Top July Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of July quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Tim Dorsey
But instead they tell you they'll come to fix your cable between noon and five, and I say, okay, I'll pay my next bill between July and November, but they don't laugh.
- Tim Dorsey
Collection: July
Image of Winthrop Mackworth Praed
I remember, I remember how my childhood fleeted by. The mirth of its December, and the warmth of its July.
- Winthrop Mackworth Praed
Collection: July
Image of Colin Chapman
July 4 is the perfect day to relax. It also provides a very good chance to spend quality time with friends and family since everyone is able to get away from the hassles of every day life, such as work.
- Colin Chapman
Collection: July
Image of Dizzy Dean
Heck, if anybody told me I was setting a record (strikeouts in a game on July 30, 1933) I'd of got me some more strikeouts.
- Dizzy Dean
Collection: July
Image of Kenneth Anger
This flick is all I have to say about being 17, the United States Navy, Christmas and the Fourth of July.
- Kenneth Anger
Collection: July
Image of Michael Flanders
In July the Sun is hot. Is it shining? No, it's not!
- Michael Flanders
Collection: July
Image of Paul Fussell
Today the Somme is a peaceful but sullen place, unforgetting and unforgiving. ... To wander now over the fields destined to extrude their rusty metal fragments for centuries is to appreciate in the most intimate way the permanent reverberations of July, 1916. When the air is damp you can smell rusted iron everywhere, even though you see only wheat and barley.
- Paul Fussell
Collection: July
Image of Robert Hunter
But I would rather be with you, somewhere in San Francisco on a back porch in July, just looking up to Heaven, at this crescent in the sky
- Robert Hunter
Collection: July
Image of Ralph Kiner
The Hall of Fame ceremonies are on the thirty-first and thirty-second of July.
- Ralph Kiner
Collection: July
Image of Tinsel Korey
I also love doing comedy. I just moved to L.A. last July. Before that, Vancouver is all about sci-fi, so I didn't get any comedy, whatsoever. But in L.A., people are like, "You don't look quirky enough," and I'm like, "I'm quirky. I'm the definition of quirky. How do you want me to look quirky." They have these little boxes that they put everyone in, so now I have to try to break the mold and get them to see me as being quirky.
- Tinsel Korey
Collection: July
Image of Josh Barro
I thought it was remarkable in July [2016] when he pointedly declined to endorse Ted Cruz at the Republican convention, because I thought that was not in his political best interest.
- Josh Barro
Collection: July
Image of Frank Sinatra
For years I've nursed a secret desire to spend the Fourth of July in a double hammock with a swingin' redheaded broad. But I could never find me a double hammock
- Frank Sinatra
Collection: July
Image of Ronald Reagan
Our opponents see an America in which every day is April 15, tax day. Well, we see an America in which every day is the Fourth of July.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: July
Image of Ann Richards
July does not a November election make.
- Ann Richards
Collection: July
Image of Ronald Reagan
We don't celebrate dependence day on the Fourth of July. We celebrate Independence Day.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: July
Image of Markus Zusak
July 24, 6:03 A.M. The laundry was warm and the rafters were firm, and Michael Holzapfel jumped from the chair as if it were a cliff... Michael Holzapfel knew what he was doing. He killed himself for wanting to live.
- Markus Zusak
Collection: July
Image of Sylvia Plath
That’s one of the reasons I never wanted to get married. The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place an arrow shoots off from. I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.
- Sylvia Plath
Collection: July
Image of Rosa Parks
I want to be treated like a human being.
- Rosa Parks
Collection: July
Image of Arlen Specter
We're all looking for a plan that will work. The current plan is not working, and 21,500 additional troops -- it's a snowball in July. It's not going to work.
- Arlen Specter
Collection: July
Image of Lee Child
They found out about him in July and stayed angry all through August. They tried to kill him in September. It was way too soon. They weren't ready. The attempt was a failure. It could have been a disaster, but it was actually a miracle. Because nobody noticed.
- Lee Child
Collection: July
Image of Jane Lynch
I work with this wonderful five-piece band, The Tony Guerrero Quintet, along with Kate Flannery, who was Meredith the Drunk in The Office, and Tim Davis, who was the vocal arranger on Glee. The three of us sing, and the band is amazing. We've been working together for about two years. So, we decided to do a Christmas album in July.
- Jane Lynch
Collection: July
Image of Adam Carolla
It's like the Fouth of July in my underpants.
- Adam Carolla
Collection: July
Image of Roald Dahl
If I had my way, I'd remove January from the calendar altogether and have an extra July instead.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: July
Image of Janet Fitch
Now I wish she'd never broken any of her rules. I understood why she held to them so hard. Once you broke the first one, they all broke, one by one, like firecrackers exploding in your face in a parking lot on the Fourth of July.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: July
Image of Frederick Douglass
What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: A day that reveals to him, more than all other days of the year, the gross injustices and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham.
- Frederick Douglass
Collection: July
Image of Jimmy Fallon
The White House announced that President Obama will attend a summit in Kenya this July. When asked if he's ever been to Kenya, Obama said, 'Of course. I was born - no, bored - over there. There's nothing to do in Kenya.'
- Jimmy Fallon
Collection: July
Image of Frederick Douglass
This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.
- Frederick Douglass
Collection: July
Image of Anita Hill
In July of 1983, I left Washington, DC area and have had minimal contact with Judge Clarence Thomas since
- Anita Hill
Collection: July
Image of Rick James
I wanted my show to look like the fourth of July.
- Rick James
Collection: July
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The flames kindled on the Fourth of July, 1776, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism; on the contrary, they will consume these engines and all who work them.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: July
Image of Gottfried Leibniz
The dot was introduced as a symbol for multiplication by Leibniz. On July 29, 1698, he wrote in a letter to Johann Bernoulli: "I do not like X as a symbol for multiplication, as it is easily confounded with x.
- Gottfried Leibniz
Collection: July
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: July
Image of Kerry King
This record was supposed to come out in July already, but it just got delayed and delayed, so, well, I guess it was just coincidence.
- Kerry King
Collection: July
Image of Yann Martel
Japanese-owned cargo ship Tsimtsum, flying Panamanian flag, sank July 2nd, 1977, in Pacific, four days out of Manila. Am in lifeboat. Pi Patel my name. Have some food, some water, but Bengal tiger a serious problem. Please advise family in Winnepeg, Canada. Any help very much appreciated. Thank you.
- Yann Martel
Collection: July
Image of Karl Marx
Once the inner connection is grasped, all theoretical belief in the permanent necessity of existing conditions collapses before their collapse in practice -- Letter to Ludwig Kugelmann (July 11, 1868)
- Karl Marx
Collection: July