Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 44

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 44 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Scott Hutchins
I know already that I can survive it. That's the sorrow of it all. That whatever comes I'll survive it. I mean, even if the worst were to be true, would it really be the worst?
- Scott Hutchins
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack O'Connell
The way America appreciates cinema is different from anywhere in the world. It's celebrated and supported. I don't just mean by the individuals, but financially as well people are throwing money at certain projects.
- Jack O'Connell
Collection: Mean
Image of Masahisa Goi
World peace comes about when each individual lives in a peaceful setting. Likewise, when each individual lives in a peaceful setting, it means that world peace has been realized.
- Masahisa Goi
Collection: Mean
Image of Alex Webb
I mean its an obsession, you follow the obsession but at the same time you have so many doubts, you know. Why am I wasting so much money going back to this place, taking more pictures? What’s the point of it? No one cares about it. I think I care about it but maybe I am deceiving myself.
- Alex Webb
Collection: Mean
Image of Angelo Bagnasco
Benedict XVI leaves no room for uncertainty or minimization. At this present time in which she feels humiliation, the Church learns from the Pope to not fear the truth, even when it is painful, to not hide it or cover it up. However, this does not mean enduring strategies to discredit (the Church) in general...It is appropriate, then, that we all return to calling things by their names at all times, to identify evil in all of its gravity and in the multiplicity of its manifestations.
- Angelo Bagnasco
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Clowes
You try to make the world a better place and what does it get you? I mean, Christ, how the hell does one man stand a chance against four billion assholes?
- Daniel Clowes
Collection: Mean
Image of Theresa Randle
Glamour's my thing. The glamour is what got me into this business in the first place. I lived in a fantasy world in order to survive. Now that I'm here, I plan to work it. That means playing the part--long, tight dresses, slick! Unless you rise to the occasion, Hollywood doesn't really exist.
- Theresa Randle
Collection: Mean
Image of Noah Emmerich
In the modern world there's no such thing as formality. A dinner jacket used to mean a tuxedo, you know?
- Noah Emmerich
Collection: Mean
Image of Red McCombs
Instead of wanting to win, we expected to win. There's a lifetime between wanting something and expecting something. When you expect something, it means you've prepared, done the work, and EXPECT TO WIN!!
- Red McCombs
Collection: Mean
Image of Kanan Makiya
Suggesting evil is human doesn’t mean we can always understand it.
- Kanan Makiya
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Brennan
Releasing the chains to the material means experiencing life within each cell, moment to moment, each moment renewed.
- Barbara Brennan
Collection: Mean
Image of Junya Watanabe
I go to see the clothes [I designed] in the shops, and of course they're not perfect, and I see only the imperfections. But it doesn't mean it's a failure-you just think, I wish it could be better than this. Sometimes I cannot achieve what I really want to do in just one collection, so in the following collection I do it again. There are certain things I've been working on for three years.
- Junya Watanabe
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean-Claude Van Damme
I love karate, it's like a bible to me. But deep inside I'm so I mean, I'm so sensitive.
- Jean-Claude Van Damme
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Bergh
Mercy to animals means mercy to mankind.
- Henry Bergh
Collection: Mean
Image of Nico Tortorella
Everybody knows what love is in one way or another, and everybody has an answer of what love means to them.
- Nico Tortorella
Collection: Mean
Image of John Perry
You may lack will power, but that doesn't mean you can't take a lot of steps to make yourself more productive.
- John Perry
Collection: Mean
Image of Roger Corman
When I started, every film got a full theatrical distribution. Today, almost no low budget films, maybe two or three a year, will get a full theatrical distribution. We've been frozen out of that, which means they must be aware that for a full theatrical distribution it either has to be something like Saw or some exploitation film of today or an extremely well made personal film.
- Roger Corman
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Thurman
People in Tibet have an expression. When you reach a certain degree of venerableness and age, and people ask, "How are you?," there is an expression that people use that means, "Just barely not dead." Some people might be frightened by it but I think it's quite funny.
- Robert Thurman
Collection: Mean
Image of Pamela Geller
The Department of Justice has become a de-facto legal arm for Muslim Brotherhood groups. I mean, they are suing towns, they are suing schools, they are suing prisons, really to impose the Shariah.
- Pamela Geller
Collection: Mean
Image of Francis George
The fact that God knows everything does not mean that He is directly causing everything. He respects our freedom at our level. He makes it possible for us to act freely. If He didn't, we wouldn't act at all - we wouldn't be at all.
- Francis George
Collection: Mean
Image of Francis George
Interest in religion is not necessarily interest in God. Religion in public life means a set of ideas, an ideology that has certain positions. Religion is then one more ideology among others. Religion is about God. Religion begins with a relationship to God, not a relationship to an idea. It is God who is an actor, not just individuals who have certain beliefs who are actors. God is an actor.
- Francis George
Collection: Mean
Image of Muhammad Atta-ullah Faizani
Man is the being, among whom only a small minority of the elite ones, find the Greatness of Glorious God, from the study of things and therefrom acquire perfect faith. But the same tool has become the means of deviation for the rest of them.
- Muhammad Atta-ullah Faizani
Collection: Mean
Image of Saeb Erekat
I'm telling Palestinians don't use violence. We're going to use the civilized means of international law to achieve our goals, our independence, our freedom.
- Saeb Erekat
Collection: Mean
Image of Sonja Lyubomirsky
Write down your barrier thoughts, and then consider ways to reinterpret the situation. In the process, ask yourself questions like... What else could this situation or experience mean? Can anything good come from it? Does it present any opportunities for me? What lessons can I learn and apply to the future? Did I develop any strengths as a result?
- Sonja Lyubomirsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Jared Harris
Normally death scenes are good, if you have a significant death scene and it means something it's like the audience has an attachment to you being killed that's a good thing.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Mean
Image of Don King
She's (Christy Martin) voluptuous and intoxicating no smear lipstick. Here's a woman who pounds it out and her lipstick don't smear. Revlon should jump on that like white on rice, you know what I mean? Max Factor, Elizabeth Arden.
- Don King
Collection: Mean
Image of Don King
When you lose the title, that doesn't mean you lose the contract to what you had. Just like when you win the title, it doesn't mean you win brains, PhDs and MAs.
- Don King
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Hemmer
When I say something, I mean it. The world needs to have a Palestinian state that is free and at peace.
- Bill Hemmer
Collection: Mean
Image of Anne Waldman
Any technology is just a skillful means and it's how you use it.
- Anne Waldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Anne Waldman
We pride ourselves at Natrona - I mean, pride {ironically] - on developing a noncompetitive community. That's very important. The values that can come from that kind of meditative work combined with the creative work you do, combined with your activism, can come together.
- Anne Waldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Adriana Trigiani
Let life unfold, say what you mean. You can’t always think about what you’ve lost, or what you don’t have, or what you didn’t get. Because when you do that, you’re missing out on the now. You can’t know if you’ll be here tomorrow or a year from now.
- Adriana Trigiani
Collection: Mean
Image of Adriana Trigiani
Beware the things of this world that can mean everything or nothing.
- Adriana Trigiani
Collection: Mean
Image of Cheryl Richardson
Ignore the mean voice in your head. It never does any good - ever.
- Cheryl Richardson
Collection: Mean
Image of Bonnie Hunt
Just 'cause there's snow on the roof doesn't mean there's not a fire inside.
- Bonnie Hunt
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Armitage
Today, Iraq is an immediate danger to our nation. This time, we cannot wait. We cannot wait for Saddam Hussein to take a devastating action or to transfer a weapon of mass destruction to someone else who will. After September 11th, it is simply no longer an option to sit back and contemplate an enemy - one with a stated intent to harm us, a track record and the means, and just wait for him to strike in order to protect ourselves.
- Richard Armitage
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Kemp
I don't want to be remembered for my activities of my past, but for what I am doing today. By that I mean, I don't want to rest on my laurels satisfied by my past deeds. I want to contribute to the advancement of our Folk each and everyday.
- Richard Kemp
Collection: Mean
Image of Isaac Hanson
It would be important for someone to understand how much our music means to us. Our music comes first right now and hopefully for ever.
- Isaac Hanson
Collection: Mean
Image of Roz Chast
I think maybe to survive, I mean to just get through the day - I'm not saying that everything is hilariously funny.
- Roz Chast
Collection: Mean
Image of Hassan Rouhani
A constructive approach to diplomacy doesnt mean relinquishing ones rights. It means engaging with ones counterparts, on the basis of equal footing and mutual respect, to address shared concerns and achieve shared objectives.
- Hassan Rouhani
Collection: Mean
Image of Ana Gasteyer
I always tried not to be too mean, but my problem is that the people I tend to find hilarious don't usually have senses of humor. So interacting with them is a little bit of an awkward engagement, because I can't really make them laugh, on top of which I've been doing an impression of them.
- Ana Gasteyer
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Foot
We are not here in this world to find elegant solutions, pregnant with initiative, or to serve the ways and modes of profitable progress. No, we are here to provide for all those who are weaker and hungrier, more battered and crippled than ourselves. That is our only certain good and great purpose on earth, and if you ask me about those insoluble economic problems that may arise if the top is deprived of their initiative, I would answer 'To hell with them.' The top is greedy and mean and will always find a way to take care of themselves. They always do.
- Michael Foot
Collection: Mean
Image of Kathleen Parker
For justice to have any meaning, it must also mean that no innocent person should ever be executed.
- Kathleen Parker
Collection: Mean
Image of Gustave Courbet
The principle of realism means denial of the ideal.
- Gustave Courbet
Collection: Mean
Image of Zach Condon
I mean the reason that I started writing close to home, "Santa Fe," et cetera, was a kind of looking back on past events. I don't know, it's just some of the dark spaces I've been. And it feels like with a music career and whatnot, I've been able to crawl out of those places. So it's interesting to look back on them and try to hold on to the feeling of what you went through.
- Zach Condon
Collection: Mean
Image of Duane Elgin
Simplicity of living means meeting life face to face. It means confronting life clearly, without unnecessary distractions. It means being direct and honest in relationships of all kinds. It means taking life as it is.
- Duane Elgin
Collection: Mean
Image of Duane Elgin
Simplicity means to choose ways of living that touch the Earth more lightly and that reduce our ecological footprint.
- Duane Elgin
Collection: Mean
Image of Duane Elgin
Simplicity means to feel such a sense of kinship with others that we choose to live simply so that others may simply live.
- Duane Elgin
Collection: Mean
Image of Duane Elgin
Simplicity means taking charge of a life that is too busy, too stressed, and too fragmented. An uncluttered simplicity means cutting back on trivial distractions, both material and non-material, and focusing on the essentials - whatever those may be for each of our unique lives.
- Duane Elgin
Collection: Mean
Image of Nina Agdal
You can't really fake confidence. You know what I mean? Just be confident in who you are when you walk into a room, feel like you own it.
- Nina Agdal
Collection: Mean