reveal in the film, it's essential that it have been shown to the audience as much as possible. What that means is that some people are going to figure it out very early on. Other people not til the end. Everybody watches the film differently.
- Christopher Nolan
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Riordan
I frowned. “You mean Set’s got, like, other evil gods on speed dial?
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Mean
Image of Veronica Roth
We can't be confined to one way of thinking, and that terrifies our leaders. It means we can't be controlled. And it means that no matter what they do, we will always cause trouble for them.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Mean
Image of Veronica Roth
I understand why she did all those things, but that doesn't mean we aren't still broken.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Mean
Image of Desmond Tutu
Some people are able to use Bible as a means of opposing injustice, whereas others are able to find justification.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacqueline Carey
The harp sounds at each passing breeze, but that does not mean the tune is masterfully played.
- Jacqueline Carey
Collection: Mean
Image of Lilith Saintcrow
I wasn't sure if the word boys should mean dim or incomprehensible. I was hovering between the two, with a healthy dose of testosterone-poisoned.
- Lilith Saintcrow
Collection: Mean
Image of Eckhart Tolle
The next step in human evolution is to transcend thought. This is now our urgent task. It doesn't mean not to think anymore, but simply not to be completely identified with thought, possessed by thought.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Mean
Image of Roger Zelazny
Do you work for the government, any government?” "I pay taxes, which means I work for the government, part of the time. Yes.
- Roger Zelazny
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Nighy
From my point of view, it's very refreshing to play a regular human being and not someone from another dimension. When I say "not act," what I mean is just to be as natural and as normal as possible.
- Bill Nighy
Collection: Mean
Image of Ken Wilber
A full-spectrum approach to human consciousness and behavior means that men and women have available to them a spectrum of knowing - a spectrum that includes, at the very least, the eye of flesh, the eye of mind, and the eye of spirit.
- Ken Wilber
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Johnson
Just because you are going to Heaven doesn't mean you have Heaven established in you. Success is Heaven on earth.
- Bill Johnson
Collection: Mean
Image of Timothy Keller
Just because you can't see or imagine a good reason why God might allow something to happen doesn't mean there can't be one.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Mean
Image of Teresa of Avila
That is how His Majesty [the Lord] rewards our good works---I mean, by predisposing us to perform better ones.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Mean
Image of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
My person was hideous and my stature gigantic. What did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence did I come? What was my destination? These questions continually recurred, but I was unable to solve them.
- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Collection: Mean
Image of Ayn Rand
The doctrine that 'human rights' are superior to 'property rights' simply means that some human beings have the right to make property out of others.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Mean
Image of Murray Rothbard
Essentially, I mean the almost self-evident fact that individuals, ethnic groups, and races differ among themselves in intelligence and in many other traits, and that intelligence, as well as less controversial traits of temperament, are in large part hereditary.
- Murray Rothbard
Collection: Mean
Image of Rex Stout
I think the detective story is by far the best upholder of the democratic doctrine in literature. I mean, there couldn't have been detective stories until there were democracies, because the very foundation of the detective story is the thesis that if you're guilty you'll get it in the neck and if you're innocent you can't possibly be harmed. No matter who you are.
- Rex Stout
Collection: Mean
Image of Novalis
How do we see physically? No differently that we do in our consciousness - by means of the productive power of imagination. Consciousness is the eye and ear, the sense for inner and outer meaning.
- Novalis
Collection: Mean