Top Growing Up Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Growing Up quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Growing Up quotes.

Image of Maurice Clarett
There’s no tipping point where you become what you are. Character development starts when you’re growing up. Your socioeconomic background contributes. The attitude that gets you through some communities doesn’t work in corporate America. It’s not an excuse, but it does help explain
- Maurice Clarett
Collection: Growing Up
Image of David Pajo
I was young, but to me that was underground music. I had never heard anything like Venom or any of that stuff growing up in Louisville. That was sort of the only weird records I could find. All that stuff would be in the import section. And sometimes there would be some sort of goth type of stuff. But that was the stuff I was attracted to.
- David Pajo
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Sidney Crosby
The biggest thing for me is the passion that I've always had for hockey. I remember growing up, no matter what I did in life, my parents always told me to try to do my best at it and be my best. I can say going through different things that passion is the most important part. It's not skills or talent or any of that stuff.
- Sidney Crosby
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Kerry Condon
Im pretty shy when I go home because I was pretty shy growing up, and I think I go back to that person.
- Kerry Condon
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Pop Salvation is a genius take on discovering who you are by becoming what you most admire. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Lance Reynald watched me grow up. Marvelously endearing and insightful.
- Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Amy Weber
I started a modeling agency and I had it for about five and a half years and it was the same time I was actually working with the WWE and doing SmackDown. It was really the same principles; because me growing up I didn't have the support, I wasn't told, yes you can do that; you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.
- Amy Weber
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Charles Burnett
Coming from the South and growing up in L.A. where it was so segregated - worse than the South in many ways - all the people in my neighborhood were from the South. So you had that Southern cultured environment. The church was very important. And there were these folk ways that were there. I was always fascinated by these Southern stories, people would share these mystified experiences of the South. I wanted to talk about folklore.
- Charles Burnett
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Dan Mangan
I remember somebody saying, "I feel really bad for kids growing up around iPads right now. It's just too complicated. Life's too complicated." I think, yeah, but I remember being a kid and holding up a new piece of technology that was made in the '80s and my grandparents going, "Oh, it's too complicated." It didn't seem complicated to me.
- Dan Mangan
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Rick Husband
It [space] was just so incredibly adventurous and exciting to me. I just thought there was no doubt in my mind that is what I want to do when I grow up.
- Rick Husband
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Jessica Stroup
The thing is, I moved tons. I was in like nine schools by ninth grade, so I moved a ton of times when I was younger. As hard as that was growing up, it helped me in so many ways being an actress, because every year I was constantly changing who I was. I could be someone new. I wouldn't care if people judged me or didn't like me because, in the end, I knew I was probably going to move in a few months anyway.
- Jessica Stroup
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Dominic Cooper
I think you grow up wanting to be a racing driver. Then it dawns on you that it's not going to happen.
- Dominic Cooper
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Jeremy Irvine
When I was growing up, there was a man who gave me lessons and things. I'm very dyslexic so he used to give me extra reading and writing. And he always knew that I was interested in stuff but he never told me that he was in the Second World War himself. One day he gave me his helmet that he had worn through the North Africa Campaign. It was just before he died. So I've got his helmet. That was pretty special to me.
- Jeremy Irvine
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Matt Dillon
It seems like a cliche, but you do grow up a lot faster when you travel a lot, go through things like this interview, spend time away from home and hang around with other actors. It's inevitable that you're not going to have a so-called normal childhood.
- Matt Dillon
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Lisa Murkowski
Growing up in a small Alaska town, domestic violence was that dirty little secret nobody talked about. We must start talking about it. For too long, we have been providing protection to the wrong people.
- Lisa Murkowski
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Hannah Simone
My family’s said to me from the beginning, ‘People are always going to tell you to pick what you want to be when you grow up. You take that and throw it out the window, that’s garbage. People are complicated and we love many things and we’re passionate about many things. You can be a human rights activist and also be doing these comedy plays in your community and that’s OK. All those things are a part of who you are and you can love them equally.
- Hannah Simone
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Billy Connolly
I think age is terribly overrated. You're okay as long as you don't grow up. By all means grow old, but don't mature. Remain childlike, retain wonder, the ability to be flabbergasted by something.
- Billy Connolly
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Madchen Amick
I was a huge 'Bewitched' fan growing up.
- Madchen Amick
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Clare Bowen
My parents listened to music in our house all the time when we were growing up. It was everything from Dolly Parton to Paul Simon... We packed in everything.
- Clare Bowen
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Amandla Stenberg
I think part of growing up is not actually finding a fixed idea of who you are, but rather being like, "Oh, wait. I'm different all the time. I'm going to change every second and grow and be fluid." And that's okay.
- Amandla Stenberg
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Amandla Stenberg
When we're growing up and being teenagers, oftentimes you try so hard to define yourself. You try to create an image of yourself because you don't really know who you are yet. And that can be kind of limiting because you forget that there are actually so many different sides of identity. And it's important to recognize that everyone is completely different.
- Amandla Stenberg
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Michaela Angela Davis
How I grew to believe Black hair has power, genius, and magic in it, defying gravity and limitation. I mean, look at how marvelous it is: Black hair grows up and out.
- Michaela Angela Davis
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Ransom Riggs
I have an unusual hobby: I collect pictures of people I don't know. It started when I was a kid growing up in South Florida, the land of junk stores, garage sales, and flea markets, as a kind of coping mechanism.
- Ransom Riggs
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Willie Aames
I had a lot of growing and a lot of denying of self to do. I am not easily won over, but when I am, I am completely won over.
- Willie Aames
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Scott Eastwood
Growing up in Hawaii, the ocean is where I'm most at home. When I'm away from it and landlocked I long for the ocean. There's something about it, I'm at peace with it.
- Scott Eastwood
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Chris Crutcher
...You don't always get what you expect. I wish someone, sometime when I was growing up, would have told me what expectations would get me. ... Our parents, schools, everyone tells us things will be a certain way when we're adults and if they're not that way, we should make them be; or at least pretend. But after a certain point that just doesn't work.
- Chris Crutcher
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Junot Diaz
If you didn't grow up like I did then you don't know, and if you don't know it's probably better you don't judge.
- Junot Diaz
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Opal Whiteley
When one does look up at the grand trees growing up almost to the sky, one does always have longings to pray.
- Opal Whiteley
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Pauley Perrette
I did not grow up watching much TV and film. I had a very, very, very, very, very, very church family, and a lot of, like, secular stuff was not around my house.
- Pauley Perrette
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Roy DeCarava
Artists are a very important part of our society because they make a great contribution to our values. The artist creates a value system that we all grow up on, whether we know it or not.
- Roy DeCarava
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Prodigy
I was always real back and forth about the whole religion and God. That comes from me just dealing with that pain when I was younger, and just growing up, living that particular street lifestyle. It brought my relationship with God into question many times. I wanted to repair that and fix that, and that's what I went in and did. I did all of that. I wrote many albums and all that kind of stuff, but the most important part was fixing my mind, body, and soul; getting it together, really getting it together where I could have a future, and a successful future.
- Prodigy
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Prodigy
Growing up I couldn't always get involved with the activities with all the other kids because if I overworked my body it would trigger my pain. There were definitely times growing up, where other kids wanted to challenge me; they wanted to see if they could push my buttons and see if I could fight or what have you. Taking my kindness for weakness or taking my quietness and laid-back style for weakness. I've been dealing with that for basically all my life.
- Prodigy
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Paul Gilding
We can choose this moment of crisis to ask and answer the big questions of society's evolution — like, what do we want to be when we grow up?
- Paul Gilding
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Kiernan Shipka
Growing up on Mad Men with so many incredible actors and then going on to other things with amazing people, I never had any formal acting training, but they are all acting schools, basically. Just watching and learning from the best is insane. It's like having an internship and watching all these amazing people doing their work. You just soak it up like a sponge, hopefully.
- Kiernan Shipka
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Alessandro Nivola
Yeah, I’ve played a lot of instruments, and I played in a lot of bands growing up and I’ve even had to play music in a lot of films that I’ve done.
- Alessandro Nivola
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Keke Palmer
Sometimes, when you grow up in one of these poverty-stricken neighborhoods where the educational system isn't the best, you don't realize that you have any choices. Often, kids don't appreciate the choices available, as if it's either the street or nothing. I want them to understand that reality is what's relative to you, and that you can make choices that allow you to create a new reality for yourself.
- Keke Palmer
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Keke Palmer
I definitely, at times, felt the pressures of life similar to the pressures anyone would feel growing up. The only difference was that maybe more people were aware of mine. But, if anything, I changed the pressure from negative to positive. So, instead of thinking everybody wanted to see me fail, I decided everybody wanted to see me win, since I wanted to see myself win.
- Keke Palmer
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Kasi Lemmons
I encountered Newton when I was growing up, and it has kind of made me who I am, although I came to love Boston. It's a complicated city. Some of the smartest people in the world are in Boston. How many institutions of higher learning are in that one area? It's a pool of intelligence. It's a great town. You can encounter racism anywhere. I have a lot of nostalgic feelings about Boston. It was a cool place to grow up.
- Kasi Lemmons
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Wayne Pacelle
I don't have a hands - on fondness for animals. I did not grow up bonded to any particular nonhuman animal. I like them and I pet them and I'm kind to them, but there's no special bond between me and other animals...
- Wayne Pacelle
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Shawn Marion
The biggest thing is having a son. I got attached to him. Seeing him periodically is hard. Watching him grow up on pictures and videos is hard.
- Shawn Marion
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Danielle Panabaker
I am actually a big sissy, and growing up, I never used to watch horror movies. Bambi gave me nightmares.
- Danielle Panabaker
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Daniel Mendelsohn
Gay people, certainly gay people of my generation, at least of a certain echelon - middle-class Americans - have binocular vision. We all are raised by straight people and grow up with straight people and in straight families, but we all have this totally other way of looking at things. Increasingly as I get deeper into middle age, that is why I resist plunking for any one camp. Because I have this delicious sort of experience of being able to see things in two ways.
- Daniel Mendelsohn
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Laurie Penny
Men grow up expecting to be the hero of their own story. Women grow up expecting to be the supporting actress in somebody else's I refuse to burn my energy adding extra magic and sparkle to other people’s lives to get them to love me. I’m busy casting spells for myself.
- Laurie Penny
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Pat Conroy
To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.'
- Pat Conroy
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Robert Crumb
As a kid growing up in the 1950s I became acutely aware of the changes taking place in American culture and I must say I didn't much like it. I witnessed the debasement of architecture, and I could see a decline in the quality of things like comic books and toys, things made for kids. Old things seemed to have more life, more substance, more humanity in them.
- Robert Crumb
Collection: Growing Up
Image of David Wright
I love being a Met. It was my favorite team growing up, so to be a Met to me is very special.
- David Wright
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Jon Miller
I learned the game on the radio. Russ Hodges and Lon Simmons were the Giants broadcasters when I was growing up in the Bay area, and they taught me about the game. They taught me about the subtleties of the game, but they also gave me the game and let me enjoy it. That's the main thing, whether it's TV or radio. You have to give the fans the game, and if it's a Giants broadcast, the vast majority are Giants fans. In terms of story lines, most would be about the Giants.
- Jon Miller
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Amira Hass
Luckily I was not born in Eastern Europe, because I might have been born into the communist establishment and I'm glad I was not. But in Israel, communists were dissidents. So you grow up in an environment which is very critical of Israeli policies.
- Amira Hass
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Kacey Musgraves
Im all about small towns. I think its a great place to grow up.
- Kacey Musgraves
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Cate Marvin
When asked what I'd be if I weren't a writer, I'm tempted to respond with one of father's favorite phrases, one I despised while growing up: "I hate 'what-ifs.'"
- Cate Marvin
Collection: Growing Up