Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 228

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 228 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Warren MacKenzie
In the Leach Pottery we did most of our work on the wheel. [Bernard] Leach did a little work in the studio, which was press-molded forms, plastic clay pressed into plaster forms to make small rectangular boxes and some vase forms, which he liked to make. These were molds which had been made to an original that he had modeled in solid clay, and during our work there, sometimes I would be pressing these forms as a means of production.
- Warren MacKenzie
Collection: Mean
Image of Herbert Marcuse
To live one's love and hatred, to live that which one is means defeat, resignation, and death. The crimes of society, the hell that man has made or man become unconquerable cosmic forces.
- Herbert Marcuse
Collection: Mean
Image of David Lynch
It’s better not to know so much about what things mean or how they might be interpreted or you’ll be too afraid to let things keep happening.
- David Lynch
Collection: Mean
Image of Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
People always say, "I don't mean to do this . . . ," and then they do it! If you don't mean to touch on something, then don't touch on it. That's how I feel.
- Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Collection: Mean
Image of Ramana Maharshi
It is enough that one surrenders oneself. Surrender is giving oneself up to the original cause of one's being. Do not delude yourself by imagining this source to be some God outside you. One's source is within oneself. Give yourself up to it. That means that you should seek the source and merge in it.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm X
We assert that in those areas where the government is either unable or unwilling to protect the lives and property of our people, that our peopie are within our rights to protect themselves by whatever means necessary.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Mean
Image of Marshall McLuhan
The artist is the person who invents the means to bridge between biological inheritance and the environments created by technological innovation.
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Mean
Image of Marshall McLuhan
Language as the technology of human extension, whose powers of division and separation we know so well, may have been the "Tower of Babel" by which men sought to scale the highest heavens. Today computers hold out the promise of a means of instant tr
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas B. Macaulay
It is impossible for us, with our limited means, to attempt to educate the body of the people. We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern.
- Thomas B. Macaulay
Collection: Mean
Image of Drew Barrymore
When [my friend] had her kid, she was like, "9:30?! I'm not living in Barcelona. I need dinner at 6." I never got that until now. Four years ago, when I met her, I thought that was extreme. I was like, "I love Barcelona!" Now, I'm so mad when someone suggests an 8 pm reservation because that means we won't eat until 8:30 or 9 pm. Forget it!
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon Mainwaring
Consumers now have a voice. And the fact that consumers can be creators, producers and distributors means they can push back against brands to punish them for their socially irresponsible behavior or reward them for their responsible behavior.
- Simon Mainwaring
Collection: Mean
Image of Eva Longoria
I've always been business-minded. I worked in corporate America before becoming an actress and knew that acting wasn't the end but a means to an end. It gave me the platform and the exposure I needed to do my philanthropic work. It also gave me the financial security to focus on my other businesses, start new businesses, and even help other people start businesses.
- Eva Longoria
Collection: Mean
Image of Norman Mailer
At bottom, I mean profoundly at bottom, the FBI has nothing to do with Communism, it has nothing to do with catching criminals, it has nothing to do with the Mafia, the syndicate, it has nothing to do with trust-busting, it has nothing to do with interstate commerce, it has nothing to do with anything but serving as a church for the mediocre. A high church for the true mediocre.
- Norman Mailer
Collection: Mean
Image of H. P. Lovecraft
It is because the cosmos is meaningless that we must secure our individual illusions of values, direction, and interest by upholding the artificial streams which give us such worlds of salutary illusion. That is - since nothing means anything in itself, we must preserve the proximate and arbitrary background which makes things around us seem as if they did mean something.
- H. P. Lovecraft
Collection: Mean
Image of Jennifer Lopez
The truth is, everything that's happened was supposed to happen. That doesn't mean I don't look back and think, God, I wish I hadn't had to go through some of those things.
- Jennifer Lopez
Collection: Mean
Image of Mary McCarthy
If one means by style the voice, the irreducible and always recognizable and alive thing, then of course style is really everything.
- Mary McCarthy
Collection: Mean
Image of Richelle Mead
Sydney: I can do a lot of things, Adrian. And—at the risk of sounding egotistical —I mean, well, I can do a lot of pretty awesome things that most people can’t." Adrian: “Don’t I know it. You can change a tire in ten minutes while speaking Greek.” Sydney: “Five minutes.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Mean
Image of Rob Lowe
I was... 15? And Garry Marshall, who had many, many seasons in the sun and a very long career, was in the middle of the brightest of all his seasons - I think he owned network television - and it was his next thing, and he was directing [Mean Jeans ]. And I thought, "If there's anyone who can bring comedy out of a designer jeans shop, it's gotta be Garry."
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
A long long time ago I took an oath to tell all secrets that came my way. Don't tell me a secret, I won't keep it. I'm against secrets, I'm against hierarchies, lineages, all assumption of special knowledge on the part of anyone in the presence of anyone else is abhorrent to me. I mean, I am a true anarchist first and foremost.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
The movement of a single atom from one known position to another known position changes an experience from nothing to overwhelming. This means that mind and matter at the quantum mechanical level are all spun together.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Maher
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, President Kennedy's sister, endorsed Arnold Schwarzenegger, said he's not a womanizer. Of course by Kennedy standards that means he never drove one off a bridge.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Mean
Image of John Adams
We electors have an important constitutional power placed in our hands: we have a check upon two branches of the legislature, as each branch has upon the other two; the power I mean of electing at stated periods, one branch, which branch has the power of electing another. It becomes necessary to every subject then, to be in some degree a statesman: and to examine and judge for himself of the tendencies of political principles and measures.
- John Adams
Collection: Mean
Image of David Papineau
Philosophers sometimes also use 'reductionist' more strictly, to mean 'type-identities' between mental and physical categories, and to exclude 'non-reductive physicalisms' like metaphysical functionalism.
- David Papineau
Collection: Mean
Image of Dave Barry
Winter's here, and you feel lousy: You're coughing and sneezing; your muscles ache; your nose is an active mucus volcano. These symptoms -- so familiar at this time of year -- can mean only one thing: Tiny fanged snails are eating your brain.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Mean
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
We have not seen great things done in our time except by those who have been considered mean; the rest have failed.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
I'm fascinated by hallucinations. I mean, to me that is the sina qua non that you're getting somewhere.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
The way out then is personal responsibility, new operating systems downloaded from outside of culture, which means from the deeper wisdom of the psychedelic plants and then a commitment to community and a motto of "To the future, without fear!" Without fear!
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
The 20th century mind is nostalgic for the paradise that once existed on the mushroom dotted plains of Africa where the plant-human symbiosis occurred that pulled us out of the animal body and into the tool-using, culture-making, imagination-exploring creature that we are. And why does this matter? It matters because it shows that the way out is back and that the future is a forward escape into the past. This is what the psychedelic experience means. Its a doorway out of history and into the wiring under the board in eternity.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of John McGahern
I mean I think that's a fact and I think that we had a very peculiar type of Catholic Church here in that it was a fortress Church.
- John McGahern
Collection: Mean
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Whatever be the means adopted, you must at last return to the Self, so why not abide as the Self here and now?
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Mean
Image of William Barclay
To repent means to realize that the kind of life we are living is wrong and that we must adopt a completely new set of values. To that end, it involves two things. It involves sorrow for what we have been and it involves the resolve that by the grace of God we will be changed.
- William Barclay
Collection: Mean
Image of Rachel Maddow
It is sometimes hard to know what Sarah Palin means, just on a day to day basis. Sometimes it is hard to follow what she is talking about.
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
Where psychedelics comes together with that is that it's going to require a transformation of human language and understanding to stop the momentum of the historical process, to halt nuclear proliferation, germ warfare, infantile 19th century politics, all these things. It cannot be accomplished through a frontal assault upon it by political means.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Ian Mcewan
In Leon's account of his life, no-one was mean-spirited, no-one schemed or lied or betrayed; everyone was celebrated at least in some degree... Leon turned out to be a spineless, grinning idiot.
- Ian Mcewan
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael J. Silverstein
All great companies have spirit and culture. Mean spirited returns mean spirit.
- Michael J. Silverstein
Collection: Mean
Image of Richelle Mead
ʺWe need someone to get the roomʹs attention,ʺ I said. ʺSomeone not afraid to make a spectacle—I mean, besides me, of course.ʺ
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Bejar
I don't really know what's going on with the Pornographers - everyone's kind of doing their own stuff. I mean, they play shows here or there.
- Dan Bejar
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm X
Racism is a human problem and a crime that is absolutely so ghastly that a person who is fighting racism is well within his rights to fight against it by any means necessary until it is eliminated.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Mean
Image of Eric McCormack
They're such different things [Townies and Lonesome Dove]. I certainly love them both. Certainly Lonesome Dove would be way hard now, because, I mean, back then I wasn't married.
- Eric McCormack
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
So you know what we have to do is stop looking for leadership from the top, because the least among us make their way into those positions of power... So what we have to do is knock off this fantasy of being citizens inside a democratic state, I mean, what we are, are the propagandized masses inside a fascist dictatorship.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm X
Daring to reach, to climb, to crawl, to scratch, to get back up when you've been knocked down, to push forward - ever forward - to forgive. It means sacrificing everything if necessary, to carve out a place for your own existence. It means living.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Mean
Image of Ewan McGregor
Everyone has to understand what we're saying to one another and there's no point in me thinking the line means this and the person I'm speaking to thinks it means something else. So there's a certain amount of analyzing of text that's of course necessary.
- Ewan McGregor
Collection: Mean
Image of Ewan McGregor
My wife's French. I mean I speak a bit of French but I've lived amongst French, you know, most of my adult life.
- Ewan McGregor
Collection: Mean
Image of Karl Marx
If this labourer were in possession of his own means of production, and was satisfied to live as a labourer, he need not work beyond beyond the time necessary for the reproduction of his means of subsistence, say 8 hours a day.
- Karl Marx
Collection: Mean
Image of Karl Marx
Communism deprives no man of the ability to appropriate the fruits of his labour. The only thing it deprives him of is the ability to enslave others by means of such appropriations.
- Karl Marx
Collection: Mean
Image of Marc Maron
Once I learned how to talk, personally, by myself to any number of people, which means do radio without talking to anyone in particular on the air - I just found that my brain became very free to engage in a sort of stream-of-consciousness style of doing what I do.
- Marc Maron
Collection: Mean
Image of John Maeda
Research universities need excellent means to communicate and express their results to regular people.
- John Maeda
Collection: Mean
Image of Marshall McLuhan
Typography tended to alter language from a means of perception and exploration to a portable commodity.
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Mean
Image of Marshall McLuhan
The TV camera has no shutter. It does not deal with aspects or facets of objects in high resolution. It is a means of direct pick-up by the electrical groping over surfaces.
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Mean