Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 40

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 40 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of The Iron Sheik
Gene Mean, look at our body. Cameraman, zoom!
- The Iron Sheik
Collection: Mean
Image of Terrelle Pryor
Not everybody's the perfect person in the world. I mean everyone kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me, whatever. I think that people need a second chance.
- Terrelle Pryor
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Wall
When you win an award from the Grammys, it means a lot 'cause it's voted on by 100% by the people. It's not like some old guy sitting at a desk picking. It's doesn't work like that. It's voted on by your peers in the music industry.
- Paul Wall
Collection: Mean
Image of Hans Snook
Brands were a by-product of having great products and communicating them well to people. Power stations that generate a lot of electricity probably have a lot of steam coming out of the chimneys. That doesn't mean to say that the engineers stand around working out how to make more steam.
- Hans Snook
Collection: Mean
Image of Edwin Newman
Few things concentrate the mind more efficiently than the necessity of saying what you mean. It brings you face to face with what you are talking about, what you are actually proposing. It gets you away from the catch phrases that not merely substitute for thought but preclude it.
- Edwin Newman
Collection: Mean
Image of Amy Johnson
I think it is a pity to lose the romantic side of flying and simply to accept it as a common means of transport, although that end is what we have all ostensibly been striving to attain.
- Amy Johnson
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Buford
In normal life, 'simplicity' is synonymous with 'easy to do,' but when a chef uses the word, it means 'takes a lifetime to learn.'
- Bill Buford
Collection: Mean
Image of James Gosling
In the Java world, security is not viewed as an add-on a feature. It is a pervasive way of thinking. Those who forget to think in a secure mindset end up in trouble. But just because the facilities are there doesn't mean that security is assured automatically. A set of standard practices has evolved over the years. The Secure Coding Standard for Java is a compendium of these practices. These are not theoretical research papers or product marketing blurbs. This is all serious, mission-critical, battle-tested, enterprise-scale stuff.
- James Gosling
Collection: Mean
Image of David Copperfield
When people say you can't do it - that it's impossible - never lose hope. Just because they couldn't doesn't mean you can't.
- David Copperfield
Collection: Mean
Image of Ibn Warraq
The great ideas of the West - rationalism, self-criticism, the disinterested search for truth, the separation of church and state, the rule of law, equality before the law, freedom of conscience, thought, and expression, human rights, and liberal democracy- quite an achievement, surely, for any civilization- - remain the best, and perhaps the only, means for all people, no matter of what race or creed, to reach their full potential and live in freedom.
- Ibn Warraq
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Stormare
I've been very lucky and fortunate to meet people that are very inspirational in their spirits, too, and not just as filmmakers - in their personal life. I mean, Steven Spielberg is very inspirational just to sit down and talk for an hour, like Ingmar Bergman was. They know so much about life and, you know, movie-making, so it's just wonderful to be around those people.
- Peter Stormare
Collection: Mean
Image of Jesse James Garrett
The more everybody knows about all aspects of the problems we face, the better off all of us will be. Less time spent explaining things means more time for coming up with creative solutions.
- Jesse James Garrett
Collection: Mean
Image of James Connolly
Don't be 'practical' in politics. To be practical in that sense means that you have schooled yourself to think along the lines, and in the grooves that those who rob you would desire you to think.
- James Connolly
Collection: Mean
Image of James Connolly
The Irishman frees himself from slavery when he realizes the truth that the capitalist system is the most foreign thing in Ireland. The Irish question is a social question. The whole age-long fight of the Irish people against their oppressors resolves itself in the last analysis into a fight for the mastery of the means of life, the sources of production, in Ireland. Who would own and control the land? The people, or the invaders; and if the invaders, which set of them - the most recent swarm of land thieves, or the sons of the thieves of a former generation?
- James Connolly
Collection: Mean
Image of Jaden Smith
People tell me to smile, I tell them the lack of emotion on my face doesn't mean I'm unhappy.
- Jaden Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Jaden Smith
You can be a pharaoh. Like, a pharaoh means, that which you will become.
- Jaden Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Jaden Smith
I have a goal to be just the most craziest person of all time. And when I say craziest, I mean, like, I want to do like Olympic-level things. I want to be the most durable person on the planet.
- Jaden Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Maurice Ashley
Just because you lose doesn't mean you're a loser, and champions don't quit.
- Maurice Ashley
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeremy Camp
I think a lot of the writing, you know, I write is just kind of like that where, you know. I write exactly how I'm feeling sometimes, and hardships that I'm going through. But I always end up, like the choruses are like, "God, You are good. God, you're faithful. You know, I know You understand, You're right here by my side." All these different things. And I just say very personal experiences that I've been through. I mean, it's not always detrimental thing.
- Jeremy Camp
Collection: Mean
Image of Patrice Leconte
I'm not one to dwell on rehearsal or preparation. I like to just go out and do it. Of course, that doesn't mean actors are free to do whatever they like, they're always being directed.
- Patrice Leconte
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom DeLonge
When we realize how little we mean to the universe, we realize how important we are to each other
- Tom DeLonge
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom DeLonge
I think that you can say you love somebody like in a relationship, but I also think that to feel love for somebody else or for another human is more about a living being to a living being, a totally different thing. I don't know if people will ever totally understand what that word means until we die.
- Tom DeLonge
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom DeLonge
I think that people feel they know what love means, it's probably one of the most used words in the world but has the most completely different definitions from one person to another.
- Tom DeLonge
Collection: Mean
Image of Gillian Jacobs
A friend of mine wrote a script, a feminist romantic comedy. She had a feminist scholar consult on it. My friend said, "Oh, my friend Gillian read it and really loved it." She goes, "Gillian Jacobs, you mean: Britta Perry, feminist icon?"
- Gillian Jacobs
Collection: Mean
Image of Eric Sykes
Being deaf and partially blind means I don't really watch TV. I wouldn't know what to do with a remote control.
- Eric Sykes
Collection: Mean
Image of Lal Bahadur Shastri
True democracy or the swaraj of the masses can never come through untruthful and violent means.
- Lal Bahadur Shastri
Collection: Mean
Image of Judy Collins
I am glad so many women singers are being heard in music today. It is healthy for music . . . healthy because it means a lot of men are listening!
- Judy Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of David Plotz
I want to have enough space to, I don't know, think thoughts. I mean, I just - I don't know that I'm capable of having an exciting, profound thought every week that's worth a column.
- David Plotz
Collection: Mean
Image of Stewart Emery
Love is when I am concerned with your relationship with your own life, rather than with your relationship to mine. . . . there must be a commitment to each other's well-being. Most people who say they have a commitment don't; they have an attachment. Commitment means, "I am going to stick with you and support your experience of well-being." Attachment means, "I am stuck without you."
- Stewart Emery
Collection: Mean
Image of Laura Carmichael
Playing a plainer role means everything is dependent on the credentials of the actor, not the fact that they are as pretty as Julia Roberts. People start to look at their talent rather than their appearance. And playing the ugly part often means less time in the make-up chair, which is a great benefit on set.
- Laura Carmichael
Collection: Mean
Image of Nancy Duarte
Spending energy to understand the audience and carefully crafting a message that resonates with them means making a commitment of time and discipline to the process.
- Nancy Duarte
Collection: Mean
Image of Willa Ford
I mean that's my entire life right there. I re-evaluted everybody in my life. I narrowed it down to the people that really cared about me. And did away with everybody else. Just kind of distanced myself. Same thing with the producers.
- Willa Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Willa Ford
I tried to bring in the live orchestra like Bjork does. I love the feeling that that music gives me when I just listen to it. I mean it would be awesome to do an entire record like that. But unfortunately that's not my style. So rather than do a record like that I just got inspired by it.
- Willa Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Kenyon
I think it's important to remember the tensions between Turkey and Russia predate this jet shoot down by some time. I mean, Russia's long been Bashar al-Assad's strongest backer.
- Peter Kenyon
Collection: Mean
Image of Betty Sue Flowers
Serving the emerging whole means paying attention to what's right here within my awareness, what's completely local, and surrendering to what's being asked of me now.
- Betty Sue Flowers
Collection: Mean
Image of Matthew Dowd
To me, polls are like approval ratings for presidents are like an offensive line, right. And if an offensive line is weak, that means the defense is empowered and emboldened.
- Matthew Dowd
Collection: Mean
Image of Ornette Coleman
For me, being an innovator doesn't mean being more intelligent, more rich, it's not a word, it's an action.
- Ornette Coleman
Collection: Mean
Image of Wolfgang Thierse
Democracy is our most valuable possession. Upholding it is our duty and our responsibility. This means a continuous, decisive and self-confident argument; it means effort and endeavor to reach compromise and long-lasting consensus. These form the cornerstones of the only form of political system that can guarantee freedom.
- Wolfgang Thierse
Collection: Mean
Image of Philippe Couillard
I belong to a generation that had so many choices available. In 1970, when [former premier Robert] Bourassa launched the James Bay development project, nobody in Quebec asked whether we had the means to do it. Today could we launch another James Bay? Imagine the debates we'd have? We were a young, rich society with almost no debt. The generation that comes after us, and which will lead Quebec, must also have choices. And for that, they'll need financial manoeuvring room.
- Philippe Couillard
Collection: Mean
Image of Nigidius Figulus
Mature means neither "too soon" nor "too late," but something between the two.
- Nigidius Figulus
Collection: Mean
Image of Julia Restoin Roitfeld
When I wear jewelry it needs to really mean something.
- Julia Restoin Roitfeld
Collection: Mean
Image of Sara Bareilles
When I look back, I was so mean to myself, and I was so uncomfortable in my own skin. I still feel that very loudly sometimes, but to try and really nurture that sense that you are your own friend.
- Sara Bareilles
Collection: Mean
Image of Fiona Wood
I can do something about people who need me, who have been injured. So the biggest thing about being a doctor is my education and training means I can help people to reduce their suffering and that's what being a doctor is, to reduce suffering and to try to improve the life of people who have been injured.
- Fiona Wood
Collection: Mean
Image of Fiona Wood
I used to be squeamish a long time ago and I guess, secretly squeamish, no... but I have a huge respect for the human body and what we do and so I think it's a massive privilage for people to let you operate on them. And I used to be very "OOOH GOSH! THIS IS BAD!" but to see people bleeding and suffering is bad and I will never get over that, but being able to do something about it, means that you're no longer squeamish.
- Fiona Wood
Collection: Mean
Image of Carol Ann Tomlinson
Assessment is today's means of modifying tomorrow's instruction.
- Carol Ann Tomlinson
Collection: Mean
Image of Matthew Barnett
Wanting to quit is a sign of success because it means you have something to quit; but don't quit.
- Matthew Barnett
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean-Louis Gassee
The goal of the computer is to provide people with the means to extend people's minds and bodies. It is an exoskeleton that expands our human reach.
- Jean-Louis Gassee
Collection: Mean
Image of Faith Popcorn
If the vision is there, the means will follow.
- Faith Popcorn
Collection: Mean
Image of Ibn Hazm
No one is moved to act, or resolves to speak a single word, who does not hope by means of this action or word to release anxiety from his spirit.
- Ibn Hazm
Collection: Mean