Top Inspiration Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Inspiration quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Inspiration quotes.

Image of Joseph Needham
But nothing ever put 'Hoppy' in the shade. No one could fail to recognize in the little figure... the authentic gold of intellectual inspiration, the Fundator et Primus Abbas of biochemistry in England.
- Joseph Needham
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Geert Wilders
The Koran is an inspiration for intolerance, murder and terror.
- Geert Wilders
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Trevor Baylis
That was the Alka-Seltzer moment, the moment when the tablet hits the water and begins to fizz.
- Trevor Baylis
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Trevor Baylis
Ideas for gadgets for the disabled were coming into my head so fast they seemed to be arriving from somewhere outside of me, beamed down by an unremitting force. I had little control over them, or their flow. I would wake up in the middle of the night. A blinding flash of an idea would rouse me from my bed and I'd rush down to my workshop to have a go at it before the inspiration dimmed.
- Trevor Baylis
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Roy H. Williams
Take your inspiration from wherever you find it, no matter how ridiculous.
- Roy H. Williams
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lolo Jones
The Olympics are only once every four years so you have to take advantage of all your opportunities, both to be an inspiration to people and help support your sponsors who help you.
- Lolo Jones
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Margaret Deland
As soon as you feel too old to do a thing, do it.
- Margaret Deland
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Morgan Brittany
People are hungry for messages of hope and life. What are you broadcasting?
- Morgan Brittany
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Chuck Feeney
There has to be a balance in life. A balance of business, family, and the opportunity to learn and teach.
- Chuck Feeney
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Pearl Cleage
Sometimes you meet yourself on the road before you have a chance to learn the appropriate greeting. Faced with your own possibilities, the hard part is knowing a speech is not required. All you have to say is yes.
- Pearl Cleage
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Wendy Carlos
It's best to incorporate a broadly eclectic point of view, and let whatever moves you be your inspiration.
- Wendy Carlos
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Charles Ghigna
Don't search for inspiration when you have a task to do; Just start your work and you will see that it will soon find you.
- Charles Ghigna
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Art Smith
A piece of jewelry is in a sense an object that is not complete in itself. Jewelry is a ‘what is it?’ until you relate it to the body. The body is a component in design just as air and space are. Like line, form, and color, the body is a material to work with. It is one of the basic inspirations in creating form.
- Art Smith
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Thomas Jones
My inspiration is my hometown.
- Thomas Jones
Collection: Inspiration
Image of George Russell
We become what we habitually contemplate
- George Russell
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Ron Ben-Israel
Regrettably, people today don't watch many programs that actually teach people how to cook, so I agreed to do a competitive show that I think will provide inspiration.
- Ron Ben-Israel
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Ron Ben-Israel
Your best creative assets do not occur unless you do a mental shift. You have to be in a positive frame of mind because inspiration is fleeting. I walk to work for inspiration and to clear my mind.
- Ron Ben-Israel
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Anastacia
You know later in life I was inspired to sing and that would've been Aretha, Chaka Khan, Mariah - the typical divas were the inspiration. I've always enjoyed all those singers.
- Anastacia
Collection: Inspiration
Image of H. Burke Peterson
Too often, charity is extended to another when his actions or conduct are acceptable to us. The exhibition of charity to another must not be dependent on his performance. It should be given because of who we are-not because of how we behave.
- H. Burke Peterson
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Tegla Loroupe
One must be one's own inspiration.
- Tegla Loroupe
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Edwin Howard Armstrong
Not only did he teach by accomplishment, but he taught by the inspiration of a marvelous imagination that refused to accept the permanence of what appeared to others to be insuperable difficulties: an imagination of the goals of which, in a number of instances, are still in the realms of speculation.
- Edwin Howard Armstrong
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Ajahn Brahm
Peace is the most valuable commodity. And it's free!
- Ajahn Brahm
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Aristide Maillol
Carving is a source of joy to the artist. . . . To attack the raw material, gradually to extract a shape out of it following one's own desire, or, sometimes, the inspiration of the material itself: this gives the sculptor great joy.
- Aristide Maillol
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robert Fitzgerald
Electronic brains may help us to use our heads but will not excuse us from that duty, and as to our hearts-cardiograms cannot diagnose what may be most ill about them, or confirm what may be best. The faithful woman and the versatile brave man, the wakeful intelligence open to inspiration or grace-these are still exemplary for our kind, as they always were and always will be.
- Robert Fitzgerald
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Sonia Rykiel
I feel like a slave, and in a way like an artist, because I need to get inspiration everyday, from everything and everyone.
- Sonia Rykiel
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Jeet Aulakh
I take a lot of inspiration from the nature of the universe and visualize my work as a direct or indirect reflection of life, inside and around us.
- Jeet Aulakh
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Wolfgang Pauli
I confess, that very different from you, I do find sometimes scientific inspiration in mysticism ... but this is counterbalanced by an immediate sense for mathematics.
- Wolfgang Pauli
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Steve Case
It's not about how to get started; it's about how to get noticed.
- Steve Case
Collection: Inspiration
Image of William of Malmesbury
What task could be more agreeable than to tell of the benefits conferred on us by our ancestors, so that you may get to know the achievements of those from whom you have received both the basis of your beliefs and the inspiration to conduct your life properly.
- William of Malmesbury
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Joseph Priestley
Let us not... contend about merit , but let us all be intent on forwarding the common enterprize , and equally enjoy any progress we may make towards succeeding in it; and above all, let us acknowledge the guidance of that Great Being, who has put a spirit in man, and whose inspiration giveth him understanding .
- Joseph Priestley
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Paul Caponigro
If you are engaging rationality, you are already engaging a place that makes you unavailable. Only when I recognize that inspiration has announced itself to my availability will I then say I need to use my mind to calculate exposure, my emotions to position myself and arrange a configuration of shapes that need to come into being, my body to put it all in place because we have been given a message and it has come through inspiration through being available.'
- Paul Caponigro
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Peter Wolf
It's important to balance the drudgery with inspiration. It's a nightmare if you are just existing in the present project - you don't feel a sense of your own growth.
- Peter Wolf
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lester Roloff
'Faith' Him When You Can't Feel Him.
- Lester Roloff
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Beverly Pepper
I go to my studio every day. Some days work comes easily. Other days nothing happens. Yet on the good days the inspiration is only an accumulation of all the other days, the nonproductive ones.
- Beverly Pepper
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Thelonious Monk
I don't consider myself a musician who has achieved perfection and can't develop any further. But I compose my pieces with a formula that I created myself. Take a musician like John Coltrane. He is a perfect musician, who can give expression to all the possibilities of his instrument. But he seems to have difficulty expressing original ideas on it. That is why he keeps looking for ideas in exotic places. At least I don't have that problem, because, like I say, I find my inspiration in myself.
- Thelonious Monk
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lindsey Stirling
Rise above your circumstances, change the world one person at a time starting with you, and be the inspiration you’ve been searching for.
- Lindsey Stirling
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robert McKee
Don't be didactic - don't write about poverty. Write about poor people. When you dramatize their lives and let life and characters be your inspiration, you will express the 'idea' dynamically and without preaching.
- Robert McKee
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Leopold Stokowski
Music can be all things to all men. It is like a great dynamic sun in the center of a solar system which sends out its rays and inspiration in every direction... It is as if the heavens open and a divine voice calls. Something in our souls responds and understands.
- Leopold Stokowski
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Christina, Queen of Sweden
I love men, not because they are men, but because they are not women
- Christina, Queen of Sweden
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Giuseppe Verdi
The artist must yield himself to his own inspiration... I should compose with utter confidence a subject that set my musical blood going, even though it were condemned by all other artists as anti-musical.
- Giuseppe Verdi
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Giambattista della Porta
Having observed the forces of all things natural and celestial and having examined by painstaking investigation the sympathy among those things, brings into the open powers hidden and stored away in nature; thus, magic links lower things (as if they were magical enticements) to the gifts of higher that astonishing miracles thereby occur.
- Giambattista della Porta
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Bart Conner
Consistent achievement happens only if you love what you are doing
- Bart Conner
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Michael Kitson
Have to and get to?both are choices. One is negative and one is positive. Choose the right one and it can change your life.
- Michael Kitson
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Sir Fulke Greville
A lively and agreeable man has not only the merit of liveliness and agreeableness himself, but that also of awakening them in others.
- Sir Fulke Greville
Collection: Inspiration
Image of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
One should not be happy or distressed over desirables and undesirables, knowing that such feelings are just created by the mind.
- A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Collection: Inspiration
Image of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation.
- A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Collection: Inspiration
Image of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
A grain of devotion is more valuable thank tons of faithlessness.
- A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Collection: Inspiration
Image of John Bunyan
It is possible to learn all about the mysteries of the Bible and never be affected by it in one's soul. Great knowledge is not enough.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lee Roberson
The Bible does not contain the Word of God; It is the Word of God.
- Lee Roberson
Collection: Inspiration