Top Growing Up Quotes Collection - Page 34

Discover a curated collection of Growing Up quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 34 provides more Growing Up quotes.

Image of Drew Barrymore
I always thought I desperately wanted a husband and a big family, because I didn't have it growing up.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Richelle Mead
Adrian might be brash and impertinent, but he knew how to move. Maybe dance lessons had been part of growing up in an elite tier of Moroi society. Or maybe he was just naturally skilled at using his body. That kiss has certainly show a fair amount of talent.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Isaac Marion
We have to remember everything. If we don't, by the time we grow up it'll be gone forever.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Paul McCartney
That's the terrible thing about growing up. You lose friends. It's inevitable. It's not like it's a surprise. But it is terrible.
- Paul McCartney
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Rob Lowe
Kids are growing up and they don't know the difference between fact and fiction. The line is getting blurry. I can handle it, you know; I'm a big boy. And the entertainment industry has always been crazy. But the problem is, it spills over into some very serious issues, in politics and real newsworthy stuff.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Demi Lovato
I'm getting older and the performance onstage was definitely, it was a bit sexier, but it wasn't too much. I don't want to scare off my fans. At the same time my fans are growing up with me, and I don't want to go way over the top.
- Demi Lovato
Collection: Growing Up
Image of David McCullough
There are innumerable writing problems in an extended work. One book took a little more than six years. You, the writer, change in six years. The life around you changes. Your family changes. They grow up. They move away. The world is changing. You're also learning more about the subject. By the time you're writing the last chapters of the book, you know much more than you did when you started at the beginning.
- David McCullough
Collection: Growing Up
Image of John Adams
I didn't grow up imagining myself as an opera composer. Only once in my entire adolescence did I attend an opera. I went and saw Aida at the old Met, didn't understand a thing about it, and thought it was pretty awful. But I think I had it in my genes without even realising it.
- John Adams
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Marilyn Manson
Antichrist Superstar is also about me wanting to grow up and be something that people would adore...instead I grew up and became something that people hated.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Golda Meir
It isn't really important to decide when you are very young just exactly what you want to become when you grow up. It is much more important to decide on the way you want to live. If you are going to be honest with yourself and honest with your friends, if you are going to get involved in causes which are good for others, not only for yourselves, then it seems to me that that is sufficient, and maybe what you will be is only a matter of chance.
- Golda Meir
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Martina McBride
I grew up singing in Kansas. My dad had a band when I was growing up. So I sang in church and school and started singing with his band when I was seven. So I've been singing all my life.
- Martina McBride
Collection: Growing Up
Image of George Lopez
Everything we play when we are growing up, is team related. In this game (of golf) you can find all the answers yourself. You don't need to throw the ball in the air and play catch with yourself. You get a bucket of balls and go out there with your clubs, and you hit and learn and you get better. And there's no top.
- George Lopez
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Imelda Marcos
My grandchildren are growing up and they could not understand why the Marcoses are still being crucified although we keep on telling them that we did not steal from the Filipino people.
- Imelda Marcos
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Marilyn Manson
We don't like to kill our unborn; we need them to grow up and fight our wars.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Greg Saunier
I love love. Growing up, I always thought it was a state, and I'd wait for it to appear. Now I think it's an activity, a skill, something you strive to create. A constant conversation between emotion and imagination and flesh.
- Greg Saunier
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Mary McCarthy
this is the spirit of the enchantment under which Venice lies, pearly and roseate, like the Sleeping Beauty, changeless throughout the centuries, arrested, while the concrete forest of the modern world grows up around her.
- Mary McCarthy
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Rob Lowe
To go from "gnarly" to "literally," that shows I'm growing up, right?
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Rachel McAdams
Growing up I had a real disconnect with the planet.
- Rachel McAdams
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Rachel McAdams
I hadn't read the Dr. Strange comics growing up.
- Rachel McAdams
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Marilyn Manson
I remember growing up, saying you’re an artist it sounds pretentious but now it’s one of the only dignified things that you can call yourself.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Marilyn Manson
When I was a kid I think the thing I remembered most about The Exorcist was Linda Blair being possessed by the devil, and how scary that was. It had a lot of parallels for me because the movie was challenging different ideas about faith and it was looking at religion in a darker way. Growing up I was afraid of being possessed by the devil, as an adult I'm afraid of being possessed by the world, by ignorance, and not holding on to my beliefs and what I feel strongly about.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Eva Longoria
I didn't grow up speaking Spanish, and the interesting thing was, we would watch these novelas and you didn't have to speak Spanish to understand what was going on.
- Eva Longoria
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Paul McCartney
When we were kids growing up in Liverpool, all we ever wanted to be was Elvis Presley.
- Paul McCartney
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Demi Lovato
Growing up in America, I never really appreciated my culture. I knew what being Hispanic was, but I thought that since I didn't look Hispanic, I was white.
- Demi Lovato
Collection: Growing Up
Image of James Madison
[T]he most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property. Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society. Those who are creditors, and those who are debtors, fall under a like discrimination. A landed interest, a manufacturing interest, a mercantile interest, a moneyed interest, with many lesser interests, grow up of necessity in civilized nations, and divide them into different classes, actuated by different sentiments and views.
- James Madison
Collection: Growing Up
Image of John McLaughlin
I never read comics growing up. I didn't have money and I don't like to touch paper.
- John McLaughlin
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Malcolm X
When I'm born I'm black, when I grow up I'm black, when I'm in the sun I'm black, when I'm sick I'm black, when I die I'm black, and you...when you're born you're pink, when you grow up you're white, when you're cold you're blue, when you're sick you're green, when you die you're grey and you dare call me coloured.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Richard Louv
There's a generation now that didn't grow up in nature. Some of these adults are parents and they know that nature is good for their kids but they don't know where to start.
- Richard Louv
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Sophia Loren
I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up.
- Sophia Loren
Collection: Growing Up
Image of James M. Barrie
Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience... and pimples.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Growing Up