Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 77

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 77 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Donald Trump
Over the last eight years, the Obama-Clinton administration has undermined our space program tremendously. That will change. So many good things come out of it, including great jobs. And it will change very quickly under a Trump administration and it will change before it is too late.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ai Weiwei
The leadership knows that you cannot solve the issues of China's future with the means of the past. The demographic consequences of the one-child policy, the build-up of the welfare state, the jobs for 7 million university graduates every year, the immense corruption: Even some Western governments would have to scramble to find solutions to such problems.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ai Weiwei
It is not an easy job to govern China, I am aware of that.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
For sure, they don't teach you this in history class, but in colonial times, the person who got left in the stocks overnight was nothing less than fair game for everybody to nail. Men or women, anybody bent over had no way of knowing who was doing the ram job, and this was the real reason you never wanted to end up here unless you had a family member or a friend who'd stand with you the whole time. To protect you. To watch your ass, for real.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Pence
We have got to do a better job recognizing and correcting the errors in the system that do reflect an institutional bias in criminal justice, but what Donald Trump and I are saying is let's not have the reflex of assuming the worst of men and women in law enforcement.
- Mike Pence
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Pence
The best place to grow jobs and create opportunities is right here, in the United States.
- Mike Pence
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joel Salatin
If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing poorly first.
- Joel Salatin
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Gilder
A policy of subsidizing failures will end in an economy strewn with capital-guzzling industries long past their time of profitability - old companies that cannot create jobs themselves, but can stand in the way of job creation.
- George Gilder
Collection: Jobs
Image of Viola Davis
Ultimately, it's not your job, as an actress, to satisfy people's expectations or image of who you should be. Even in your life, you are just who you are.
- Viola Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
We've got a tax code that is encouraging flight of jobs and outsourcing. And that's why we've specifically recommended in this campaign that Congress change our tax code so that we stop giving tax breaks to companies that are moving to Mexico and China and other places, and start putting those tax breaks into companies that are investing here in the United States.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
When Americans are called on to innovate, that's what we do - whether it's making more fuel-efficient cars or more fuel-efficient appliances, or making sure that we are putting in place the kinds of equipment that prevents harm to the ozone layer and eliminates acid rain. At every one of these steps, there have been folks who have said it can't be done. There have been naysayers who said this is going to destroy jobs and destroy industry. And it doesn't happen because once we have a clear target to meet, we typically meet it. And we find the best ways to do it.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Condoleezza Rice
When you're in government, of course, you have protection and you have people who are looking out for your wellbeing, but you can't live in a state of fear. If you do, you're not going to do your job very well and you're going to give yourself high blood pressure, which probably isn't worth it.
- Condoleezza Rice
Collection: Jobs
Image of Condoleezza Rice
My job is to try to advance American foreign policy, to try to advance the president's agenda on democracy and human rights.
- Condoleezza Rice
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Soderbergh
Any time I think out loud, 'I can't believe this is my job,' and remember I am a very lucky duck. Whether marshalling hundreds of zombies, doing crazy stunts or shooting big music numbers, I just feel fortunate to have made my passion my vocation.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Moore
The media, the corporations, the politicians…have all done such a good job of scaring the American public, it’s come to the point where they don’t need to give any reason at all.
- Michael Moore
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pat Benatar
When I was a kid about joining the Peace Corps. It said it was "the hardest job you'll ever love." This is what parenting is, as far as I'm concerned. This is parenting. That is the friggin' Peace Corps. Because you don't love doing this - this is the thing you love the most in your life, it's the best thing you ever do.
- Pat Benatar
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pat Benatar
When you have children your life - this is my job and that's my life. So it's a totally different thing. They're my priority, they have to be, and they always will be. I have to do them first. So this always gets pushed in the back.
- Pat Benatar
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Wayne
I didn't vote for him, but he's my President, and I hope he does a good job.
- John Wayne
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Wayne
A man's got to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job.
- John Wayne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gloria Steinem
Anyone who has ever experienced dehumanized life on welfare or any other confidence-shaking dependency knows that a paid job may be preferable to the dole, even when the handout is coming from a family member.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edward Snowden
One of the reasons that I came forward and sort burned of my life to the ground, and I can't go back and see my family in the United States - I obviously lost my job, which I was quite comfortable with. I lost my home. It was because I felt there was no alternative.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patti Smith
I never had aspirations to go into politics or medicine. I always wanted to be an artist of some sort. I wasn't so politically motivated. I felt that the world from an early age was disappointing. My father taught me about the bomb, and it was eye-opening. From then on, I thought grown-ups needed to do a better job. I still think that.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norman Vincent Peale
When you keep asserting that things are going to work out well, that you can do the job, that you will not have a flat tire, that you will get there on time, by talking up good results you invoke the law of positive effects and good results occur. Things do turn out well.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mitt Romney
I understand the impact of those kinds of factors on job creation. I will have a very different policy. My policy on energy is to take advantage of coal, oil, natural gas, as well as our renewables, and nuclear - make America the largest energy producer in the world.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Dufresne
I lost my job and started painting houses with a friend. The marriage had ended about the same time the career did.
- John Dufresne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nick Offerman
If I had to pick one form of acting, it would be live theater. That's where I started; that's where I became a man, I think I'm still finishing up that job.
- Nick Offerman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nick Offerman
Auditioning for television shows - to find a guy who has a lot of experience as a laborer is a bit of an anomaly. We do exist. I know several other actors who have made their living, instead of a waitress job, framing houses or blacktopping roads.
- Nick Offerman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
It's so quiet this high up, the feeling you get is that you're one of those space monkeys. You do the little job you're trained to do. Pull a lever. Push a button. You don't understand any of it, and then you just die.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
I'm working harder than I have ever worked in my entire life, but what the hell, my life is my job now, and my job is my life and that's the way it should be.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sonia Sotomayor
Outside of the marriage context, can you think of any other rational basis, reason, for a state using sexual orientation as a factor in denying homosexuals benefits or imposing burdens on them? Is there any other rational decision-making that the government could make? Denying them a job, not granting them benefits of some sort, any other decision?
- Sonia Sotomayor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I think the American people recognize is after a decade of war it's time to do some nation building here at home. And what we can now do is free up some resources, to, for example, put Americans back to work, especially our veterans, rebuilding our roads, our bridges, our schools, making sure that, you know, our veterans are getting the care that they need when it comes to post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, making sure that the certifications that they need for good jobs of the future are in place.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Madeleine Albright
John Kerry knows more about more subjects than an awful lot of people. But I think it's a very hard job [Secretary of State].
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Jobs
Image of Madeleine Albright
The stunning part was that one time Neil McElroy the Secretary of Defense who was the father of one of our classmates spoke and basically at commencement, he told us all that our job after graduation was to get married and have interesting sons...and we all found that hard to believe.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernard Baruch
Don't speculate unless you can make it a full time job.
- Bernard Baruch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Helen Thomas
As a reporter having covered him for eight years in the White House, I am sure the media could have done a better job if we had known the real Ronald Reagan.
- Helen Thomas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
I think I have made a lot of sacrifices. I've work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've done - I've had tremendous success.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Wooden
As a leader, you must be filled with energy and eagerness, joy and love for what you do. If you lack enthusiasm for your job, you cannot perform to the best of your ability. Industriousness is unattainable without Enthusiasm.
- John Wooden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Howard Schultz
At Starbucks 0 as in any business, in any life - there are so many hectic moments during the day when we are simply trying to do the job, trying to put out the fires, trying to solve any number of small problems, that we often lose sight of what it is we're really here to do.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Sowell
Apparently almost anyone can do a better job of educating children than our so-called 'educators' in the public schools. Children who are home-schooled by their parents also score higher on tests than children educated in the public schools. ... Successful education shows what is possible, whether in charter schools, private schools, military schools or home-schooling. The challenge is to provide more escape hatches from failing public schools, not only to help those students who escape, but also to force these institutions to get their act together before losing more students and jobs.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Stern
Wal-Mart is the sewer pipe through which good jobs are being flushed.
- Andy Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larry Wall
So many computer languages try to force you into one way of thinking and Perl is very much the opposite of that approach. It's kind of like a, well, sometimes Perl has been called the Swiss army chainsaw of the internet, but it's more like a Swiss army machine shop. It really gives you a lot of tools, some of which are dangerous, but it lets you get your job done very quickly.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larry Wall
A Perl program is correct if it gets the job done before your boss fires you.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
We have to stop our jobs from being stolen from us. We have to stop our companies from leaving the United States and, with it, firing all of their people.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anais Nin
For too many centuries women have been being muses to artists. I wanted to be the muse, I wanted to be the wife of the artist, but I was really trying to avoid the final issue — that I had to do the job myself.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julia Roberts
I, uh...I have a television, so I'm going to spend some time here to tell you some things. [To orchestra conductor:] And, and...and sir, you're doing a great job, but you're so quick with that stick, so why don't you sit. 'Cause I may never be here again.'
- Julia Roberts
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by ending the subsidies for oil companies, and doubling down on clean energy that generates jobs and strengthens our security.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Sessions
This [Gang of Eight bill (S.744)] is far, far too many low-skilled workers that are going to take jobs and pull down wages of people unemployed and underemployed right now.
- Jeff Sessions
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Sessions
I've supported civil rights activity in my state. I have done my job with integrity, equality and fairness for all.
- Jeff Sessions
Collection: Jobs
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
In the past a man was expected to give his seat on a bus to a woman. Today it would be much more courteous for that man to give her his job.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Jobs