Will Muschamp

Image of Will Muschamp
Sometimes you've got to put your realistic glasses on and see who you are.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
There's no credibility in anonymous sources.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I think it's a lack of journalistic integrity to print things with anonymous sources.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I believe it was seventh or eighth grade: I went to a Danny Ford football camp. A buddy of mine was a big Clemson fan, and coach Ford put on a camp, and we did actually enjoy ourselves.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Life's unfair. You're going to have things happen to you.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
At the end of the day, you're loyal to the people writing your checks.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I think you live and learn every day on the job.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
You are what your record is.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
When a safety makes a mistake in the middle of the field, everybody should notice.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I can't imagine, as a father, losing my son.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
There's no better Gamecock than Marcus Lattimore.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
At the end of the day, I'm a good defensive football coach.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I'm a good special teams coach, and I can recruit.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
It's interesting in the recruiting process because I have recruits and parents that say, 'You're so positive about the other schools!' And I am, because I had a great experience at LSU. I had a great experience at Auburn. I had a great experience at Florida.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
You don't want a guy to be happy he's not starting.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
At the end of the day, be in the game as the game's ending. That's the most important part.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Team and individual goals are great, but not understanding how we achieve those goals and the work it's going to take to achieve those goals, if you don't understand that process, then it doesn't matter.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
It doesn't change whether it's Georgia, Clemson or Florida or Tennessee. You have to fight out there on the recruiting trail every day. And recruiting's a lot like shaving: If you don't do it every day, you start looking like a bum.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Recruiting is not an exact science.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
At the end of the day, I grew up wanting to play in the SEC.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
My dad was a coach and a schoolteacher.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I couldn't afford to go to an out-of-state school.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I have great memories of watching SEC football with my father on Saturdays and playing football in the backyard with my two brothers right here in Gainesville.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
You control what you can control.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
We talk to our players all the time, 'Just control what you can control.' It's no different in life.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
The biggest thing for me is to be accessible. When a high school coach comes on our campus, they can sit in every position meeting they want to sit in. They can come to every practice. And the comments I've gotten from our high school coaches is how accessible we are to them. That's what you need to do to build those relationships.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
When you talk in terms of a rivalry game, it's always important for our guys to understand the history of the rivalry and the history of the game.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
If a guy's not executing very well, then obviously we haven't given him enough looks in practice.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
The best friend I have is competition.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
We need to play between the whistles. That's what tough competitors do. They don't run their mouth.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
One of the great rights as an American citizen is freedom of speech, one of the things that makes this country what it is.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Standing up for what you believe in, to me, is freedom of speech. And that's a right that every American citizen has and what makes this country great.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Tackling and playing well in space against any spread offense is very important.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
It's my favorite thing to do, grilling.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
It's our job to make sure the players are ready to play at a high level. Part of that is making sure that the emotion is in check.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Perception is not always reality.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I think, as a coach, you've got to do what your players can do.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
The SEC is a line-of-scrimmage league. You'd better be good up front, or you're going to have some long days.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I've lined the field. I've washed the uniforms. I've washed my own equipment. Those Division I guys don't understand that. I've worked myself up the ladder.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Self-evaluation is hard, and it starts with me, and it falls on my shoulders, and I'm responsible. But at the end of the day, you are what you are.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
It's not a right to play at Florida. It's a privilege.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
The worst thing you can do in a leadership position is be something you're not.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
Good teams understand how to compete, how to practice the right way.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
As long as Will Muschamp is the head coach at the University of Florida, Urban Meyer will be a part of this program. He needs to be involved with this program for our players. He's a great sounding board for me and part of this great tradition.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
The University of Texas was very good to Will Muschamp and my family.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I want the University of Florida to be successful. I'm always going to be a Gator, unless I'm on the other sideline.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I think you live and learn each year, whether you're a head coach, coordinator, or business manager. You learn different things that work and different things that don't.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I think people who know ball and know me know that I'm a good coach.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I probably made a mistake at Florida trying to change schematically from what they had done before. As a result, we ended up not being very good at anything.
- Will Muschamp
Image of Will Muschamp
I was very involved defensively at Florida, and regardless of popular opinion, I wasn't as much on offense. Should have been, but I wasn't.
- Will Muschamp