Top Issues Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Issues quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Issues quotes.

Image of Otto Perez Molina
We cannot eradicate global drug markets, but we can certainly regulate them as we have done with alcohol and tobacco markets. Drug abuse, alcoholism and tobacco should be treated as public health problems, not criminal justice issues.
- Otto Perez Molina
Collection: Issues
Image of Cofer Black
The only way to address terrorism is to deal with the issues that create terrorism, to resolve them where possible, and where that's not possible to ensure that there is an alternative to violence.
- Cofer Black
Collection: Issues
Image of Charles Horton Cooley
The human mind is indeed a cave swarming with strange forms of life, most of them unconscious and unilluminated. Unless we can understand something as to how the motives that issue from this obscurity are generated, we can hardly hope to foresee or control them.
- Charles Horton Cooley
Collection: Issues
Image of Sally Schneider
I had all kinds of food issues, including health concerns and weight concerns.
- Sally Schneider
Collection: Issues
Image of Tom Toles
Watch out Mr. Bush! With the exception of economic policy and energy policy and social issues and tax policy and foreign policy and supreme court appointments and Rove-style politics, we're coming in there to shake things up!
- Tom Toles
Collection: Issues
Image of Lauren Bush
People don't see hunger in front of them so they are not directly affected. What I am doing is connecting young people to the issue
- Lauren Bush
Collection: Issues
Image of Jon Schmidt
To suggest that the president should be censured because you don't agree with the legal advice he got seems to me to just -- to be out of the ballpark in terms of the way we can sensibly discuss and talk about issues like this.
- Jon Schmidt
Collection: Issues
Image of Katharine Hayhoe
I feel that one of the most important things I can do is connect climate change to the values, the faith, and the issues we already care about. And if, in the process, I have to sidestep around some very explosive mines, I will do that.
- Katharine Hayhoe
Collection: Issues
Image of Auberon Waugh
In England, we have a curious institution called the Church of England. Its strength has always been in the fact that on any moral or political issue it can produce such a wide divergence of opinion that nobody -- from the Pope to Mao Tse-tung -- can say with any confidence that he is not an Anglican. Its weaknesses are that nobody pays much attention to it and very few people attend its functions.
- Auberon Waugh
Collection: Issues
Image of Mel White
Doing justice, loving mercy, seeking truth...these are the issues [the Bible] is clear on.
- Mel White
Collection: Issues
Image of Lisa Ann Walter
You never have to buy an issue of Cosmo again to be the 'Best Lover He's Ever Had.' Just remember this phrase: 'Oh my goodness, I don't know if that will fit.' Then start mentally picking out jewelry.
- Lisa Ann Walter
Collection: Issues
Image of Richard Lindzen
When an issue becomes a vital part of a political agenda, as is the case with climate, then the politically desired position becomes a goal rather than a consequence of scientific research.
- Richard Lindzen
Collection: Issues
Image of Richard Lindzen
The public discourse on global warming has little in common with the standards of scientific discourse. Rather, it is part of political discourse where comments are made to secure the political base and frighten the opposition rather than to illuminate issues. In political discourse, information is to be 'spun' to reinforce pre-existing beliefs, and to discourage opposition.
- Richard Lindzen
Collection: Issues
Image of Armand Borel
I feel that what mathematics needs least are pundits who issue prescriptions or guidelines for presumably less enlightened mortals.
- Armand Borel
Collection: Issues
Image of Christy Clark
I'm conscious of competitive issues, but at the same time the recommendation they make is that we protect citizens by not adding to the overall tax burden of the province.
- Christy Clark
Collection: Issues
Image of Anthony Anderson
Weight was never an issue with me.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Issues
Image of Kay Granger
Foreign aid must be viewed as an investment, not an expense...but when foreign aid is carefully guided and targeted at a specific issue, it can and must be effective.
- Kay Granger
Collection: Issues
Image of David Richo
Once we make our relationship choices in an adult way, a prospective partner who is unavailable, nonreciprocal, or not open to processing feelings and issues, becomes, by those very facts, unappealing. Once we love ourselves, people no longer look good to us unless they are good for us.
- David Richo
Collection: Issues
Image of Pal Brekke
Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous issues of our time.
- Pal Brekke
Collection: Issues
Image of Thomas Piketty
Indeed, the distribution of wealth is too important an issue to be left to economists, sociologists, historians, and philosophers.
- Thomas Piketty
Collection: Issues
Image of Ali Khamenei
The only logical solution to solve the Palestinian issue is to hold free elections with the participation of Palestinians inside and outside the occupied territories and a recognition of the nation's legitimacy
- Ali Khamenei
Collection: Issues
Image of Jaden Smith
Being aware in the moment of right now is just the most important thing. All of our issues come from us not being aware enough or not seeing through our problems to the depths of the issues.
- Jaden Smith
Collection: Issues
Image of Ellen DeGeneres
Our flaws are what makes us human. If we can accept them as part of who we are, they really don't even have to be an issue.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Collection: Issues
Image of Norman Tebbit
The mark of a single currency is not only that all other currencies must be extinguished but that the capacity of other institutions to issue currencies must also be extinguished...In the case of the United Kingdom, that would involve Parliament binding its successors in a way that it has hitherto regarded as unconstitutional.
- Norman Tebbit
Collection: Issues
Image of Scott Cohen
Once you become a producer, you're really selling something. It is a control issue, because you don't really know how it's going to pan out, but the creative control makes it work it.
- Scott Cohen
Collection: Issues
Image of Jami Attenberg
The fascinating thing about food is that if you have issues with it, you have to face it every single day.
- Jami Attenberg
Collection: Issues
Image of Viviane Reding
The decision on the right balance between competition and investment can no longer be solely a national issue.
- Viviane Reding
Collection: Issues
Image of Sibel Edmonds
During my work there I came across some very significant issues that I started reporting in December of 2001 to the mid-level management within the FBI.
- Sibel Edmonds
Collection: Issues
Image of Allan Nairn
Whites who otherwise were able to tolerate a black president, Obama, because on certain issues he appealed to them on substance, Trump was able to reach down into some of those same people and pull out this racism inside them.
- Allan Nairn
Collection: Issues
Image of Chi McBride
If you look hard enough, you can find race issues and racism in everything. I know people who say, 'See, I don't play pool 'cuz that's where the white ball chase the black ball off the table. So I prefer bowling, where the big black ball knock down the white pins with the red necks.'
- Chi McBride
Collection: Issues
Image of Cynthia Basinet
Displaced societies are of value. Their issues are our issues.
- Cynthia Basinet
Collection: Issues
Image of Susan Love
Avoid secret's! Be open about which you are. It takes too much energy to hide in the closet about any issue.
- Susan Love
Collection: Issues
Image of Mike White
I used to have a road-rage issue.
- Mike White
Collection: Issues
Image of Arun Jaitley
Should National Security Issues be decided by a Local Referendum?
- Arun Jaitley
Collection: Issues
Image of Richard Benjamin
In the pioneer West Whitopias, immigration tended to be the dominant social and racial issue. In Forsyth County, Georgia, immigration is still an issue, but because you have that complicated history of the Trail of Tears and slavery and Jim Crow, the Whitopia has a different flavor.
- Richard Benjamin
Collection: Issues
Image of Topper Shutt
Global warming is such a politically charged issue that we are losing our perspective on the issue and more importantly losing an open forum from which to discuss the issue. If we lose the right or comfort level to openly discuss and debate this issue we will not be able to tackle it efficiently and economically.
- Topper Shutt
Collection: Issues
Image of Mike DeWine
In my opinion, Chief Justice Roberts put it best during his recent confirmation hearings. And he said, and I quote, "The framers were not the sort of people, having fought a revolution to get the right of self-government to sit down and say, 'Well, let's take all the difficult issues before us and let's have the judges decide them.' That would have been the farthest thing from their mind," however, I fear that the Supreme Court forgets this advice.
- Mike DeWine
Collection: Issues
Image of Michael Crichton
In my view, our approach to global warming exemplifies everything that is wrong with our approach to the environment. We are basing our decisions on speculation, not evidence. Proponents are pressing their views with more PR than scientific data. Indeed, we have allowed the whole issue to be politicized-red vs blue, Republican vs Democrat. This is in my view absurd. Data aren't political. Data are data. Politics leads you in the direction of a belief. Data, if you follow them, lead you to truth.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Issues
Image of Tom Hayden
The issue of civil rights was too much for the establishment to handle. One of the chapters of history thats least studied by historians is the 300 to 500 riots in the U.S. between 1965 and 1970.
- Tom Hayden
Collection: Issues
Image of Lina Bo Bardi
Architecture and architectural freedom are above all a social issue that must be seen from inside a political structure, not from outside it.
- Lina Bo Bardi
Collection: Issues
Image of Francis George
The question about who God is is a very public question. We don't have the tools in this kind of political atmosphere to handle that, and maybe politics isn't the best place to answer that. It is a public issue.
- Francis George
Collection: Issues
Image of Edward F. Hennessey
Ethics must begin at the top of an organization. It is a leadership issue and the chief executive must set the example.
- Edward F. Hennessey
Collection: Issues
Image of Janice Raymond
The issue of transsexualism is an ethical one that has profound social and moral ramifications.
- Janice Raymond
Collection: Issues
Image of Louise Burfitt-Dons
Global warming causing climate change may be the ultimate issue that unites us all.
- Louise Burfitt-Dons
Collection: Issues
Image of Enoch
Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as 'controversial, 'extremist', 'explosive', 'disgraceful', and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see.
- Enoch
Collection: Issues
Image of Mohammed Dahlan
The important issue for us is bringing (people) who recognize the Palestinian people's rights and work on ending the occupation (to the Palestinian territories) and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
- Mohammed Dahlan
Collection: Issues
Image of Alan Dershowitz
All speech should be presumed to be protected by the Constitution, and a heavy burden should be placed on those who would censor to demonstrate with relative certainty that the speech at issue, if not censored, would lead to irremediable and immediate serious harm.
- Alan Dershowitz
Collection: Issues
Image of Graham Harvey
Animism is worth considering (a) because it exists, (b) because it addresses contemporary issues and debates, and (c) because it clarifies, in various ways, the argument that the project of modernity is ill-conceived and dangerously performed.
- Graham Harvey
Collection: Issues
Image of Ian McHarg
The most important issue of the 21st century will be the condition of the global environment.
- Ian McHarg
Collection: Issues