Amanda Marshall

Image of Amanda Marshall
I never got a chocolate birthday cake; I got a carob one. And when I went to other kids' houses, I was very covetous of things like Cheez Whiz that I'd find in their refrigerators.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Birthday
Image of Amanda Marshall
You never know how things are going to go. I think you hope that people are going to dig what you do and that you're going to get the chance to do it on a really comfortable level.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Chance
Image of Amanda Marshall
I'm a reasonably articulate individual.
- Amanda Marshall
Image of Amanda Marshall
I've had some interesting stuff happen to me - so why doesn't anyone ask me?
- Amanda Marshall
Image of Amanda Marshall
There are a lot of bands and performers whose careers are permanently derailed by spectacularly bad management.
- Amanda Marshall
Image of Amanda Marshall
I was really, really, really enthusiastic as a kid. I was up for anything. I was hugely into music and theatre. I was a big musical theatre kid; I loved reading.
- Amanda Marshall
Image of Amanda Marshall
I did actually have a deal with Columbia, but it became increasingly clear to me after signing with them that they didn't know what to do with me and I didn't know what to do for them, so we agreed to go our separate ways.
- Amanda Marshall
Image of Amanda Marshall
And in the fearless, reckless pursuit of intimate love, it is not the destination it's the journey.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Journey
Image of Amanda Marshall
I've never been happy with anyone, like I am when I'm with you.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Fall
Image of Amanda Marshall
I want you to be happy, you're my best friend. But it's so hard to let you go now with all that could have been. I'll always have the memories. She'll always have you. Fate has a way of changing just when you don't want it to. Throw away the chains, let love fly away. Till love comes again, I'll be okay.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Memories
Image of Amanda Marshall
My money's riding on this dark horse, baby My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one And its true color's gonna shine through someday If we let this Let this dark horse run
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Running
Image of Amanda Marshall
Everybody's got a story that could break your heart.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Heart
Image of Amanda Marshall
To those people (who criticize me), get off your a** and make a record.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: People
Image of Amanda Marshall
I get by on wishful thinking that when you come home you'll want to stay.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Home
Image of Amanda Marshall
I close my eyes and it's so real and all at once I know just what I feel - And baby it's the kind of rush that terrifies.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Baby
Image of Amanda Marshall
His heart is kind and those big hands are soft. He speaks a language that can change what I believe.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Fall
Image of Amanda Marshall
If you're a gardener, or creating a garden you're clearly looking to the future. You have a sense of your own future and a sense of yourself in that space. People coming here feel that hope, that renewal, and that sense of regeneration. They get their hands dirty and connect back to the ground, which is what we feel strongly about - giving everybody the opportunity to get connected to the earth.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Dirty
Image of Amanda Marshall
Nothing lasts forever but we always try, and I just can't help but wonder why we let it pass us by
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Forever