Knowledge is Power: Enlightening Quotes on Learning and Growth - Page 5

Explore the depths of knowledge with quotes that inspire learning and personal growth. Wisdom from the ages for today’s seekers. Page 5 provides more knowledge quotes.

Image of Alfred North Whitehead
In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Benjamin Disraeli
The more extensive a man's knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Confucius
I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.
- Confucius
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Tim Minchin
Christopher Hitchens's autobiography, 'Hitch 22', is a poignant read and very interesting because I have a very poor knowledge of recent political history - or, for that matter, distant political history.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Paul Arden
Knowledge comes from the past, so it's safe. It is also out of date. It's the opposite of originality... Experience is the opposite of being creative.
- Paul Arden
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
All knowledge which ends in words will die as quickly as it came to life, with the exception of the written word: which is its mechanical part.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Knowledge
Image of William Ellery Channing
Every mind was made for growth, for knowledge, and its nature is sinned against when it is doomed to ignorance.
- William Ellery Channing
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Enrico Fermi
It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge.
- Enrico Fermi
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jesse Ventura
Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and allegiance that is the result of knowledge and belief. A patriot shows their their patriotism through their actions, by their choice.
- Jesse Ventura
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Leon Jouhaux
We too, through lack of knowledge and of sufficiently mature reflection, mistook the visible outward appearance of the phenomenon for the phenomenon itself.
- Leon Jouhaux
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Antonin Scalia
What secret knowledge, one must wonder, is breathed into lawyers when they become Justices of this Court that enables them to discern that a practice which the text of the Constitution does not clearly proscribe, and which our people have regarded as constitutional for 200 years, is in fact unconstitutional?
- Antonin Scalia
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Will Durant
Science gives us knowledge, but only philosophy can give us wisdom.
- Will Durant
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Philippe Petit
I needed more knowledge in rigging and knotting. I started collecting books on knots and really learning more and more. That's how it started. And also in magic, of course. With a piece of rope, you can do magic.
- Philippe Petit
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Chris Hadfield
Although simulators are great for building step-by-step knowledge of a procedure, the worst thing that can happen in a sim is that you get a bad grade on your performance.
- Chris Hadfield
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Leo Buscaglia
I have been a teacher myself all my life. I have an intense passion to share with people. Our only salvation is in knowledge, in learning.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Knowledge
Image of William Godwin
The extent of our progress in the cultivation of knowledge is unlimited.
- William Godwin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
The fundament upon which all our knowledge and learning rests is the inexplicable.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Max Planck
Scientific discovery and scientific knowledge have been achieved only by those who have gone in pursuit of it without any practical purpose whatsoever in view.
- Max Planck
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Albert Einstein
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Bertolt Brecht
The world of knowledge takes a crazy turn when teachers themselves are taught to learn.
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: Knowledge
Image of John F. Kennedy
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Erik Spoelstra
I really find comfort in watching film and obtaining knowledge and I use statistics and computer generated stuff to help me get those stats. That was probably a result of my father's influence on me at a young age.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Technology is so much fun but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Anne Sullivan
We have no firm hold on any knowledge or philosophy that can lift us out of our difficulties.
- Anne Sullivan
Collection: Knowledge
Image of T. E. Lawrence
The foreigners come out here always to teach, whereas they had much better learn, for, in everything but wits and knowledge, the Arab is generally the better man of the two.
- T. E. Lawrence
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Cesare Beccaria
Our knowledge and all of our ideas are mutually connected; the more complicated they are, the more numerous must be the roads that lead to them and depart from them.
- Cesare Beccaria
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Katharine Graham
If we had failed to pursue the facts as far as they led, we would have denied the public any knowledge of an unprecedented scheme of political surveillance and sabotage.
- Katharine Graham
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Geoffrey Hinton
Most people in AI, particularly the younger ones, now believe that if you want a system that has a lot of knowledge in, like an amount of knowledge that would take millions of bits to quantify, the only way to get a good system with all that knowledge in it is to make it learn it. You are not going to be able to put it in by hand.
- Geoffrey Hinton
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Thomas Aquinas
Wonder is the desire for knowledge.
- Thomas Aquinas
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Roald Amundsen
We must always remember with gratitude and admiration the first sailors who steered their vessels through storms and mists, and increased our knowledge of the lands of ice in the South.
- Roald Amundsen
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Hippocrates
A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician.
- Hippocrates
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Aristotle
The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.
- Aristotle
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Barry Eisler
The Internet is a limitless library at your fingertips. It's a great place to start with the acquisition of knowledge. My process is to go to a place when I'm writing about it. Nothing captures the essence, feeling and flavor of a place better than when I'm actually there and doing the writing.
- Barry Eisler
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Dorothea Dix
Men need knowledge in order to overpower their passions and master their prejudices.
- Dorothea Dix
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Laurent Lamothe
I wanted to contribute my time, myself, my knowledge, my love, because Haiti is my everything.
- Laurent Lamothe
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
Youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless. The end of every episode is the end of the world. But the power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures, that great inspiration comes to the middle-aged.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Mr. T
If you can't read, the only thing you can do is enjoy the pictures, not the whole story. Reading is the key to knowledge. Knowledge is the key to understanding. So read on, young man! Read on, young lady!
- Mr. T
Collection: Knowledge
Image of B. H. Liddell Hart
A complacent satisfaction with present knowledge is the chief bar to the pursuit of knowledge.
- B. H. Liddell Hart
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Samuel Johnson
He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Chuck Berry
Of the five most important things in life, health is first, education or knowledge is second, and wealth is third. I forget the other two.
- Chuck Berry
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Isabel Allende
Give, give, give - what is the point of having experience, knowledge or talent if I don't give it away? Of having stories if I don't tell them to others? Of having wealth if I don't share it? I don't intend to be cremated with any of it! It is in giving that I connect with others, with the world and with the divine.
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Abigail Adams
Well, knowledge is a fine thing, and mother Eve thought so; but she smarted so severely for hers, that most of her daughters have been afraid of it since.
- Abigail Adams
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The first step in a person's salvation is knowledge of their sin.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Walt Disney
We did it Disneyland, in the knowledge that most of the people I talked to thought it would be a financial disaster - closed and forgotten within the first year.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Knowledge
Image of The Miz
I will let my daughter do whatever her heart wants. I will support her and guide her and give her all the knowledge that I have because I want her to succeed in whatever she loves.
- The Miz
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Ernest Holmes
Borrowing knowledge of reality from all sources, taking the best from every study, Science of Mind brings together the highest enlightenment of the ages.
- Ernest Holmes
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
What separates developing countries from developed countries is as much a gap in knowledge as a gap in resources.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: Knowledge
Image of James E. Faust
The Holy Ghost bears witness to us of the truth and impresses upon our souls the reality of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, so surely that no earthly power or authority can separate us from that knowledge.
- James E. Faust
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
For, verily, great love springs from great knowledge of the beloved object, and if you little know it, you will be able to love it only little or not at all.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Knowledge