Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 41

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 41 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Jay Conrad Levinson
Marketing is every bit of contact your company has with anyone in the outside world. Every bit of contact. That means a lot of marketing opportunities. It does not mean investing a lot of money.
- Jay Conrad Levinson
Collection: Mean
Image of Liz Murray
In the years ahead of me, I learned that the world is actually filled with people ready to tell you how likely something is, and what it means to be realistic. But what I have also learned is that no one, no one truly knows what is possible until they go and do it.
- Liz Murray
Collection: Mean
Image of Robyn
The way I figured it, keeping quiet was safe. Words could betray you if you chose the wrong ones, or mean less if you used too many. Jokes could be grandly miscalculated, or stories deemed boring, and I'd learned early on that my sense of humor and ideas about what sorts of things were fascinating didn't exactly overlap with my friends.
- Robyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Robyn
Commercial music is music that a lot of people connect to at the same time, but that doesn't mean it has to be something shallow or without personality.
- Robyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Robyn
The way I figured it, keeping quiet was safe. Words could betray you if you choose the wrong ones, or mean less if you used too many.
- Robyn
Collection: Mean
Image of William Vickrey
Economists are almost unanimous in conceding that the land tax has no adverse side effects. ...Landowners ought to look at both sides of the coin. Applying a tax to land values also means removing other taxes. This would so improve the efficiency of a city that land values would go up more than the increase in taxes on land.
- William Vickrey
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Moore Grimke
If the minds of women were enlightened and improved, the domestic work would be more frequently refreshed by intelligent conversation, a means of edification now deplorably neglected, for want of that cultivation which these intellectual advantages would confer.
- Sarah Moore Grimke
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott Weiss
Whatever vocation you decide on, track down the best people in the world at doing it and surround yourself with them. Aim high and be ridiculously persistent. Your happiness is at the intersection of your passions and learning from great people. Working at a big company sucks--avoid it. Smaller companies are 10 times better for learning. Be generous with your time and money--it has an amazingly fast payback. Be in the moment with everyone you love--and this frequently means tuning out work completely. And drive slow in parking lots.
- Scott Weiss
Collection: Mean
Image of Jim Clyburn
An ability to compromise is important. That means stepping back and getting the ego out of the way in order to accomplish what you want to get done.
- Jim Clyburn
Collection: Mean
Image of Arthur Kleinman
We tend to think of dangers and uncertainties as anomalies in the continuum of life, or irruptions of unpredictable forces into a largely predictable world. I suggest the contrary: that dangers and uncertainties are an inescapable dimension of life. In fact, as we shall come to understand, they make life matter. They define what it means to be human.
- Arthur Kleinman
Collection: Mean
Image of Christiane Amanpour
There are some situations one simply cannot be neutral about, because when you are neutral you are an accomplice. Objectivity doesn't mean treating all sides equally. It means giving each side a hearing.
- Christiane Amanpour
Collection: Mean
Image of Christiane Amanpour
Objectivity means trying to give all sides a hearing. It does not, in my view, mean treating all sides as equal.
- Christiane Amanpour
Collection: Mean
Image of Christiane Amanpour
Objectivity doesn't mean treating all sides equally. It means giving each side a hearing.
- Christiane Amanpour
Collection: Mean
Image of Dolores Cannon
Throughout my work, my subjects are being told that they must change their diet in order to make the adjustment into the new world. Our bodies must become lighter, and this means the elimination of heavy foods. During the sessions, my clients are repeatedly warned to stop eating meat (beef and pork especially), mainly because of the additives and chemicals that are being fed into the animals.
- Dolores Cannon
Collection: Mean
Image of Hiromi
Everybody improvises without noticing it. Life is about improvising. You can't control what happens in your life, I mean, you don't know what can happen in your life today. So you somehow improvise.
- Hiromi
Collection: Mean
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'm hugely proud of being Irish. And I don't even know what that means. I just know that it's true.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrew Dice Clay
Women today leave the house in animal prints and six inch stilettos, what does that say? I'm going to church? They're saying I want you to hang me by my tits from your ceiling and bite my ass. You know what I mean? That's what it says to me anyway.
- Andrew Dice Clay
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard M. Weaver
We approach a condition in which we shall be amoral without the capacity to perceive it and degraded without the means to measure our descent.
- Richard M. Weaver
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard M. Weaver
The saying of John Peale Bishop is worth recalling, that the South excelled in two things which the French deem essential to civilization: a code of manners and a native cuisine. Both are apt to suffer when life is regarded as a means to something else. Efficiency and charm are mortal enemies, and Southern charm indubitably derives from a carelessness about the efficient aspects of life.
- Richard M. Weaver
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Thaler
When an economist says the evidence is "mixed," he or she means that theory says one thing and data says the opposite.
- Richard Thaler
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon Van Booy
Actually, years mean nothing. It's what's inside them.
- Simon Van Booy
Collection: Mean
Image of DeForest Soaries
Democracy means that you have the right to vote without intimidation and undue burdens.
- DeForest Soaries
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Manganiello
Sometimes people say things they don't mean, and you just have to let it go.
- Joe Manganiello
Collection: Mean
Image of Sylvia Pankhurst
The words Socialism and Communism have the same meaning. They indicate a condition of society in which the wealth of the community: the land and the means of production, distribution and transport are held in common, production being for use and not for profit.
- Sylvia Pankhurst
Collection: Mean
Image of Lou Thesz
I spent my life - all my life - learning to wrestle. It's the only means of livelihood I've ever had and, uh, the only gimmick that I have in wrestling is wrestling.
- Lou Thesz
Collection: Mean
Image of Timothy Spall
Never fear being a petty fool it means you ain't dying
- Timothy Spall
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack Johnson
Going far beyond that call of duty, doing more than others expect, this is what excellence is all about! And it comes from striving, maintaining the highest standards, looking after the smallest detail, and going the extra mile. Excellence means doing your very best. In everything! In every way.
- Jack Johnson
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamie Campbell Bower
I like being broken. It means I can have chocolate for breakfast.
- Jamie Campbell Bower
Collection: Mean
Image of Dara O Briain
Doesn't it get on my nerves when people say science doesn't know everything. Science knows it doesn't know everything otherwise it would stop. Just becuase science doesn't know everything doesn't mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy-tale appeals to you.
- Dara O Briain
Collection: Mean
Image of Hannah
The alternative to forgiveness, but by no means its opposite, is punishment, and both have in common that they attempt to put an end to something that without interference could go on endlessly. It is therefore quite significant, a structural element in the realm of human affairs, that men are unable to forgive what they cannot punish and that they are unable to punish what has turned out to be unforgivable.
- Hannah
Collection: Mean
Image of Hannah
In contrast to the inorganic thereness of lifeless matter, living beings are not mere appearances. To be alive means to be possessed by an urge toward self-display which answers the fact of one’s own appearingness. Living things make their appearance like actors on a stage set for them.
- Hannah
Collection: Mean
Image of Sallie Krawcheck
Women tend to very much, very much think of money as a means to an end, not as an end in itself.
- Sallie Krawcheck
Collection: Mean
Image of Lou Albano
He has a calsium deposit on the medulla oblongota of his brain, but he is a brilliant man. This man has a BA, an MA from Havard, and a PhD from Oxford. He's a brilliant man I tell you, Mean Gene.
- Lou Albano
Collection: Mean
Image of Reinhard Bonnke
Go for the purposes of God, and the means to fulfill them will follow.
- Reinhard Bonnke
Collection: Mean
Image of Raquel Cepeda
Being Latino means being from everywhere, and that is exactly what America is supposed to be about.
- Raquel Cepeda
Collection: Mean
Image of Whitney Tilson
What's both fascinating and challenging about investing is that the changing nature of business and finance means you can never have it all figured out.
- Whitney Tilson
Collection: Mean
Image of Clint Howard
Auditioning is important, and I understand that. If there is somebody making a movie, if there is somebody manufacturing a movie, they want to look at the goods. I get it. I mean, I've been in that position.
- Clint Howard
Collection: Mean
Image of Eugene V. Debs
Private appropriation of the Earth’s surface, the natural resources, and the means of life is nothing less a crime than a crime against humanity, but the comparative few who are beneficiaries of this iniquitous social arrangement, far from being viewed as criminals meriting punishment, are the exalted rulers of society, and the people they exploit gladly render them homage and obeisance.
- Eugene V. Debs
Collection: Mean
Image of Kent Beck
I mean, source code in files; how quaint, how seventies!
- Kent Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Amira Hass
Many Israelis can get to know what's really happening. I mean, you have soldiers who go and see things. It's not like France and Algiers or, I don't know, England and Kenya or Belgium and Kenya. It's in your backyard. It's much more about willingness, indecision, the inability, or exposure. There is a decision not to be exposed. People can live like five minutes away from it all.
- Amira Hass
Collection: Mean
Image of Tommy Haas
If you ask Jim Courier, I mean, that guy has his tongue up (Roger Federer's) ass, I know, the whole time when you actually listen to him commentating or listen to him talk about Roger Federer. Sometimes makes me sick almost.
- Tommy Haas
Collection: Mean
Image of Jorie Graham
It's very hard to look in a mirror and see anything which resembles what one feels one's self to be. I think that discomfort, that dislocation, disintegration - that raw lack of feeling whole - that dysmorphia - is a very good place, in this moment, to hunt for the kind of experience which really requires the means of poetry to be grasped or felt.
- Jorie Graham
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Soper, Baron Soper
Christianity must mean everything to us before it can mean anything to others.
- Donald Soper, Baron Soper
Collection: Mean
Image of Jane Stanton Hitchcock
We've all done things we wish we hadn't, made choices we didn't even know were choices at that time. but that doesn't mean we have to stick by them. In life, you find out who you are gradually, not all at once. You made a bad choice, okay? But you can still get out of it.
- Jane Stanton Hitchcock
Collection: Mean
Image of Dana Perino
I've found that knowing the material or the policy or the facts better than anyone else in the room is so empowering - and that means fully understanding them.
- Dana Perino
Collection: Mean
Image of Max McKeown
Brilliant strategy is the best route to desirable ends with available means.
- Max McKeown
Collection: Mean
Image of Suzanne Collins
Winning means fame and fortune. Losing means certain death. The Hunger Games have begun.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Aza Raskin
Never use a warning when you mean undo.
- Aza Raskin
Collection: Mean
Image of Muhammad
Riches does not mean, having a great amount of property, but riches is self-contentment.
- Muhammad
Collection: Mean