Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 200

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 200 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Margaret Atwood
Men and women are not "equal" if "equal" means "exactly the same." Our many puzzlements and indeed unhappinesses come from trying to figure out what the differences really mean, or should mean, or should not mean.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Mean
Image of William Hazlitt
What I mean by living to one's self is living in the world, as in it, not of it.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Mean
Image of Anthony Horowitz
Smiling back at her, it occurs to me that I've never met a mean librarian.
- Anthony Horowitz
Collection: Mean
Image of Jen Kirkman
I mean, I can't say that I've had many deep thoughts because I traveled alone, but it's good to be with myself in the quiet.
- Jen Kirkman
Collection: Mean
Image of Lord Acton
Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. It is not for the sake of a good public administration that it is required, but for the security in the pursuit of the highest objects of civil society, and of private life.
- Lord Acton
Collection: Mean
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
I too mean to be out of politics. The ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment gives me the boon of equality before the law, terminates my enlistment, and discharges me cured.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Hawking
Once I wept for I had no shoes. Then I met a man with no feet, so I took his shoes. I mean, it wasn't as if he was going to need them.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: Mean
Image of Adolf Hitler
Germany suffered most as a consequence of this Peace Treaty and the general insecurity which was bound to arise from it. The unemployment figure rose to a third of the number usually employed in the nation, which means, however, that by counting the families of the unemployed as well there were 26 million people in Germany out of a population of 65 millions faced by an absolutely hopeless future.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Mean
Image of Anthony Hopkins
If you're in a successful play and the play is working well - I mean successful because the audiences like it, the audiences respond well - it's a pleasure.
- Anthony Hopkins
Collection: Mean
Image of Heinrich Heine
Society is a republic. When an individual endeavors to lift himself above his fellows, he is dragged down by the mass, either by means of ridicule or of calumny. No one shall be more virtuous or more intellectually gifted than others. Whoever, by the irresistable force of genius, rises above the common herd is certain to be ostracized by society, which will pursue him with such merciless derision and detraction that at last he will be compelled to retreat into the solitude of his thoughts.
- Heinrich Heine
Collection: Mean
Image of David Attenborough
If I were beginning my career today, I don't think I would take the same direction. Television is at a crossroads at the moment. And although I am not up to date technologically, I suspect that somewhere out there people are conveying things about natural history by means other than television, and I think if I were beginning today, I'd be there.
- David Attenborough
Collection: Mean
Image of Christopher Hitchens
Doubt, skepticism, innovation, and inquiry are the only means by which wonder, beauty, awe, and symmetry will be discovered.
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: Mean
Image of Julian Assange
[Let's talk about] Donald Trump. What does he represent in the American mind and in the European mind? He represents American white trash, [which Hillary Clinton called] 'deplorable and irredeemable'. It means from an establishment or educated cosmopolitan, urbane perspective, these people are like the red necks, and you can never deal with them.
- Julian Assange
Collection: Mean
Image of Friedrich August von Hayek
To combat depression by a forced credit expansion is to attempt to cure the evil by the very means which brought it about; because we are suffering from a misdirection of production, we want to create further misdirection -- a procedure which can only lead to a much more severe crisis as soon as the credit expansion comes to an end.
- Friedrich August von Hayek
Collection: Mean
Image of Friedrich August von Hayek
The mischievous idea that all public needs should be satisfied by compulsory organization and that all the means that individuals are willing to devote to pubic purposes should be under the control of government, is wholly alien to the basic principles of a free society.
- Friedrich August von Hayek
Collection: Mean
Image of Ian Bremmer
In the nearer term, the likeliest source of risk is a conflict between China and the U.S. These are now the two largest economies in the world, and the combination of their economic interdependence, the sharp differences in their political and economic values, and the growing divergence in their interests makes this relationship potentially dangerous for everyone who might be affected by it - which means pretty much everyone.
- Ian Bremmer
Collection: Mean
Image of Ben Harper
Time is really for those who really need it. I mean, I deal with it. A lot of people are slaves to the second, minute hand. I can't do that!
- Ben Harper
Collection: Mean
Image of Ben Harper
Sometimes I feel I know strangers Better than I know my friends Why must a beginning Be the means to an end? The stones from my enemies These wounds will mend But I cannot survive The roses from my friends.
- Ben Harper
Collection: Mean
Image of William Hague
It was inevitable the Titanic was going to set sail, but that doesn't mean it was a good idea to be on it.
- William Hague
Collection: Mean
Image of Reid Hoffman
The first set of questions to ask yourself when you're doing cost cutting is relatively straightforward, which is, you know, can you use the necessity of cost cutting as an opportunity to do pruning or trimming for projects that aren't being as successful? But, you know, frequently those are the easy ones. I mean, there's always some kind of social costs internal to the company, but that's the easy way of looking at the future.
- Reid Hoffman
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Handler
What happens in a certain place can stain your feelings for that location, just as ink can stain a white sheet. You can wash it, and wash it, and still never forget what has transpired - a word which here means 'happened, and made everybody sad'.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Mean
Image of Deborah Harkness
I was planning on starting a new file on my computer with the title "Phrases That Sound One Way to Witches but Mean Something Else to Vampires.
- Deborah Harkness
Collection: Mean
Image of Adolf Hitler
Our German language has a word which in a magnificent way denotes conduct based on this spirit: doing one's duty [Pflichterfüllung]-which means serving the community instead of contenting oneself. We have a word for the basic disposition which underlies conduct of this kind in contrast to egoism and selfishness-idealism. By 'idealism' we mean only the ability of the individual to sacrifice himself for the whole, for his fellow men.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Mean
Image of James Hollis
Is not our chief neurosis - by which I mean our estrangement from nature - our desire to hold fast to what is forever transforming, to freeze the familiar, to submit motion to stasis, to solicit immortality through rigidity.
- James Hollis
Collection: Mean
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Hell means torture; torture means badness. Goodness cannot create or produce badness. Hell does not belong to God; it has been invented by the horrific and sick minded people.
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Mean
Image of Bell Hooks
Being oppressed means the absence of choices
- Bell Hooks
Collection: Mean
Image of Mike Huckabee
We ought to be people of compassion. And being people of compassion means we deny ourselves, and our self centeredness.
- Mike Huckabee
Collection: Mean
Image of Anne Hathaway
There's nothing wrong with making little kids happy, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to be an adult actress. I mean a grown-up actress.
- Anne Hathaway
Collection: Mean
Image of David Hockney
The picture itself is a document. How do you mean? We're looking at a document. It gives you clues.
- David Hockney
Collection: Mean
Image of Annalee Newitz
I think small animals can escape from many kinds of natural disaster more easily. There are just more places for them to hide, and more ways for them to find safe habitats. So this means that rats are set up to rule the Earth, but most of us already knew that. Now you know why.
- Annalee Newitz
Collection: Mean
Image of Eric Hoffer
A successful social technique consists perhaps in finding unobjectionable means for individual self-assertion.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Mean
Image of Hermann Hesse
...Haller's sickness of the soul, as I now know, is not the eccentricity of a single individual, but the sickness of the times themselves, the neurosis of that generation to which Haller belongs, a sickness, it seems, that by no means attacks the weak and worthless only but, rather, precisely those who are strongest in spirit and richest in gifts.
- Hermann Hesse
Collection: Mean
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
If you haven't read Shakespeare's Hamlet yet, it means that you haven't reached the summit of the literature yet!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I pride myself in being able to straddle demographics and if that was said as Barney Stinson it would mean a little different thing.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Mean
Image of William Hazlitt
What I mean by living to one's-self is living in the world, as in it, not of it: it is as if no one know there was such a person, and you wished no one to know it: it is to be a silent spectator of the mighty scene of things, not an object of attention or curiosity in it; to take a thoughtful, anxious interest in what is passing in the world, but not to feel the slightest inclination to make or meddle with it.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Mean
Image of Kathleen Hanna
Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm the same as every other female singer.
- Kathleen Hanna
Collection: Mean
Image of Kathleen Hanna
I don't think I've ever had a woman yell that at me, but women have yelled mean things at me as well.
- Kathleen Hanna
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Haddon
Lots of things are mysteries. But that doesn't mean there isn't an answer to them. It's just that scientists haven't found the answer yet.
- Mark Haddon
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Auster
Stories without endings can do nothing but go on forever, and to be caught in one means that you must die before your part in it is played out.
- Paul Auster
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Auster
I'd go nuts. Because people look at the same passage and one person will say this is the best thing he's ever read, and another person will say it's absolutely idiotic. I mean, there's no way to reconcile those two things. You just have to forget the whole business of what people are saying.
- Paul Auster
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Harmon
You have people saying two things that seem to contradict each other. One, that we live in a golden age of TV. The other, that television is dying. There's a reason for that. What we mean when we say it's dying is that it's already way past being fragmented into little chunks. Now it's being polarized into an aerosol mist.
- Dan Harmon
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Hazlitt
Everywhere the means is erected into the end, and the end itself is forgotten.
- Henry Hazlitt
Collection: Mean
Image of Adolf Hitler
Being daily better informed about their knowledge than my adversaries themselves, I argued till finally one day they applied the one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Hazlitt
No matter whether it is their intention or not, almost anything that the rich can legally do tends to help the poor. The spending of the rich gives employment to the poor. But the saving of the rich, and their investment of these savings in the means of production, gives just as much employment, and in addition makes that employment constantly more productive and more highly paid, while it also constantly increases and cheapens the production of necessities and amenities for the masses.
- Henry Hazlitt
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Harmon
I walk with God, and He protects me. That may very well be true. I don't mean to make that sound like a joke, in case He is in charge.
- Dan Harmon
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Harmon
With an animated show you can make a banana purple. You can put three hats on a cowboy. That would require several days of stitching, in live-action, that you wouldn't be able to afford. I mean, you can just do tons and tons and tons.
- Dan Harmon
Collection: Mean
Image of Winifred Holtby
I like a bit of color myself, I must say. At my time of life, if you wear nothing but black, people might think you were too mean to change frocks between funerals.
- Winifred Holtby
Collection: Mean
Image of Khaled Hosseini
I don't know what this feather means, the story of it, but I know it means he was thinking of me. For all these years. He remembered me.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Mean
Image of Jane Austen
I mean to be too rich to lament or to feel anything of the sort. A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. It certainly may secure all the myrtle and turkey part of it.
- Jane Austen
Collection: Mean