Top imagination Quotes Collection - Page 13

Discover a curated collection of imagination quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 13 provides more imagination quotes.

Image of Rufus Sewell
I do as much comedy as I possibly can, but I'm basically limited by the imagination of the secretaries who make the decisions.
- Rufus Sewell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Alex Cox
The way that a handful of corporations in Los Angeles dictate how our stories are told creates a real poverty of imagination and it's a big problem.
- Alex Cox
Collection: Imagination
Image of Georg Brandes
Just about this time, when in imagination I was so great a warrior, I had good use in real life for more strength, as I was no longer taken to school by the nurse, but instead had myself to protect my brother, two years my junior.
- Georg Brandes
Collection: Imagination
Image of Peter Mayhew
George has only got to ring me. His imagination is so wonderful, I'd do any character he might create.
- Peter Mayhew
Collection: Imagination
Image of Gillian Flynn
I grew up in the '80s where there's a lot of these kind of post-apocalyptic, post-comet, post-whatever it was, so that always captured my imagination a lot as a little kid, that idea of getting access to secret places and being able to roam around where you're not supposed to.
- Gillian Flynn
Collection: Imagination
Image of Peter Ackroyd
I have always believed that the material world is governed by nonmaterial sources, so that in that sense 'English Music' is an exercise in the spiritual as well as the material. I have always been attracted to the Gothic and spiritual imagination, and I've always been interested in visionaries.
- Peter Ackroyd
Collection: Imagination
Image of Nina Blackwood
When you are young your imagination is so clear.
- Nina Blackwood
Collection: Imagination
Image of Christian Bale
Essentially, I'm untrained, so I just go with my imagination and try to put myself as solidly as I can into the shoes of whatever person I'm going to be playing.
- Christian Bale
Collection: Imagination
Image of Edi Gathegi
I think that different actors go about their preparation differently, but when it comes to acting, I use my imagination.
- Edi Gathegi
Collection: Imagination
Image of Mason Cooley
Imagination has rules, but we can only guess what they are.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Imagination
Image of Laura Linney
I had a good imagination and I still have one; a child-like imagination that hasn't gone away.
- Laura Linney
Collection: Imagination
Image of Daniel Tammet
When I achieved the European record for reciting pi in 2004, this captured the imagination of Professor Simon Baron-Cohen in Cambridge, and he finally diagnosed me with Asperger's that year.
- Daniel Tammet
Collection: Imagination
Image of Bruce Greenwood
If you don't pay attention and if your imagination isn't pretty much engaged, you're going to miss things and you're going to miss opportunities for it to be as compelling and as creepy as it can be.
- Bruce Greenwood
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michael Ignatieff
If the history of the western moral imagination is the story of an enduring and unending revolt against human cruelty, there are few more consequential figures than Raphael Lemkin - and few whose achievements have been more ignored by the general public. It was he who coined the word 'genocide.' He was also its victim.
- Michael Ignatieff
Collection: Imagination
Image of Olivier Martinez
Love is based on imagination.
- Olivier Martinez
Collection: Imagination
Image of John C. Hawkes
I'm only interested in fiction that in some way or other voices the very imagination which is conceiving it.
- John C. Hawkes
Collection: Imagination
Image of LeRoy Neiman
Imagination comes of not having things.
- LeRoy Neiman
Collection: Imagination
Image of Carol Ann Duffy
The moment of inspiration can come from memory, or language, or the imagination, or experience - anything that makes an impression forcibly enough for language to form.
- Carol Ann Duffy
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Godwin
There must be room for the imagination to exercise its powers; we must conceive and apprehend a thousand things which we do not actually witness.
- William Godwin
Collection: Imagination
Image of J. K. Rowling
However my parents - both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing quirk that would never pay a mortgage or secure a pension.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Imagination
Image of R. A. Salvatore
I loved the world of imagination.
- R. A. Salvatore
Collection: Imagination
Image of Frank Auerbach
To put down an ideogram of a table so that people will recognize it as a table is not the work of a painter, but to sense it for a moment as a magic carpet with a leg hanging down at each corner is the beginning of a painter's imagination.
- Frank Auerbach
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Blake
Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.
- William Blake
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michio Kaku
So often, science fiction helps to get young people interested in science. That's why I don't mind talking about science fiction. It has a real role to play: to seize the imagination.
- Michio Kaku
Collection: Imagination
Image of Adrienne Mayor
The nomads' egalitarian lifestyle astonished the Greeks, who kept their own women indoors weaving and minding children. The exotic Scythian lifestyle fueled the Greek imagination and led to an outpouring of myths about fierce Amazons, 'the equals of men.'
- Adrienne Mayor
Collection: Imagination
Image of Dave Attell
I have an imagination because my life is so boring that my imagination lets me get off the reality of what's going on.
- Dave Attell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Stephen King
Wherever you write is supposed to be a little bit of a refuge, a place where you can get away from the world. The more closed in you are, the more you're forced back on your own imagination.
- Stephen King
Collection: Imagination
Image of Geraldine Brooks
The thing that most attracts me to historical fiction is taking the factual record as far as it is known, using that as scaffolding, and then letting imagination build the structure that fills in those things we can never find out for sure.
- Geraldine Brooks
Collection: Imagination
Image of Yann Martel
Reality is how we interpret it. Imagination and volition play a part in that interpretation. Which means that all reality is to some extent a fiction.
- Yann Martel
Collection: Imagination
Image of Mary Pope Osborne
My imagination is closer to a child's imagination than to a grown-up's.
- Mary Pope Osborne
Collection: Imagination
Image of Les Baxter
Regardless of who originally made it popular, any hit song becomes a challenge to the ingenuity and imagination of other musicians and performers.
- Les Baxter
Collection: Imagination
Image of Edgar Degas
It is all very well to copy what one sees, but it is far better to draw what one now only sees in one's memory. That is a transformation in which imagination collaborates with memory.
- Edgar Degas
Collection: Imagination
Image of Franz Schubert
I try to decorate my imagination as much as I can.
- Franz Schubert
Collection: Imagination
Image of Matt Haig
There aren't any fences to the imagination, and so there shouldn't be any for books.
- Matt Haig
Collection: Imagination
Image of Simon McBurney
Theatre is about the collective imagination... Everything I use on-stage is driven by the subject matter and what you might call the text - but that text can be anything, from a fragment of movement or music to something you see on a TV.
- Simon McBurney
Collection: Imagination
Image of Adrien Brody
I was a wild, mischievous kid, and I had tremendous imagination. Any experience I had, I'd try to reenact it.
- Adrien Brody
Collection: Imagination
Image of Elliot Knight
Fairy tales were great because they provided a no-limits playground for my imagination, and growing up, there's nothing more exciting.
- Elliot Knight
Collection: Imagination
Image of Carl Jung
Without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Imagination
Image of Derek Walcott
All of the Antilles, every island, is an effort of memory: every mind, every racial biography culminating in amnesia and fog. Pieces of sunlight through the fog and sudden rainbows, arcs-en-ciel. That is the effort, the labour of the Antillean imagination, rebuilding its gods from bamboo frames, phrase by phrase.
- Derek Walcott
Collection: Imagination
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
The human race is governed by its imagination.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Imagination
Image of Peter Ackroyd
It may seem unfashionable to say so, but historians should seize the imagination as well as the intellect. History is, in a sense, a story, a narrative of adventure and of vision, of character and of incident. It is also a portrait of the great general drama of the human spirit.
- Peter Ackroyd
Collection: Imagination
Image of Richard Le Gallienne
We also maintain - again with perfect truth - that mystery is more than half of beauty, the element of strangeness that stirs the senses through the imagination.
- Richard Le Gallienne
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marquis de Sade
Truth titillates the imagination far less than fiction.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Imagination
Image of Joe Dante
'Avatar' is the greatest, most comprehensive collection of movie cliches ever assembled, but it's put together in a brand new way with a new technology, and tremendous imagination, making it a true epic and a kind of a milestone.
- Joe Dante
Collection: Imagination
Image of Karen Armstrong
Today mythical thinking has fallen into disrepute; we often dismiss it as irrational and self-indulgent. But the imagination is also the faculty that has enabled scientists to bring new knowledge to light and to invent technology that has made us immeasurably more effective.
- Karen Armstrong
Collection: Imagination
Image of Theodore Gericault
With the brush we merely tint, while the imagination alone produces colour.
- Theodore Gericault
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ambrose Bierce
Liberty: One of Imagination's most precious possessions.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Imagination
Image of Pico Iyer
I sometimes think that so much of our life takes place inside our heads - in memory or imagination or interpretation or speculation - that if I really want to change my life, I might best begin by changing my mind.
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Imagination
Image of Fay Wray
Only in your imagination can you revise.
- Fay Wray
Collection: Imagination