Wayne LaPierre

Image of Wayne LaPierre
To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Good
Image of Wayne LaPierre
People that support more gun laws tend to have the least knowledge of the laws that are already on the books.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Our nation's founding fathers carefully crafted a Bill of Rights - an articulation of personal liberties woven into the entire fabric of our free society. When any of those freedoms are threatened anywhere, they must be defended and protected everywhere.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Society
Image of Wayne LaPierre
We at the NRA embrace and hold dear what makes us uniquely American. Family, responsibility, patriotism, mutual respect, honesty, civic duty.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Success in restoring and bolstering Second Amendment rights through aggressive legal challenges depends on you, your friends, family and colleagues.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Legal
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Always remember Rahm Emanuel and those of his ilk who are opposed to our fundamental civil right to keep and bear arms when you donate to NRA-ILA or the NRA Civil Rights Legal Defense Fund.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Legal
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Good and evil. Right and wrong.Those are two fundamental opposing concepts that define the nature of humankind.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Nature
Image of Wayne LaPierre
The media's intentional corruption of the truth is an abomination and NRA members will never - and I mean never - submit or surrender to the national media!
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
People have become so weary of all the government and media dishonesty, the all-too-commonplace lying, that most Americans have stopped listening.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Victimize gun owners, then blame the victims. That's the Chicago Way, and it will never change as long as city bosses are pathological in their hatred of our civil rights.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
It has always been sensible for good citizens to own and carry firearms for lawful protection against violent criminals who prey on decent people.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
The media try to make rank-and-file Americans feel guilty about buying a gun. The enemies of freedom demonize gun buyers and portray us as social lepers. But we know the truth. We know that responsible gun ownership exemplifies what is good and right about America.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Gun owners are not buying firearms because they anticipate a confrontation with the government. Rather, we anticipate confrontations where the government isn't there - or simply doesn't show up in time.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
The Second Amendment is not just words on parchment. It's not some frivolous suggestion from our Founding Fathers to be interpreted by whim. It lies at the heart of what this country was founded upon.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Our Founding Fathers knew that without Second Amendment freedom, all of our freedoms could be in jeopardy.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Our individual liberty is the very essence of America. It is what makes America unique.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
If you aren't free to protect yourself - when government puts its thumb on that freedom - then you aren't free at all.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
We are the millions and millions of Americans who take responsibility for our own safety and protection of our children as a God-given right. We are proud to exercise that right, are not ashamed of it and deserve nothing less than absolute respect and admiration as lawful gun owners.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
People want to be able to protect themselves.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
I've been arguing with Dianne Feinstein for years.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
I tell gun owners and hunters and sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters and Americans every day that all of these freedoms we have are just words on a piece of parchment paper unless we stand up and defend them every day.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
There's not a mom or dad that wants to leave their child unprotected.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
When you're at war you do what it takes to win.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
The NRA was run like an old-time club when I took over. We were in the red and getting cut off from our membership.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Once they ban rifles, they're gone forever.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
As members of the oldest civil rights organization in the nation, NRA members know tyranny when we see it.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Obama cannot erase the Second Amendment without crippling or controlling exercise of the First Amendment.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
The ultimate goal of the gun ban 'scientific community' is to make the 'gun ownership is a disease' mantra into politically settled science.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
The U.N.'s driving mission is to accumulate power at the expense of the sovereignity of individual nations and fundamental individual rights, and its gun-ban treaty proves it.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Those who still believe the United Nations is a human rights organization with the best of intentions are kidding themselves.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
If the U.S. refused to take part in the U.N.'s international gun registry, other nations could potentially ban their domestic firearm manufacturers from exporting firearms to the United States.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Parents all over the country are using their right to keep and bear arms to protect their kids.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
From Obama to Michael Bloomberg, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell and the rest of the media-political elite, the whole time they're attacking your right to own a gun, they're enjoying armed security for themselves.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory instant background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere, for anyone.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
If you aren't free to protect yourself when the government puts its thumb on that freedom, then you're not free at all.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
There are only two reasons to compile list of gun owners: to tax them or to take them.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Not enough people really think about the founding of our country, how it all began and what its really about. They don't even teach it in schools any more.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
The whole idea from some of our opponents that armed security makes us less safe is completely ridiculous. If that's true, armed security makes us less safe, let's just go ahead and remove it from everywhere.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people through vicious and violent video games.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
A gun in the hands of a secret service agent protecting our president isn't a bad word.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
We need a full-court press on personal protection. We need to be able to protect ourselves.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
I think we need national carry reciprocity.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
President Obama, he's never going to debate me on guns. His knowledge on that issue wouldn't fill a thimble, and he knows it. I would clean his clock, and he knows it.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Elites don't care not one whit about school children. If they truly cared, what they would do is protect them.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
If I were a betting man, the odds are that Obama's White House and Justice Department will double down on their gun-control agenda by edict.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Evil walks among us, and God help us if we don't harden our schools and protect our kids.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
Our fight isn't just about the Second Amendment, it's about preserving all our liberties - saving our constitutional heritage and protections for the future.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
We can't lose precious time debating legislation that won't work.
- Wayne LaPierre
Image of Wayne LaPierre
I think every school needs a protection plan with a either police officer or certified armed security.
- Wayne LaPierre