Top Interesting Quotes Collection - Page 15

Discover a curated collection of Interesting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 15 provides more Interesting quotes.

Image of Albert Einstein
Strange is our situation here upon earth.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Interesting
Image of Fiona Apple
I don't mind making a fool of myself. I felt like people would be accepting of that because, to me, that seems like an interesting way to do a show. I've always thought that it's interesting to watch people work things out on stage.
- Fiona Apple
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ogden Nash
Another good thing about gossip is that it is within everybody's reach, And it is much more interesting than any other form of speech.
- Ogden Nash
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
You should focus on being more interested than interesting.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jane Fonda
It's much more important to be interested than to be interesting.
- Jane Fonda
Collection: Interesting
Image of Brian Eno
Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting.
- Brian Eno
Collection: Interesting
Image of Kirk Douglas
Really a bad guy is more interesting, dramatically, than the good guy.
- Kirk Douglas
Collection: Interesting
Image of Brian Eno
Ambient music must be as ignorable as it is interesting.
- Brian Eno
Collection: Interesting
Image of Amelia Earhart
Ours is the commencement of a flying age, and I am happy to have popped into existence at a period so interesting.
- Amelia Earhart
Collection: Interesting
Image of Tina Fey
The barrier between TV and movies has come down and film actors are willing to do TV and vice versa, because they just want to follow what's interesting.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Interesting
Image of Terry Eagleton
Schizophrenic language has in this sense an interesting resemblance to poetry.
- Terry Eagleton
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jill Stein
There was really interesting work going on, for example, in the Mississippi bayou, where there were some really exemplary health centers that also became centers with kind of political organizing.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Interesting
Image of Albert Einstein
A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of others.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Interesting
Image of Don Hertzfeldt
I've loved science fiction my whole life. But I've never made a science fiction movie. And it's [World Of Tomorrow] sort of a parody of science fiction at the same time. It's all of the things I find interesting in sci-fi amplified.
- Don Hertzfeldt
Collection: Interesting
Image of David Graeber
One of the fairly interesting things about money is that it makes certain things possible that wouldn't be possible otherwise - it doesn't make them inevitable. Hence the strange blindness of economists to what would actually happen when one does exchange things if there isn't money in such contexts.
- David Graeber
Collection: Interesting
Image of John Green
In the end, what you do isn't going to be nearly as interesting or important as who you do it with.
- John Green
Collection: Interesting
Image of Emily Giffin
Which always raises the interesting question of whether redheads pursue other redheads in a narcissistic way, or simply, because they have no other choice, as nonredheads aren't interested.
- Emily Giffin
Collection: Interesting
Image of Kelley Armstrong
Isn't it possible that I'm not feigning interest? That I really do want to know more about you?" "You've never been interested in me before." "You've never been interesting before." -Cassandra and Paige
- Kelley Armstrong
Collection: Interesting
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Death is Nature's expert advice to get plenty of Life.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Interesting
Image of Mitchell Hurwitz
The revolution is here. It's established that Netflix is a place where you can get premium content. It's a whole new world. It's very interesting. We'll be discovering it together. It's going to be interesting because they don't have a lot to compare it to.
- Mitchell Hurwitz
Collection: Interesting
Image of John Green
Interesting capitalization,' I said. 'Yeah. I'm a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle.
- John Green
Collection: Interesting
Image of Bill Gates
The next generation of interesting software will be done on the Macintosh, not the IBM PC.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Interesting
Image of Seth Godin
Go do something interesting. Ask if you need help.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jean-Luc Godard
Reportage is interesting only when placed in a fictional context, but fiction is interesting only if it is validated by a documentary context.
- Jean-Luc Godard
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jose Ortega y Gasset
The truth is that no horizon is especially interesting by itself, by virtue of its peculiar content, and that any horizon, wide or narrow, brilliant or dull, varied or monotonous, may possess an interest of its own which merely requires a vital adjustment to be discovered.
- Jose Ortega y Gasset
Collection: Interesting
Image of Boy George
You find out so many interesting things when you're not on drugs.
- Boy George
Collection: Interesting
Image of Carla Gugino
The interesting thing with acting, actually, is that you get to be so many different people that you get to do so much research on so many different things that I've learned so much about brain surgery and about astrophysicist-type of things and traveling to amazing parts of the world.
- Carla Gugino
Collection: Interesting
Image of Diane von Furstenberg
If you pay attention, everyone is a novel. The most boring person, if you sit down and really listen, is someone interesting.
- Diane von Furstenberg
Collection: Interesting
Image of Thomas Friedman
Desktop freelancers and innovative startups all over the world
- Thomas Friedman
Collection: Interesting
Image of Zach Galifianakis
'Baskets' isn't a CBS show. Nothing against that, but this is an off-kilter show on cable that the channel lets you do interesting things. Look, if it works, it works. And if it doesn't, it's just a miniseries.
- Zach Galifianakis
Collection: Interesting
Image of Neil Gaiman
One thing that's interesting to me is how we as humans seem to be losing our ability to stand still and be alone with our thoughts. If you want to, you have to arrange it now. You have to go off where there's no WiFi and leave your equipment behind, but still have some sort of GPS tracking to make sure you don't get lost or die.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Interesting
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
Nobody's life is interesting enough to warrant a third memoir.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Interesting
Image of Nikki Giovanni
It's really just interesting to ask: why not? And see where that takes me.
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Interesting
Image of John Green
We were very different, and we disagreed about a lot of things, but he was always so interesting, you know?
- John Green
Collection: Interesting
Image of William Gibson
I have friends who go [Tokyo] frequently on business, and it sounds interesting. I've heard that they have for the first time serious drug problems.
- William Gibson
Collection: Interesting
Image of Zach Galifianakis
I've always been attracted to sad. If you look at Woody Allen movies, he's often playing a sad clown, and it's always been interesting. And angry clown is even more interesting.
- Zach Galifianakis
Collection: Interesting
Image of Stanislav Grof
By banning psychedelic research we have not only given up the study of an interesting drug or group of substances, but also abandoned one of the most promising approaches to the understanding of the human mind and consciousness.
- Stanislav Grof
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ryan Gosling
I like working with actresses, and I like women a lot, not for obvious reasons, but just in that that theres so much about what they bring to the scene that keeps it so interesting. Their instincts are so different, and they never explain them to you.
- Ryan Gosling
Collection: Interesting
Image of Seth Godin
That's why there's lots and lots of kinds of hot sauces, and not so many kinds of mustard. Not because it's hard to make interesting mustard - you could make interesting mustard - but people don't, because no one's obsessed with it, and thus no one tells their friends.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Interesting
Image of Morgan Parker
It's been interesting to look back on those works [I've done previously] and see all the things that Beyoncé has done and become for us in the meantime, because back then, folks were like, "Why Beyoncé? I don't get why she is kind of the symbol for black womanhood."
- Morgan Parker
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ricky Gervais
Everyday life is interesting enough, whether it be in an office or being ignored on the set of something supposedly more glamorous.
- Ricky Gervais
Collection: Interesting
Image of Benjamin Franklin
The purpose of money was to purchase one's freedom to pursue that which is useful and interesting.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Interesting
Image of Girl Talk
I wasn't trying to make a following. I was just trying to make interesting music. That's not being modest, that's just being realistic.
- Girl Talk
Collection: Interesting
Image of Philip Seymour Hoffman
If I'm directing actors, I learn about acting that way. If I'm acting, I learn about directing that way. Producing is just something that's come about because there's projects I find interesting that I would like to help get done.
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
Collection: Interesting
Image of Daniel Handler
Whenever you are examining someone else's belongings, you are bound to learn many interesting things about the person of which you were not previously aware.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ethan Hawke
I really did Regression to work with Alejandro [Amenabar]. I found him very interesting. His movie, The Others, is one of the better scary movies of the last period of time.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ethan Hawke
It's certainly an interesting moment to try to talk about, 'cause you could make a great show about the police force right now, with all that's happening in the news and Ferguson and all of it.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Interesting
Image of Daniel Handler
I decided that it might be interesting to have terrible things happen to orphans over and over again.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Interesting
Image of Zoe Kazan
On a personal level, just for me in my own work, I would say the most interesting thing has been getting to work with the people that I've worked with.
- Zoe Kazan
Collection: Interesting