Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 102

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 102 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Bo Burnham
If I have enough money to support myself, I'll just give stuff away. I just, I want people to see it and I want to be able to do this for a living, you know what I mean? So it's just a balance. If I'm not doing well for five years, then I'm selling stuff, but if I'm doing well and I can afford to give stuff away, I'll always do that.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Mean
Image of Conor Oberst
I definitely think religion is responsible for a lot of the evils of the world. I mean that's not really in debate. But at the same time, I think whatever gets you through the day, whatever helps you make sense of life I'm not gonna begrudge my grandmother with her rosary beads. It works for them. And at the end of the day, I don't claim to know the answer to anything.
- Conor Oberst
Collection: Mean
Image of Anais Nin
Poetry, which is our relation to the senses, enables us to retain a living relationship to all things. It is the quickest means of transportation to reach dimensions above or beyond the traps set by the so-called realists. It is a way to learn levitation and travel in liberated continents, to travel by moonlight as well as sunlight.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Mean
Image of Andy Warhol
I've never made the separation between, say, the museum and the hardware store. I mean, I enjoy both of them, and I want to combine the two.
- Andy Warhol
Collection: Mean
Image of Barack Obama
I think it is important that we are targeting HIV/AIDS resources into the communities where we're seeing the highest growth rates. That means education and prevention, particularly with young people.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mean
Image of Blaise Pascal
Let each of us examine his thoughts; he will find them wholly concerned with the past or the future. We almost never think of the present, and if we do think of it, it is only to see what light is throws on our plans for the future. The present is never our end. The past and the present are our means, the future alone our end. Thus we never actually live, but hope to live, and since we are always planning how to be happy, it is inevitable that we should never be so.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Mean
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
I do not mean to moralise but to those who do, I would give this advice : if you mean ultimately to deprive the best things and states of all all honour and worth then continue to talk about them as you have been doing!
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Mean
Image of Pablo Picasso
What does it mean for a painter to paint in the manner of So-and-So or to actually imitate someone else? What's wrong with that? On the contrary, it's a good idea. You should constantly try to paint like someone else. But the thing is, you can't! You would like to. You try. But it turns out to be a botch... And it's at the very moment you make a botch of it that you're yourself.
- Pablo Picasso
Collection: Mean
Image of Tim Tebow
Where we start to lose it is when we start to grasp onto what we think is ours. No, this is mine. No, that's my career. That's my money. That's my platform. But really, no, it's yours, God. It's not mine. You might lend it to me for a little while. You might let me hold onto it. You might let me use it for a little bit, but that's not mine; it's yours. Thank you for letting me use that for a little while. I think that's what staying grounded means.
- Tim Tebow
Collection: Mean
Image of Moby
There was a time when I was way too reliant upon other people's opinions and perspective of me. And I guess over time came to see how unhealthy that was. I mean it's almost like a sign of mental illness to base your self-worth on the opinions of complete strangers.
- Moby
Collection: Mean
Image of Moby
For me, love is very non-academic. Love, it’s a very physical thing. I don’t mean physical in terms of - I mean, it can be sexual. But those moments when I’m aware of the fact that I love someone or love something, it really manifests physically.
- Moby
Collection: Mean
Image of Kristin Cashore
I push everyone I love away." He shrugged. "I don't mind you pushing me away if it means you love me, little sister.
- Kristin Cashore
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Bennett
There are more microbes per person than the entire population of the world. Imagine that. Per person. This means that if the time scale is diminished in proportion to that of space it would be quite possible for the whole story of Greece and Rome to be played out between farts.
- Alan Bennett
Collection: Mean
Image of Gregory Maguire
I mean, evil and boredom. Evil and ennui. Evil and the lack of stimulation. Evil and sluggish blood.
- Gregory Maguire
Collection: Mean
Image of William Least Heat-Moon
With a nearly desperate sense of isolation and a growing suspicion that I lived in an alien land, I took to the road in search of places where change did not mean ruin and where time and men and deeds connected.
- William Least Heat-Moon
Collection: Mean
Image of Rachel Vincent
I want to kiss you.” Jace’s whisper pulled me from my thoughts and I glanced up to find his eyes blazing with raw need. “Just because Marc won’t touch you doesn’t mean I shouldn’t. Right? I don’t have that kind of self-control, and honestly, I don’t see the point in it. Are you supposed to be impressed by how long we can go without touching you? ’Cause if that’s the game we’re playing, I think I’d rather lose.
- Rachel Vincent
Collection: Mean
Image of Rufus Wainwright
I knew I was gay when I was around 13. There wasn't the internet, there weren't support groups, AIDS was everywhere. I mean, it was really dark.
- Rufus Wainwright
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Warren
It is impossible to do everything people want you to do. You have just enough time to do God’s will. If you can’t get it all done, it means you’re trying to do more than God intended for you to do.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Warren
Our efforts to help the poor does not mean we're going to eradicate poverty.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
Seeing means that you don't condemn fear as bad from the very beginnings
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
Easy is right. Begin right and you are easy. . . . Easy is right means natural is right, effortlessness is right, egolessness is right.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Brandon Sanderson
You're a mean old man, Your Grace." "And that is the way it should be." Roial informed. "Mean young men are trivial, and kindly old men boring. Here, let me get us something to drink.
- Brandon Sanderson
Collection: Mean
Image of Brandon Sanderson
In the end, I must proclaim that no good can be achieved of false means. For the substance of our existence is not in the achievement, but in the method.
- Brandon Sanderson
Collection: Mean
Image of James Patterson
When my son, Jack, was four, I had to make a trip to Los Angeles. I asked him if he was going to miss me. 'Not so much,' Jack told me. 'You're not going to miss me?' I said. Jack shook his head, and he said, 'Love means you can never be apart.
- James Patterson
Collection: Mean
Image of Teresa of Avila
If we learn to love the earth, we will find labyrinths, gardens, fountains and precious jewels! A whole new world will open itself to us. We will discover what it means to be truly alive.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Mean
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
In order not to leave any traces, when you do something, you should do it with your whole body and mind; you should be concentrated on what you do. You should do it completely, like a good bonfire. You should not be a smoky fire. You should burn yourself completely. If you do not burn yourself completely, a trace of yourself will be left in what you do. You should not have any remains after you do something. But this does not mean to forget all about it.
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: Mean
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
To stop your mind does not mean to stop the activities of mind. It means your mind pervades your whole body.
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: Mean
Image of Ayn Rand
Whether it’s a symphony or a coal mine, all work is an act of creating and comes from the same source: from an inviolate capacity to see through one’s own eyes-which means: the capacity to perform a rational identification- which means: the capacity to see, to connect and to make what had not been seen, connected and made before.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Mean
Image of Ayn Rand
Those who tell you that man is unable to perceive a reality undistorted by his senses, mean that they are unwilling to perceive a reality undistorted by their feelings. "Things as they are" are things as perceived by your mind; divorce them from reason and they become "things as perceived by your wishes.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Mean
Image of R.J. Rushdoony
One faith, one law and one standard of justice did not mean democracy. The heresy of democracy has since then worked havoc in church and state . . . Christianity and democracy are inevitably enemies.
- R.J. Rushdoony
Collection: Mean
Image of Barack Obama
I changed those things that were in direct - my direct control. I mean, I - look, I'm proud of the fact that, with two weeks to go, we're probably the first administration in modern history that hasn't had a major scandal in the White House.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mean
Image of Robin Williams
I can be trained, I can actually show you how intelligent I am, I can use a word like delicatessen and know what it means.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Mean
Image of Gwendolyn Brooks
I am a writer perhaps because I am not a talker. It has always been hard for me to say exactly what I mean in speech But if I have written a clumsiness, I may erase it.
- Gwendolyn Brooks
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Moore
It's cold and it's mean spirited and I don't like it here anymore.
- Alan Moore
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Rollins
Nietzsche, who you don't spend too much time with after the age of seventeen, did have that one great line about "he who stares into the abyss must know that the abyss also stares into him" and I never really understood that until my friend got killed and you really get your head around the idea of what horror means. It's a truly awful thing, to really, kind of have that understanding of things and when you really peer into that.
- Henry Rollins
Collection: Mean
Image of Elon Musk
We have a strict 'no a-hole policy' at SpaceX. And we fire people they are. I mean, we give them a little bit of warning. But if they continue to be an a-hole, then they're fired.
- Elon Musk
Collection: Mean
Image of Anton Szandor LaVey
Mysterious beings we seek from birth; what does that mean to me? Something we seek, and as we age it becomes more elusive, yet our spirit remains willing, but our flesh grows weak.
- Anton Szandor LaVey
Collection: Mean
Image of V. S. Naipaul
I'm my own writer. My material means I'm entirely separate.
- V. S. Naipaul
Collection: Mean
Image of Swami Vivekananda
We say that if a temple, or a symbol, or an image helps you to realize the Divine within, you are welcome to it. Have two hundred images if you like. If certain forms and formulas help you to realize the Divine, God speed you; have, by all means, whatever forms, temples, whatever ceremonies you want to bring you nearer to God. But do not quarrel about them; the moment you quarrel, you are not going Godward, you are going backward towards the brutes.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Mean
Image of Ellen Hopkins is all about chances. You might be safer not taking any. But playing it totally safe means you're only existing. Not living. I want to live.
- Ellen Hopkins
Collection: Mean
Image of Blaise Pascal
Nothing is good but mediocrity. The majority has settled that, and finds fault with him who escapes it at whichever end... To leave the mean is to abandon humanity.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Mean
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
If people insist that honor is dearer than life itself, what they really mean is that existence and well-being are as nothing compared with other people's opinions. Of course, this may be only an exaggerated way of stating the prosaic truth that reputation, that is, the opinion others have of us, is indispensable if we are to make any progress in the world.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: Mean
Image of Thom Yorke
You know, it's never easy to understand why I do what I do. For other people, I mean.
- Thom Yorke
Collection: Mean
Image of Philip Yancey
Grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us more . . . And grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us less
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
Meditation means how to be not a mind. How to be not a mind! Meditation means how to create the state of no-mindedness. It doesn't mean unconsciousness. It means conscious and still, without any disturbance in the consciousness; conscious with no ripples, with no waves, with no vibrations; conscious as a deep, calm, silent pool with no ripples on it, with no disturbances on the surface; just a calm silent pool with no breeze to disturb, just mirrorlike.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Just because something feels better than anything else, that doesn't mean it's good for you.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Mean
Image of Veronica Roth
Being honest doesn't mean you say whatever you want, wherever you want. It means that what you choose to say is true.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Mean
Image of Dylan Moran
I find it incredibly boring when people are mean about some individuals, especially if the individual has no power. I can understand how someone deems it necessary if somebody is in power to tear them down - I think that's really crucial. I make a lot of mean jokes about myself; as a theme, suffering seems to me a very interesting thing for comedy, but not the suffering of a particular individual.
- Dylan Moran
Collection: Mean