Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 176

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 176 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Tom Cruise
Talk is over-rated as a means of settling disputes
- Tom Cruise
Collection: Mean
Image of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Method means primarily a way or path of transit. From this we are to understand that the first idea of method is a progressive transition from one step to another in any course. If in the right course, it will be the true method; if in the wrong, we cannot hope to progress.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Collection: Mean
Image of Emily Dickinson
You are out of the way of temptation and out of the way of the tempter - I didn't mean to make you wicked - but I was - and am - and shall be - and I was with you so much that I couldn't help contaminate.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamie Dimon
I think the free-enterprise system has been great for society. That doesn't mean it's completely perfect. And also, when people say capitalism, I'm not really sure what they mean.
- Jamie Dimon
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamie Dimon
Over the longer term, China will grow by about 6% or 7% per year. The Chinese authorities usually react pretty quickly to unfolding economic events, and you've seen them recently change a whole bunch of policies to be more conducive to growth. They have the power and capability to macromanage the economy - to accomplish their growth objectives - which means they're pretty much going to come close to what they say is going to happen.
- Jamie Dimon
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Tweedy
Avant-garde is the one area of music that has never changed. It doesn't mean anything.
- Jeff Tweedy
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Tweedy
If someone uses the amount of time I spend in the public eye as criteria for what my music could possibly mean to them, they probably should take a long, hard look in the mirror and figure out why they need to think they're so special. Because I don't think anybody is that special.
- Jeff Tweedy
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamie Dimon
Most CEOs are patriotic and most CEOs can see the problems in front of them, and they want to do something about it. We don't always agree about the ways and means, but the objective? We're totally together.
- Jamie Dimon
Collection: Mean
Image of Joan Didion
I know what "nothing" means, and keep on playing.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Cruise
I also realise power is fleeting, it doesn't last forever in this career, so I want to make the most of it. I want to make the kinds of pictures that interest me, it's as simple as that. I've never done work for money ever. If your choices are based on grosses and the film doesn't do well, what does that mean? It leaves you with nothing.
- Tom Cruise
Collection: Mean
Image of Denis Diderot
If exclusive privileges were not granted, and if the financial system would not tend to concentrate wealth, there would be few great fortunes and no quick wealth. When the means of growing rich is divided between a greater number of citizens, wealth will also be more evenly distributed; extreme poverty and extreme wealth would be also rare.
- Denis Diderot
Collection: Mean
Image of W. Edwards Deming
Just because you can measure everything doesn't mean that you should.
- W. Edwards Deming
Collection: Mean
Image of Debbie Reynolds
The young people today are really so creative and talented - I mean, the ones who are really are and they get together and produce and create. They're an entirely different breed from what I was when I was their age.
- Debbie Reynolds
Collection: Mean
Image of Ellen DeGeneres
You know, if you're going to be honest with yourself, you have to admit that you go into show business wanting people to talk about you and wanting everyone to know who you are. But that also means there are going to be a whole bunch of people who don't like you. No matter who you are. I'm sure there's somebody out there who doesn't like Betty White because she's short and has white hair.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Collection: Mean
Image of Noah Baumbach
I like to try to keep things as relaxed and easy as possible. I mean, movies generally attract a lot of people who like to cause fires, so they can later try to put them out. But I don't like that kind of thing.
- Noah Baumbach
Collection: Mean
Image of Roxane Gay
Feminism has neglected the needs of woman of color and people of color in general. But I don't think it means that we should overlook feminism as having nothing valuable to contribute.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Mean
Image of Roxane Gay
Feminism's failings do not mean we should eschew feminism entirely. People do terrible things all the time, but we don't regularly disown our humanity. We disavow the terrible things. We should disavow the failures of feminism without disavowing its many successes and how far we have come.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Crichton
Science is nothing more than a method of inquiry. The method says an assertion is valid - and will be universally accepted - only if it can be reproduced by others, and thereby independently verified. The impersonal rigor of the method has produced enormously powerful results for 400 years. The scientific method is utterly apolitical. A truth in science is verifiable whether you are black or white, male or female, old or young. It’s verifiable whether you know the experimenter, or whether you don’t.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Mean
Image of Matt Damon
The better the actor, the less you know about his life. I mean, nobody's better than De Niro and you don't know anything about him, right?
- Matt Damon
Collection: Mean
Image of Paulo Coelho
The happiness of one does not mean the unhappiness of the others.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Mean
Image of Paulo Coelho
Choosing a path means having to miss out on others
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Mean
Image of Plato
I really do not know, Socrates, how to express what I mean. For somehow or other our arguments, on whatever ground we rest them, seem to turn round and walk away from us.
- Plato
Collection: Mean
Image of Suzanne Collins
It means we're on your side." That's what Bonnie said. I have people on my side? What side? Am I unwittingly the face of the hoped-for rebellion? Has the mockingjay on my pin become a symbol of resistance? If so, my side's not doing too well.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
None are so fond of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them; such persons covet secrets as a spendthrift covets money, for the purpose of circulation.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
He that dies a martyr proves that he was not a knave, but by no means that he was not a fool.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Lesser
It's rare that you have a conflict and two people or two groups who are equally mature in their desire or capacity to get there. That doesn't mean it can't happen. What it means is that one person has to take the lead, has to be bigger. I call that kind of person the new first responder.
- Elizabeth Lesser
Collection: Mean
Image of John Dewey
Continuity of life means continual readaptation of the environment to the needs of living organisms.
- John Dewey
Collection: Mean
Image of John Dewey
Science is a systematic means of gaining reliable knowledge.
- John Dewey
Collection: Mean
Image of John Dewey
The end justifies the means only when the means used are such as actually bring about the desired and desirable end.
- John Dewey
Collection: Mean
Image of Mos Def
So rather than really have, like a close relationship to anything that's coming out today, people are just, they've got it on as background music. It's kind of the same way the cabdrivers use music; it's very disposable. But, that doesn't mean there aren't a great number of artists who are doing things to change that.
- Mos Def
Collection: Mean
Image of Billy Collins
By clarity I don't mean that we're always in kind of a simple area where everything is clear and comforting and understood. Clarity is certainly a way toward disorientation because if you don't start out - if the reader isn't grounded, if the reader is disoriented in the beginning of the poem, then the reader can't be led astray or disoriented later.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Conrad
Watching a coast as it slips by the ship is like thinking about an enigma. There it is before you, smiling, frowning, inviting, grand, mean, insipid, or savage, and always mute with an air of whispering, "Come and find out".
- Joseph Conrad
Collection: Mean
Image of Kate DiCamillo
I'm in trouble if they can't, because everyone's taller than me, and if that's true, that means I can't have any friends! Alison [McGhee] and I look very much like, I was going to say Bink and Gollie, but I meant Mutt and Jeff. We look ridiculous when we walk down the street together, because she's so tall and I'm so short. But yes, tall people and short people can, and should be, friends. I, personally, like being short. I think it makes things easier.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Mean
Image of Ray Dalio
This is my year of transition from what I'm calling the second phase of my life to the third phase of my life. And I wanted to pass it along. What I mean by that is, in the first days of your life you're dependent on others and you learn. You're basically a kid, depending on your parents. In the second phase of your life, you're working and others are dependent on you and you're trying to be successful. And then when you go to the third phase of your life it's no longer as much of a kick to be successful. There's a natural, instinctual desire to help other people be successful.
- Ray Dalio
Collection: Mean
Image of Rodney Dangerfield
Women my age just don't turn me on. That's another problem with getting older. I took out an older woman the other night, and I mean old. I told her, Act your age. She died.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Deming
After the revolution, let us hope, prisons simply would not exist - if by prisons we mean places that could be experienced by the men and women in them at all as every place that goes by that name now is bound to be experienced.
- Barbara Deming
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Deming
The injunction that we should love our neighbors as ourselves means to us equally that we should love ourselves as we love our neighbors.
- Barbara Deming
Collection: Mean
Image of Ted Cruz
Lets us all have an open conversation about what this might mean if [Donald] Trump gets his way or how we might be able to adjust that and make American people safer.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Mean
Image of Joan Didion
The genuflection toward 'fairness' is a familiar newsroom piety, in practice the excuse for a good deal of autopilot reporting and lazy thinking but in theory a benign ideal. In Washington, however, a community in which the management of news has become the single overriding preoccupation of the core industry, what 'fairness' has often come to mean is a scrupulous passivity, an agreement to cover the story not as it is occurring but as it is presented, which is to say as it is manufactured.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Mean
Image of Salvador Dali
Photographic data... is still and ESSENTIALLY THE SAFEST POETIC MEDIUM and the most agile process for catching the most delicate osmoses which exist between reality and surreality. The mere fact of photographic transposition means a total invention: the capture of a secret reality.
- Salvador Dali
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Nachmanovitch
I no longer sought skill, flexibility, strength, endurance, muscle tone, and quick responsiveness as means of imposing my will on the instrument, but rather of keeping an open and unrestricted pathway for the creative impulse to play its music straight from the preconscious depths beneath and beyond me.
- Stephen Nachmanovitch
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Moore Colby
As crowds increase we build our forts of inattention, and the more we talk the easier it is to mean little and listen not at all.
- Frank Moore Colby
Collection: Mean
Image of Krishna Das
I just try to keep my heart open. By this, I mean to try not to let my own programmed reaction to things keep me closed down for too long.
- Krishna Das
Collection: Mean
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
"Time" does not mean "occasion."
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Mean
Image of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Fresh pitsand, however, in spite of all its excellence in concrete structures, is not equally useful in stucco, the richness of which, when the lime and straw are mixed with such sand, will cause it to crack as it dries on account of the great strength of the mixture. But river sand, though useless in "signinum" on account of its thinness, becomes perfectly solid in stucco when thoroughly worked by means of polishing instruments.
- Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Collection: Mean
Image of Gabrielle Bernstein
Being less stressed doesn't mean that you stop doing things.
- Gabrielle Bernstein
Collection: Mean
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
I've never done a lead role in a film this big [like Doctor Strange], in a franchise this big. One of the reasons was, I wanted to know what the toy box was like. And it's just insane, the amount of facility that everyone gets, but the amount of artistry and craft that's brought to every aspect of filmmaking. I mean, you go to your first costume fitting and it's one of thirty. It's a myriad, but it's for a reason. There are so many incredible costumes in this.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Rippetoe
Strength is an excellent example of a physical characteristic that drives improvement in other athletic parameters. More strength means more power, more endurance, better coordination, and better everything else. This is why, all other things being equal, the stronger athlete is the better athlete.
- Mark Rippetoe
Collection: Mean
Image of Mason Cooley
Writers mean more than they say and say more than they mean.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Mean