Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 47

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 47 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of William Penn
There is a troublesome humor some men have, that if they may not lead, they will not follow; but had rather a thing were never done, than not done their own way, tho' other ways very desirable.
- William Penn
Collection: Leadership
Image of Richard Branson
It isn't effective or productive to force your employees to do anything. Choice empowers people and makes for a more content workforce.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
There is no sin in not liking to play; it's a mistake for a boy to be there if he doesn't want to.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
When you play defense you have to storm the fort or play cover - you can't do both.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
I'm no innovator. If anything I'm a stealer, or borrower. I've stolen or borrowed from more people than you can shake a stick at.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
Don't talk too much. Don't pop off. Don't talk after the game until you cool off.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
The idea of molding men means a lot to me.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
I tell young players who want to be coaches, who think they can put up with all the headaches and heartaches, can you live without it? If you can live without it, don't get in it.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Brian Tracy
Clear, written goals have a wonderful effect on your thinking. They motivate you and galvanize you into action. They stimulate your creativity, release your energy, and help you to overcome procrastination as much as any other factor.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeb Bush
Everybody who aspires to high positions of leadership in their state and in their country should be willing to take unscreened, unrehearsed questions from the people who pay their salary.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: Leadership
Image of Winston Churchill
Let us reconcile ourselves to the mysterious rhythm of our destinies, such as they must be in this world of space and time.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Leadership
Image of Winston Churchill
There is only one duty, only one safe course, and that is to try to be right and not to fear to do or say what you believe to be right. That is the only way to deserve and to win the confidence of our great people in these days of trouble.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Leadership
Image of Winston Churchill
I let the argument rip healthily between the departments. This is a very good way to finding out the truth.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Leadership
Image of Brian Tracy
The more excited and committed you are to your work, the more excited and committed will be the people around you. The leader always sets the tone for the department or organization.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Virgil
The leader of the deed was a woman. -Dux femina facti
- Virgil
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joan Walsh Anglund
Influence: What you think you have until you try to use it.
- Joan Walsh Anglund
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
the point of educating instead of blaming seems to me very important. For nothing stultifies one more than being blamed. Moreover, if the question is, who is to blame?, perhaps each will want to place the blame on someone else, or on the other hand, someone may try to shield his fellow-worker. In either case the attempt is to hide the error and if this is done the error cannot be corrected.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
The leader is one who can organize the experience of the group ... and thus get the full power of the group. The leader makes the team. This is pre-eminently the leadership quality - the ability to organize all the forces there are in an enterprise and make them serve a common purpose.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
And the most successful leader of all is one who sees another picture not yet actualized. He sees the things which belong in his present picture but which are not yet there.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
The best leader does not ask people to serve him, but the common end. The best leader has not followers, but men and women working with him.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
we should think not only of what the leader does to the group, but also of what the group does to the leader.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lord Chesterfield
The rulers of the earth are all worth knowing; they suggest moral reflections: and the respect that one naturally has for God's vice-regents here on earth is greatly increased by acquaintance with them.
- Lord Chesterfield
Collection: Leadership
Image of Winston Churchill
Hasty work and premature decisions may lead to penalties out of all proportion to the issues immediately involved.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Leadership
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Persistence in a single view has never been regarded as a merit in political leaders.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Leadership
Image of Winston Churchill
Some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for the sake of their party
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bill Hybels
People will not follow a leader with moral incongruities for long. Every time you compromise character you compromise leadership. The foundation of firm leadership is character.
- Bill Hybels
Collection: Leadership
Image of Brian Tracy
Respect is the key determinant of high performance leadership. How much people respect you determines how well they perform.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
While leadership depends on depth of conviction and the power coming therefrom, there must also be the ability to share that conviction with others.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
I am convinced that any feeling of exaltation because we have people under us should be conquered, for I am sure that if we enjoy being over people, there will be something in our manner which will make them dislike being under us.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
Another idea that is changing is that the leader must be one who can make quick decisions. The leader to-day is often one who thinks out his decisions very slowly.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
An order then should always be given not as a personal matter, not because the man giving it wants the thing done, but because it is the demand of the situation. And an order of this kind carries weight because it is the demand of the situation.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
The ablest administrators do not merely draw logical conclusions from the array of facts of the past which their expert assistants bring to them, they have a vision of the future.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
We often tend to think that the executive wishes to maintain standard, wishes to reach a certain quality of production, and that the worker has to be goaded in some way to do this. Again and again we forget that the worker is often, usually I think, equally interested, that his greatest pleasure in his work comes from the satisfaction of worthwhile accomplishment, of having done the best of which he was capable.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
many rules could be made for the giving of orders. Don't preach when you give orders. Don't discuss matters already settled unless you have fresh data. Make your direction so specific that there will be no question whether they have been obeyed or not. Find out how to give directions and yet to allow people opportunity for independent thinking, for initiative. And so on and so on. Order-giving requires just as much study and just as much training as any other skill we wish to acquire.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Parker Follett
When leadership rises to genius it has the power of transforming, of transforming experience into power. And that is what experience is for, to be made into power. The great leader creates as well as directs power.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Cesar Chavez
I'm not going to ask for anything unless the workers want it. If they want it, they'll ask for it.
- Cesar Chavez
Collection: Leadership
Image of Cesar Chavez
I am an organizer, not a union leader. A good organizer has to work hard and long. There are no shortcuts. You just keep talking to people, working with them, sharing, exchanging and they come along.
- Cesar Chavez
Collection: Leadership
Image of Cesar Chavez
There are many reasons for why a man does what de does. To be himself he must be able to give it all. If a leader cannot give it all he cannot expect his people to give anything.
- Cesar Chavez
Collection: Leadership
Image of Margaret Cho
I think that failure is just as important as success. In a way, failure is a kind of success if you can look at it in the right way, if you can accept it and enjoy it in the right way.
- Margaret Cho
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeb Bush
If you apply conservative principles and you stick with it, and you have the leadership skills to bring people toward the cause, you can move the needle on these things, i reject the notion that we can't solve problems, that the gridlock is too enormous to forge consensus. It requires some creativity to get to a win for everybody.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeb Bush
What we need is new leadership that takes conservative principles and applies them so that people can rise up.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: Leadership
Image of Thomas Carlyle
Let him who would move and convince others, be first moved and convinced himself.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
I told them my system was based on the "ant plan," that I'd gotten the idea watching a colony of ants in Africa during the war. A whole bunch of ants working toward a common goal.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
My approach to the game has been the same at all the places I've been. Vanilla. The sure way. That means, first of all, to win physically. If you got eleven on a field, and they beat the other eleven physically, they'll win. They will start forcing mistakes. They'll win in the fourth quarter.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
Scout yourself. Have a buddy who coaches scout you.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
I think the most important thing of all for any team is a winning attitude. The coaches must have it. The players must have it. The student body must have it. If you have dedicated players who believe in themselves, you don't need a lot of talent.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bear Bryant
Get the winners into the game.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Leadership