Willa Ford

Image of Willa Ford
I'm not a cheerleader. I'm not trying to pretend to be sweet and then come out and be bad. This is who I am.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
I do house things. I paint. I do portraits. I also paint my house.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
I like the idea that people have formed their own opinions. And of course once people meet me or talk to me their opinion totally changes because I'm much more that girl that you hang out with than you think.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
The thing that I like about being me is that everybody gets a different feeling from me.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
I believe honesty comes across in music because for people that music isn't just something to dance to. For people for whom music is something that they feel, they understand what I'm talking about.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
They're hit writers. They're gonna write me a hit whether I wanted it or not you know? I could have put out a single a year ago with the Neptunes and maybe been writing now on top but that was not the path that I chose.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
There's a million new people in the studio every day creating new stuff so I really had to be on my toes with this one so I could get it out before somebody else could.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
It's a mood record. Like one night you're going to be down in the dumps depressed because you're thinking about your ex-boyfriend and the next moment you're gonna be like screw him you know? And the next one you're saying to yourself 'God I'm in love.'
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
I mean there are tons of reasons. Well first of all. I write my own record. I don't take other people's materials. And I have a job which is being Willa Ford on top of getting back in the studio and writing and recording.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
You know a lot of times you'll find girls in a club are jaded to the other girls in the club. There's a nasty vibe between the chicks in the club. It's like a pretty girl can't look at another pretty girl and say Wow she's pretty.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
I mean a song that's specifically for the girls. It's saying you know we talk about them night and day, we're constantly pondering on men and what they've done good and what they've done bad and all these things in our lives.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
My major influence was my ten years older sister.
- Willa Ford
Image of Willa Ford
I believe we have all this image stuff and blah, blah, blah but at the end of the day it all boils down to music don't you think?
- Willa Ford
Collection: Believe
Image of Willa Ford
I believe honesty comes across in music because for [most] people music isn't just something to dance to.
- Willa Ford
Collection: Honesty
Image of Willa Ford
I mean that's my entire life right there. I re-evaluted everybody in my life. I narrowed it down to the people that really cared about me. And did away with everybody else. Just kind of distanced myself. Same thing with the producers.
- Willa Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Willa Ford
I think that music is stale because of it. I think that we have the same artists from day to day. It's nice to see an artist dip out and come back in every once in awhile. There's a such thing as oversaturating the market. I mean look at Britney.
- Willa Ford
Collection: Nice
Image of Willa Ford
I tried to bring in the live orchestra like Bjork does. I love the feeling that that music gives me when I just listen to it. I mean it would be awesome to do an entire record like that. But unfortunately that's not my style. So rather than do a record like that I just got inspired by it.
- Willa Ford
Collection: Mean