Top Inspiration Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Inspiration quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Inspiration quotes.

Image of Marcus Samuelsson
In Europe I couldn't be anything but a black cook working for somebody. My inspiration was to own, to be the chef.
- Marcus Samuelsson
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Bernard Arnault
I think in business, you have to learn to be patient. Maybe I'm not very patient myself. But I think that I've learned the most is be able to wait for something and get it when it's the right time.
- Bernard Arnault
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Helena Rubinstein
I've always thought that a woman owes it to herself to treat the subject of her age with ambiguity.
- Helena Rubinstein
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Diana Vreeland
There’s only one thing in life, and that’s the continual renewal of inspiration.
- Diana Vreeland
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Pindar
He is gifted with genius who knoweth much by natural inspiration.
- Pindar
Collection: Inspiration
Image of ASAP Rocky
There's just so much out there and so much inspiration... I just want to be tasteful.
- ASAP Rocky
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Luis von Ahn
I worked on a number of projects that were used by millions of people and that also served as inspiration to what we now call "crowd-sourcing."
- Luis von Ahn
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Isaac Newton
No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.
- Isaac Newton
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Billy Sunday
Let's quit fiddling with religion and do something to bring the world to Christ.
- Billy Sunday
Collection: Inspiration
Image of J. Oswald Sanders
If we are meticulously careful with the use of the days, the years will take care of themselves.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Mike Rowe
Opportunity usually shows up in overalls and looking like work.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Renzo Piano
My inspiration came from the land, ... and, of course, from Paul Klee . . . and the poetics of his paintings.
- Renzo Piano
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lucinda Williams
As it turns out, now is the moment you've been waiting for
- Lucinda Williams
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Rabindranath Tagore
Inspiration follows aspiration.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Orlando Aloysius Battista
Placing the blame is a bad habit, but taking the blame is a sure builder of character
- Orlando Aloysius Battista
Collection: Inspiration
Image of John Bytheway
I suppose that one of the greatest benefits of studying Isaiah is the process of studying Isaiah. Searching the scriptures puts you in a pondering, searching frame of mind in which inspiration can come, allowing you to find ways to apply scriptural truths to your life.
- John Bytheway
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Louise Brooks
Writing is 1 percent inspiration, and 99 percent elimination.
- Louise Brooks
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Jonathan Tropper
You're terrified of being alone. Anything you do now will be motivated by that fear. You have to stop worrying about finding love again. It will come when it comes. Get comfortable with being alone. It will empower you.
- Jonathan Tropper
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Bill Bowerman
To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.
- Bill Bowerman
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Russell M. Nelson
Act by inspiration, motivated by love.
- Russell M. Nelson
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robert Louis Stevenson
Make the most of the best and the least of the worst.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lil Wayne
Somewhere along the way in your life, the world and its people will have a problem with you. That's their problem. Not yours.
- Lil Wayne
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lil Wayne
I don't need it to be easy. I just want it to be worth it.
- Lil Wayne
Collection: Inspiration
Image of John Towner Williams
Any working composer or painter or sculptor will tell you that inspiration comes at the eighth hour of labour, rather than as a bolt out of the blue. We have to get our vanities and our preconceptions out of the way and do the work in the time allotted.
- John Towner Williams
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Gregory David Roberts
There's a kind of luck that's not much more than being in the right place at the right time, a kind of inspiration that's not much more than doing the right thing in the right way, and both only really happen to you when you empty your heart of ambition, purpose, and plan; when you give yourself, completely, to the golden, fate-filled moment.
- Gregory David Roberts
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Jo Nesbo
It was a sudden inspiration. But inspiration never came without a reason.
- Jo Nesbo
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Poul Anderson
At each stage...entirely new laws, concepts and generalizations are necessary, requiring inspiration and creativity to just as great a degree as in the previous one.
- Poul Anderson
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Dee Hock
The most abundant, least used, and most abused resource in the world is human spirit and ingenuity.
- Dee Hock
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Kevin Roberts
Everyone wants a conversation. They want inspiration. Inspire people with your website. Don’t just interrupt, but interact. Asking about Return on Investment is the wrong question today. You should be asking about Return on Involvement.
- Kevin Roberts
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Maria Popova
We are a collage of our interests, our influences, our inspirations, all the fragmentary impressions we've collected by being alive and awake to the world. Who we "are" is simply a finely curated catalog of those.
- Maria Popova
Collection: Inspiration
Image of M. R. DeHaan
The true Church preaches REGENERATION; not reformation, not education, not legislation, but regeneration.
- M. R. DeHaan
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Alden W. Clausen
I spend 60 percent of my time planning, 60 percent with people, and all other duties are completed with whatever time is left
- Alden W. Clausen
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Priyanka Chopra
Mary Kom is a woman who stood up alone in a male-dominated field and fought for her rights and what she believed in. Her story is an inspiration for every young person out there.
- Priyanka Chopra
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Ikue Mori
The way I create music is maybe like a painting, to compose in a more visual way. Basically it's the music that I want to hear- that's my inspiration and bottom line. I just try to get ideas from books, movies, paintings.
- Ikue Mori
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Frank A. Clark
We would be happier with what we have if we weren't so unhappy about what we don't' have
- Frank A. Clark
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Adrienne Clarkson
When you get on the boat that's saving you, don't pull up the ladder behind you
- Adrienne Clarkson
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Wilfred Grenfell
I have found more inspiration in the cottages of fishermen than in the palaces of the rich.
- Wilfred Grenfell
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Antonio Guterres
Thus, on this World Refugee Day, let us take time to recognize and draw inspiration from these ordinary people who have shown such extraordinary courage - the world's millions of refugees and displaced.
- Antonio Guterres
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Cheryl Rainfield
I know you're upset, I know you're scared, but don't walk away.
- Cheryl Rainfield
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Yayoi Kusama
My ideas and creativity are the sources of inspiration for me.
- Yayoi Kusama
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Maurice Wilkes
The artificial intelligence approach may not be altogether the right one to make to the problem of designing automatic assembly devices. Animals and machines are constructed from entirely different materials and on quite different principles. When engineers have tried to draw inspiration from a study of the way animals work they have usually been misled; the history of early attempts to construct flying machines with flapping wings illustrates this very clearly.
- Maurice Wilkes
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Carrie Hamilton
Our legacy is really the lives we touch, the inspiration we give, altering someone's plan - if even for a moment - and getting them to think, cry, laugh, argue. More than anything, we are remembered for our smiles; the ones we share with our closest and dearest, and the ones we bestow on a total stranger, who needed it RIGHT THEN, and God put you there to deliver.
- Carrie Hamilton
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Charles Webster Leadbeater
You are what you share.
- Charles Webster Leadbeater
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robert Genn
Inspiration comes from doing.
- Robert Genn
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robert Genn
Waiting for inspiration is for amateurs; professionals get to work.
- Robert Genn
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Wealth is not to feed our egos but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Millard Drexler
Most obstacles are inspiration.
- Millard Drexler
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Dana Reeve
Be brave. Be open-minded. Be kind. Be forgiving. Be generous. Be optimistic. Be grateful for the many unexpected lessons you will learn. Find the joy inside the hardship. It's there. I assure you. And, too, be open to inspiration from unlikely sources.
- Dana Reeve
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Charles Hard Townes
Science, with its experiments and logic, tries to understand the order or structure of the universe. Religion, with its theological inspiration and reflection, tries to understand the purpose or meaning of the universe. These two are cross-related. Purpose implies structure, and structure ought somehow to be interpretable in terms of purpose.
- Charles Hard Townes
Collection: Inspiration