Top home Quotes Collection - Page 87

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 87 provides more home quotes.

Image of Hank Aaron
Roger Maris lost his hair the season he hit sixty-one, I still have all my hair, but when it's over, I'm going home to Mobile and fish for a long time.
- Hank Aaron
Collection: Home
Image of Gabby Douglas
I was just, you know, kind of getting racist jokes, kind of being isolated from the group. So it was definitely hard. I would come home at night and just cry my eyes out.
- Gabby Douglas
Collection: Home
Image of Maya Angelou
That's what you want to do? Then nothing beats a trial but a failure. Give it everything you've got. I've told you many times, 'Cant do is like Dont Care.' Neither of them have a home.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Home
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
As he took her hand she saw him look her over from head to foot, a gesture she recognized and that made her feel at home, but gave her always a faint feeling of superiority to whoever made it. If her person was property she could exercise whatever advantage was inherent in its ownership.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Home
Image of Jason Wu
In American culture you leave home at 18. In the Asian culture, your parents don't really want you to leave home. So my parents just thought I was going to be one of those kids. I was like, "I'm never going to make a living at whatever I do." I just liked pretty things.
- Jason Wu
Collection: Home
Image of Steve Earle
I think the music business is changing. Artists that don't want to tour and just want to collect royalty checks and stay home are not going to be able to do that.
- Steve Earle
Collection: Home
Image of Snoop Dogg
Why do people carry guns? Protection, right? To protect me and myself. Whether it's home protection or street protection.
- Snoop Dogg
Collection: Home
Image of Rory Vaden
There is always an incredible amount of things vying for our attention at home. I'm not saying you should never do the laundry, or pay attention to the kids, but for most of us, we're not present to how much time we spend on those. Anything that wastes your time is a waste of money.
- Rory Vaden
Collection: Home
Image of Rory Vaden
Creative avoidance is the type of procrastination that affects home business entrepreneurs the most. It is unconsciously filling our day with trivial, unimportant work.
- Rory Vaden
Collection: Home
Image of Clarissa Pinkola Estes
When you focus with soul eyes, / You will see home in many, many places.
- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Collection: Home
Image of Janet Fitch
We have no home, she told me. I am your home.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Home
Image of Jhene Aiko
Everyday though, I'm just looking for like- I always ask people, What are you listening to? What sounds are good to you? Alot of people are in their car, in the club or on the internet looking and I just don't do any of that. Usually if I'm out and about it's because I have something to do, because I'm like a really big home body. If I'm at home, im watching Nickelodeon cartoons so sometimes I'm out of the loop with the cool music, but for sure I'm predicting that J.Cole is going to be good.
- Jhene Aiko
Collection: Home
Image of Bob Dylan
I had ambitions to set out and find, like an odyssey or going home somewhere, set out to find this home that I'd left a while back and couldn't remember exactly where it was, but I was on my way there. And encountering what I encountered on the way was how I envisioned it all. I didn't really have any ambition at all. I was born very far from where I'm supposed to be, and so, I'm on my way home, you know?
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Home
Image of Richard L. Evans
One of the most fruitless, irritating wastes in the world is arguing-the contentious, endless kind of arguing that is akin to quarreling, and causes feuding in families and among friends, and leaves resentful feeling in homes, in hearts, in businesses and professions, and in all kinds of gatherings in public and private places, and in all relationships of life-and with so little that it ever seems to settle!
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Home
Image of Malcolm Forbes
What about the poor salesman who is calling into the office from the corner saloon instead of the home sickbed he claims he is in?
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Home
Image of Kofi Annan
UN peacekeeping operations are now increasingly complex and multi-dimensional, going beyond monitoring a ceasefire to actually bringing failed States back to life, often after decades of conflict. The blue helmets and their civilian colleagues work together to organize elections, enact police and judicial reform, promote and protect human rights, conduct mine-clearance, advance gender equality, achieve the voluntary disarmament of former combatants, and support the return of refugees and displaced people to their homes.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Home
Image of Snoop Dogg
Just giving the people a great show, leaving it all on the stage. Like when I'm finished I don't want to go home with nothing, I want to leave it all there on the stage, that's what I'm thinking about before I hit the stage.
- Snoop Dogg
Collection: Home
Image of Albert Einstein
Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man's quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Home
Image of Esther Dyson
The Net is not a single home. Rather, it's an environment where thousands of small homes and communities can form and define and design themselves.
- Esther Dyson
Collection: Home
Image of Drake
Took over my city and I never asked permission to.
- Drake
Collection: Home
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
We must leave our pets at home, when we go into the street, and meet men on broad grounds of good meaning and good sense.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Home
Image of Andrea Dworkin
Families make possible the super-exploitation of women by training them to look upon their work outside the home as peripheral to their 'true' role.
- Andrea Dworkin
Collection: Home
Image of Gloria Estefan
My son traveled the world with me on every tour. He wasn't a lover of school, so it was easy with him. I had a tutor on the road, keep him at the same level, so when he'd pop back home he'd go right back in.
- Gloria Estefan
Collection: Home
Image of Peter Drucker
The company is not and must never claim to be home, family, religion, life or fate for the individual. It must never interfere in his private life or his citizenship. He is tied to the company through a voluntary and cancellable employment contract, not through some mystical or indissoluble bond.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Home
Image of Walt Disney
Well I come from a land, from a far away place, where the caravan camels roam. They will cut of your ear if they don't like your face, it's babaric, but hey, it's home.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Home
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Put the argument into a concrete shape, into an image, some hard phrase, round and solid as a ball, which they can see and handle and carry home with them, and the cause is half won.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Home
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some people are born very far from home.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Home
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
What school, college, or lecture bring men depends on what men bring to carry it home in.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Home
Image of Frederick Lenz
I think that was E.T.'s central appeal, personally. E.T. is this metaphorical journey, this strange Odysseus from another world, who just wants to go home. Obviously, home must've been better!
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Home
Image of Maria Edgeworth
Home! With what different sensations different people pronounce and hear that word pronounced!
- Maria Edgeworth
Collection: Home
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
When we were walking through the narrow alleys [of the Mathare Valley slums], it was literally impossible not to step in the raw sewage and the garbage alongside the little homes. But at the same time it was also impossible not to see the human vitality, the aspiration and the ambition of the people who live there.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Home
Image of Tony Evans
Don't you understand, mister, you are royalty and God has chosen you to be priest of your home?
- Tony Evans
Collection: Home
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult it is to bring it home.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Home
Image of Kevin Durant
Caron, Even though you just got here a few months ago, We've grown so close over these last few weeks And, I can remember, When you first got here, You wrote a piece of paper in my locker... I don't know why I'm crying so much man... You wrote a piece of paper in my locker that said, "KD MVP." And that's after we had lost two or three straight. And I don't really say much in those moments, But I remember that. I go home and I think about that stuff man. When you got people behind you, You can do whatever. And I thank you man, I appreciate you.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Home
Image of Meredith Brooks
I quickly learned to take anger and use it to motivate me. My sister ran away from home, and she was my world. And that was that. The guitar became my world.
- Meredith Brooks
Collection: Home
Image of Bob Dylan
It's not a house, it's a home.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Home
Image of John Fletcher
Charity and treating begin at home.
- John Fletcher
Collection: Home
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
If I asked you to do something for me, I don't suppose you'd listen?" When he had my attention, he continued, "I'm going to take you home. Try to forget tonight happened. Try to act normal, especially around Hank. Don't mention my name." By way of an answer, I shot him a black look and swung out of the Tahoe. He followed suit, coming around to my side. "What kind of answer is that?" He asked, but his voice wasn't nearly so gruff.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Home
Image of Shirin Ebadi
There is no "true Islam," just different interpretations. Since I brought up patriarchy, let me make one thing clear. I am not singling out men; I am addressing the issue of inequality of genders. A patriarchy does not only not accept the equality of the sexes, it also has a hard time understanding the principles of democracy and its essence. Women are the victims of this patriarchal culture, but they are also its carriers. Let us keep in mind that every oppressive man was raised in the confines of his mother's home. This is the culture we need to resist and fight.
- Shirin Ebadi
Collection: Home
Image of Dwight D. Eisenhower
The same day I saw my first horror camp, I visited every nook and cranny. I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Collection: Home
Image of Ogden Nash
O thrice unhappy home Whose master doesn't know the difference between a watt and an ohm!
- Ogden Nash
Collection: Home
Image of Frederick Lenz
You don't know why, but you know you have to go home. It's an eternal longing. It's Marvell's drop of dew wanting to go back to the sky. We're drawn by a force we don't understand, through worlds, through experience.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Home
Image of Craig Finn
Before I had a driver's license, and I lived in the suburbs of Minneapolis and went to high school and came home - I could ride my bike around or get a ride from my parents, but my world was pretty small, limited. Like anyone at that age, I only knew things I could get to.
- Craig Finn
Collection: Home
Image of Craig Finn
Some people will totally get restless, since you can make demos pretty easy. It's not unreasonable for someone to say, "All right, can you just record this and go home and work on it?"
- Craig Finn
Collection: Home
Image of John de Ruiter
Awareness returning home is awareness being enfolded by what it knows.
- John de Ruiter
Collection: Home
Image of Wayne Dyer
In quantum physics, the study of material at the subatomic level, you get down to the tiniest levels. When they take these subatomic particles, put them in particle accelerators and collide them, quantum physicists discover there's nothing there. There's no one home - no ghost in the machine.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Home
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
I wasn´t expecting to come home to you, but now that you´re here, I have no intention of letting you leave." Patch :D (p. 295)
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Home
Image of Carlos Mencia
And for all of you at home, you are all welcome to visit my store. You are also welcome to park off you motherparking parks, and go park yourself. But remember, don't park in a handicapped spot.
- Carlos Mencia
Collection: Home