Top home Quotes Collection - Page 95

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 95 provides more home quotes.

Image of Taraji P. Henson
When I go home to visit, they never treat me like a celebrity. They still treat me like TJ. If I leave dishes in the sink, they'll let me know.
- Taraji P. Henson
Collection: Home
Image of Eric Hoffer
Ours is a golden age of minorities. At no time in the past have dissident minorities felt so much at home and had so much room to throw their weight around. They speak and act as if they were "the people," and what they abominate most is the dissent of the majority.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Hanks
I just know that every man I kill the farther away from home I feel.
- Tom Hanks
Collection: Home
Image of Martin Schulz
The construction of social housing and the attempt to support families seeking to buy their own homes are all projects from the 1960s and '70s. It all sounds old-fashioned, but it is actually completely modern.
- Martin Schulz
Collection: Home
Image of Audrey Hepburn
Promise me one thing: don't take me home until I'm drunk - very drunk indeed.
- Audrey Hepburn
Collection: Home
Image of Margaret Atwood
That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn't even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn't even an enemy you could put your finger on.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Home
Image of Margaret Atwood
Home is where the heart is, I thought now, gathering myself together in Betty's Luncheonette. I had no heart any more, it had been broken; or not broken, it simply wasn't there any more. It had been scooped neatly out of me like the yolk from a hard-boiled egg, leaving the rest of me bloodless and congealed and hollow. I'm heartless, I thought. Therefore I'm homeless.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Home
Image of Gordon B. Hinckley
The family is a creation of God. The way to strengthen the nation is to strengthen the homes of the people.
- Gordon B. Hinckley
Collection: Home
Image of Chelsea Handler
We got to his place and it looked a lot like his personality. Just a bunch of space filler, nothing to really wow you. It looked like he had bought a lot of stuff from IKEA and then decided to refinish it at home. Everything was neat and tidy, but you wouldn't want any of it for yourself.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Home
Image of Kate Hudson
I think for all the women who are working parents it's difficult to balance your work-life and your home-life. You make obvious sacrifices because you really just want to be with your family.
- Kate Hudson
Collection: Home
Image of Marcus Aurelius
As for others whose lives are not so ordered, he reminds himself constantly of the characters they exhibit daily and nightly at home and abroad, and of the sort of society they frequent; and the approval of such men, who do not even stand well in their own eyes, has no value for him.
- Marcus Aurelius
Collection: Home
Image of Marvin J. Ashton
A diet of violence or pornography dulls the senses, and future exposures need to be rougher and more extreme. Soon the person is desensitized and is unable to react in a sensitive, caring, responsible manner, especially to those in his own home and family. Good people can become infested with this material and it can have terrifying, destructive consequences.
- Marvin J. Ashton
Collection: Home
Image of Marvin J. Ashton
All of us need to be constantly reminded it takes a heap of living and loving to make a house a home.
- Marvin J. Ashton
Collection: Home
Image of Amanda Schull
When I first came USA, I didn't feel this was my home. This was where I was studying, and then my home was now rejecting me.
- Amanda Schull
Collection: Home
Image of Gordon B. Hinckley
Women who make a house a home make a far greater contribution to society than those who command large armies or stand at the head of impressive corporations.
- Gordon B. Hinckley
Collection: Home
Image of Nhat Hanh
Every one of us needs a home. The world needs a home. There are so many young people who are homeless. They may have a building to live in, but they are homeless in their hearts. That is why the most important practice of our time is to give each person a home.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Home
Image of William Hazlitt
Like a rustic at a fair, we are full of amazement and rapture, and have no thought of going home, or that it will soon be night.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Home
Image of Nhat Hanh
Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you, your feelings need you, your perceptions need you. Your suffering needs you to acknowledge it. Go home and be there for all these things.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Home
Image of Anthony Hopkins
On his Hannibal Lector mask: I've got it at home. I wear it to bed every night.
- Anthony Hopkins
Collection: Home
Image of Steve Inskeep
You do have this circumstance in Karachi that because people know things are changing, the stakes are higher. Everyone is thinking, "My home is threatened, my job is threatened, my identity is threatened, my world is threatened." And that creates a very particular sort of climate, that is linked.
- Steve Inskeep
Collection: Home
Image of G-Eazy
I think any time you're at the end of a trip you're usually pretty ready to come home and start working regularly again.
- G-Eazy
Collection: Home
Image of Martin Heidegger
The relationship between man and space is none other than dwelling, strictly thought and spoken.
- Martin Heidegger
Collection: Home
Image of Billie Holiday
I joined Count Basie's band to make a little money and to see the world. For two years I didn't see anything but the inside of a Blue Goose bus, and I never got to send home a quarter.
- Billie Holiday
Collection: Home
Image of Elbert Hubbard
Charity: a thing that begins at home, and usually stays there.
- Elbert Hubbard
Collection: Home
Image of Homer
I should rather labor as another's serf, in the home of a man without fortune, one whose livelihood was meager, than rule over all the departed dead.
- Homer
Collection: Home
Image of O. Henry
But how is it now? All we get is orders; and the laws go out of the state. Them legislators set up there at Austin and don't do nothing but makes laws against kerosene oil and schoolbooks being brought into the state. I reckon they was afraid some man would go home some evening after work and light up and get an education and go to work and make laws to repeal aforesaid laws.
- O. Henry
Collection: Home
Image of George Herbert
Play with a foole at home, and he will play with you in the market.
- George Herbert
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Hardy
I guess if I had fifty million dollars I could spend more time at home.
- Tom Hardy
Collection: Home
Image of Adolf Hitler
When I came to power, I did not want the concentration camps to become old age pensioners homes, but instruments of terror.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Home
Image of Sean Hannity
My plan has all that. It's energy independence. It will help our economy. It's a significant tax cut for corporations, including automatic expensing. It's bringing all those profits home from Europe without any taxation. It's lowering our corporate - or our personal rate to 28 percent, the same rate that Ronald Reagan had.
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Home
Image of Martin Heidegger
From our human experience and history, at least as far as I am informed, I know that everything essential and great has only emerged when human beings had a home and were rooted in a tradition. Today's literature is, for instance, largely destructive.
- Martin Heidegger
Collection: Home
Image of Gordon B. Hinckley
Imagine how our own families, let alone the world, would change if we vowed to keep faith with one another, strengthen one another, look for and accentuate the virtues in one another, and speak graciously concerning one another. Imagine the cumulative effect if we treated each other with respect and acceptance, if we willingly provided support. Such interactions practiced on a small scale would surely have a rippling effect throughout our homes and communities and, eventually, society at large.
- Gordon B. Hinckley
Collection: Home
Image of Napoleon Hill
Someday America will have its very own commercial-free TV and radio station devoted to only one thing: to teach people, in their homes, all the essentials of personal achievement.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Home
Image of Kate Hudson
~My favorite thing about my son is that he comes home from school and the clothes go flying! Like, clothes off, right down to the undies.~
- Kate Hudson
Collection: Home
Image of Napoleon Hill
Persons, especially salaried people who schedule their spare time, to provide for home study (or attend specialized short courses, seminars or training) seldom remain at the bottom very long. Their action opens the way for the upward climb, removes many obstacles from their path, and gains the friendly interest of those who have the power to put them in the way of opportunity
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Home
Image of David Hockney
I can see that cinema seems to be finished. Everybody has a bigger screen at home. I'm assuming eventually you won't need a screen at all - these iPhones will just project.
- David Hockney
Collection: Home
Image of Nikki Haley
Russians are concerned by North Korea. I mean there's - this is getting kind of close to home for them. And so they're concerned. And I think certainly what we're going to start doing is rallying the troops again and say, ok, what do we need to do next?
- Nikki Haley
Collection: Home
Image of Homer
We got a little rule back home: If it's brown, drink it down. If it's black, send it back.
- Homer
Collection: Home
Image of Jennifer Hudson
My grandmother always taught me, 'If you don't have a home, family, and church, you don't have anything.
- Jennifer Hudson
Collection: Home
Image of Ben Hogan
I have found the game to be, in all factualness, a universal language wherever I traveled at home or abroad.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Home
Image of Khaled Hosseini
He said that if culture is a house, then language was the key to the front door; to all the rooms inside. Without it, he said, you ended up wayward, without a proper home or a legitimate identity.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Home
Image of George Harrison
Everybody should just stay at home and meditate and they'd be so much happier.
- George Harrison
Collection: Home
Image of George Harrison
Show me that I m everywhere and get me home for tea.
- George Harrison
Collection: Home
Image of Margaret Atwood
Nature full strength is more than we can take, Adam One used to say. It's a potent hallucinogen, a soporific, for the untrained Soul. We're no longer at home in it. We need to dilute it. We can't drink it straight. And God is the same. Too much God and you overdose. God needs to be filtered.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Home
Image of Werner Herzog
I function better in the jungle in Amazonia or Antarctica or Alaska or the Sahara desert. An artificial environment like a studio has never attracted me. I could work in a studio, but I would never really feel at home.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Home
Image of Eric Hoffer
A plant needs roots in order to grow. With man it is the other way around: only when he grows does he have roots and feels at home in the world.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Home
Image of Sean Hannity
Stay home on Election Day ... for the sake of the nation
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Hiddleston
Whenever I come back to London, which is home, I get that cosy, comfortable feeling of being home, as well as the sophistication of this city.
- Tom Hiddleston
Collection: Home
Image of George Herbert
Little journeys and good cost bring safe home.
- George Herbert
Collection: Home