Top Interesting Quotes Collection - Page 16

Discover a curated collection of Interesting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 16 provides more Interesting quotes.

Image of Edmund Hillary
I always, I would say, make sure that in my presentation I'll have what I want to do. I try and make it so interesting to my companions that they want to go, too. I don't have to twist any arms or make - you know - any great challenges available.
- Edmund Hillary
Collection: Interesting
Image of Robert Longo
And I'm sort of deconstructing the process of what marks came first, what came later. Every aspect of the image is interesting to me to dissect and understand.
- Robert Longo
Collection: Interesting
Image of Goldie Hawn
Liberation is an interesting word, because you can be liberated from external things, and also from your internal dialogue.
- Goldie Hawn
Collection: Interesting
Image of Edward T. Hall
I have found the study of organisms to be a truly exciting experience, always interesting and sometimes humbling.
- Edward T. Hall
Collection: Interesting
Image of Woody Harrelson
I suppose maybe [Wilson] would be a better person if he were able to censor himself, but then he wouldn't be as interesting.
- Woody Harrelson
Collection: Interesting
Image of Katy B
Whenever I'm making something, the challenge is always to create something that's interesting for me to listen to.
- Katy B
Collection: Interesting
Image of David Ayer
Stories of friendship are very interesting to me. Artificial families are something I like to explore. Whether it's a bunch of guys or a bunch of ladies, there's something interesting about that.
- David Ayer
Collection: Interesting
Image of Hermann Hesse
Knowledge can be conveyed, but not wisdom. It can be found, it can be lived, it is possible to be carried by it, miracles can be performed with it, but it cannot be expressed in words and taught.
- Hermann Hesse
Collection: Interesting
Image of William Hazlitt
Whatever interests is interesting.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Interesting
Image of Dustin Hoffman
There's too many interesting women I have…not had the experience to know in this life because I have been brainwashed.
- Dustin Hoffman
Collection: Interesting
Image of Nicole Kidman
The things that go on in my head are far more interesting than what actually happens.
- Nicole Kidman
Collection: Interesting
Image of Langston Hughes
A picture, to be an interesting picture, must be more than a picture, otherwise it is only a reproduction of an object, and not an object of value in itself.
- Langston Hughes
Collection: Interesting
Image of William James
Any object not interesting in itself may become interesting through becoming associated with an object in which an interest already exists.
- William James
Collection: Interesting
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Well, isn’t that interesting. (Bubba) I ain’t your science experiment, Bubba. I don’t want to be interesting and I definitely don’t want to be a nubby treat for the zombies. (Nick)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Interesting
Image of Helen Keller
If I, deaf, blind, find life rich and interesting, how much more can you gain by the use of your five senses!
- Helen Keller
Collection: Interesting
Image of Wilhelm von Humboldt
All situations in which the interrelationships between extremes are involved are the most interesting and instructive.
- Wilhelm von Humboldt
Collection: Interesting
Image of Randall Jarrell
Few poets have made a more interesting rhetoric out of just fooling around: turning things upside down, looking at them from under the sofa, considering them (and their observer) curiously enough to make the reader protest, "That were to consider it too curiously.
- Randall Jarrell
Collection: Interesting
Image of Erica Jong
Life has no plot. It is by far more interesting than anything you can say about it.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Interesting
Image of William James
That which is most personal, is most interesting.
- William James
Collection: Interesting
Image of Famke Janssen
It's different for each individual. It's different when you talk about homosexuality. It's different when you talk about a malady like deafness. Everybody might have a different response to that and that's what makes it an interesting subject to throw in a movie.
- Famke Janssen
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ted Hughes
He could not stand. It was not That he could not thrive, he was born With everything but the will – That can be deformed, just like a limb. Death was more interesting to him. Life could not get his attention.
- Ted Hughes
Collection: Interesting
Image of Eliza Griswold
My upbringing was pretty interesting. It was a rigorous, intellectual upbringing, but with the idea that we were a part of an important and legitimate enterprise. What that meant was sitting around the dinner table from a really early age with people from all different backgrounds who believed in God. When I was reporting in the wake of September 11th in Iraq and elsewhere, I felt I had the capacity to talk to people whose beliefs might sound outlandish to more secular journalists. I felt like I could be a translator between those two worlds.
- Eliza Griswold
Collection: Interesting
Image of Erykah Badu
[Riccardo Tisci ] has an interesting approach to weaving the contemporary with the couture, and blending tribes and collections. It always seems to work.
- Erykah Badu
Collection: Interesting
Image of Nicole Kidman
I want to be tested beyond my comfort zone. I don't want to be safe if it is more interesting to be dangerous.
- Nicole Kidman
Collection: Interesting
Image of Bryan Fuller
Molly Shannon such an interesting actress that portrays vulnerability and danger at the same time, because she seems brittle in that role.
- Bryan Fuller
Collection: Interesting
Image of Sarah Orne Jewett
Satisfaction, even after one has dined well, is not so interesting and eager a feeling as hunger.
- Sarah Orne Jewett
Collection: Interesting
Image of Maureen Johnson
We learn that many great thinkers were convinced that the Bible contained the Ancient Mysteries, but not in the literal words—that the words on the pages were codes, and that the Bible is comprised of heavy-handed and useless story covering up something much more important and interesting. I get the feeling that [Dan Brown] is trying to tell me something, but I am not biting, reader.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Interesting
Image of Diana Wynne Jones
Interesting things did seem to happen, but always to somebody else.
- Diana Wynne Jones
Collection: Interesting
Image of Samuel L. Jackson
Die Hard With A Vengeance shooting was a great time, because we had an interesting script. The first script was called Simon Says, and something was going on, because some days we'd get to work, but we wouldn't actually have dialogue. We would go to Bruce's Willis trailer, and they'd say, "Okay, you have to go from 168th Street to 97th Street today. We're going to do it in the cab, and Sam, you say this. Bruce, what do you want to say?" And that's how Bruce's "hey, Zeus!" thing came up.
- Samuel L. Jackson
Collection: Interesting
Image of Peter Jackson
It's interesting how the frame rate actually changes the perception of the 3D as well as making it more comfortable to watch.
- Peter Jackson
Collection: Interesting
Image of A. J. Jacobs
One of the interesting things to me is that God grows throughout the Old Testament. He evolves, sort of matures, and becomes kinder.
- A. J. Jacobs
Collection: Interesting
Image of Gene Kelly
I don't even want to discuss Flashdance. I'm no critic, but that's an interesting phenomenon, that picture.
- Gene Kelly
Collection: Interesting
Image of Douglas Adams
Do you find coming to terms with the mindless tedium of it all presents an interesting challenge?
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Interesting
Image of Aldous Huxley
The advertisement is one of the most interesting and difficult of modern literary forms.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Interesting
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Interesting, isn’t it? What do you have to say about that, Fury? (Savitar) They’re on crack. (Fury) Anyone else on crack? (Savitar)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Interesting
Image of Garrison Keillor
Have interesting failures.... If you need to have a personal crisis have it now. Don't wait until midlife, when it will take longer to resolve.... Don't pity yourselves. Lighten up. Seek people with a sense of humor. Avoid humorless people-and do not marry one, for God's sake.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Interesting
Image of Max Irons
They’re a nasty bunch of people. The Riot Club’s sole purpose is to celebrate wealth, elitism, hedonism, and excess - just random acts of destruction and chauvinism, which is interesting because our Prime Minister, our Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Mayor of London were are a part of this club.
- Max Irons
Collection: Interesting
Image of Samuel L. Jackson
If there's an interesting role that comes up as a great support role in a decent picture, then I'll do that.
- Samuel L. Jackson
Collection: Interesting
Image of Samuel L. Jackson
There are tons of stories out there. I read a lot of scripts on a weekly basis. I'm looking for stories to tell and stories that I hope will be interesting to an audience.
- Samuel L. Jackson
Collection: Interesting
Image of Bill Keller
Twitter and Facebook are brilliant- tools, the journalistic uses of which are still being plumbed. They are great for disseminating interesting material. They are useful for gathering information, including from places that are inaccessible.
- Bill Keller
Collection: Interesting
Image of Francis Bacon
Painting is a duality and abstract painting is an entirely aesthetic thing. It always remains on one level. It is only really interesting in the beauty of its patterns or its shapes.
- Francis Bacon
Collection: Interesting
Image of Tove Jansson and by a change came: I started to muse about the shape of my nose. I put my trivial surroundings aside and mused more and more about myself, and I found this to be a bewitching occupation. I stopped asking and longed instead to speak of my thoughts and feelings. Alas, there was no one besides myself who found me interesting.
- Tove Jansson
Collection: Interesting
Image of Sheena Iyengar
What's interesting is that the way we go about finding our marriage partners today is quite different from the way it used to be in this culture.
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: Interesting
Image of Mike Colter
I've always wanted to be on a show that's well respected and had critical acclaim and that people like to watch, and at the same time find something that for me as an actor is interesting and challenging.
- Mike Colter
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jeff Lindsay
Perhaps because I'll never be one, humans are interesting to me.
- Jeff Lindsay
Collection: Interesting
Image of Mariana Mazzucato
An interesting attribute of public banks is that they don't only de-risk the downside, but also get a share of the upside.
- Mariana Mazzucato
Collection: Interesting
Image of Tim Berners-Lee
E-mail is interesting. We can't live with it, and you can't live without it.
- Tim Berners-Lee
Collection: Interesting
Image of John Lennon
Wouldn't it be interesting to take Elvis back to his Sun Records period? I don't know. But I'm content to listen to his Sun Records. I don't want to dig him up out of the grave.
- John Lennon
Collection: Interesting
Image of Barry Levinson
There was a time when I said, "I'm going to go do a television thing," after doing all these theatrical films, and heard, "Television? Why are you going to go back to television?" It's an interesting place.
- Barry Levinson
Collection: Interesting