Top goodbye Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of goodbye quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more goodbye quotes.

Image of George Packer
I've read a lot of war writing, even World War I writing, the British war poetry of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves's memoir "Goodbye to All That," and a civilian memoir "Testament of Youth" by Vera Brittain .
- George Packer
Collection: Goodbye
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
Goodbye, master, my dear! Forgive your Sam. He'll come back to this spot when the job's done - if he manages it. And then he'll not leave you again. Rest you quiet till I come; and may no foul creature come anigh you! And if the Lady could hear me and give me one wish, I would wish to come back and find you again. Good bye!
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Amy Poehler
You have to remember that goodbyes are temporary because no one ever really leaves and nothing lasts forever. People are always with us, because they are in our hearts and in our memory. The only thing we can depend on is change... Life is just a series of moments -- a string of pearls that make up the necklace of your life and so every once in a while, to complete the circle, you need to end a chapter.
- Amy Poehler
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Rachel Vincent
But if there was a protocol for how to say goodbye to your newly ex-boyfriend's brother, right after you kissed him and probably sent your ex into the arms of his willing ex-girlfriend, I didn't know what it was.
- Rachel Vincent
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Jean Rhys
If she says goodbye perhaps adieu. Adieu - like those old time songs she sang. Always adieu (and all songs say it). If she too says it, or weeps, I'll take her in my arms, my lunatic. She's mad but mine, mine. What will I care for gods or devils or for Fate itself. If she smiles or weeps or both. For me.
- Jean Rhys
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Jose Saramago
Jeronimo, my grandfather, swine-herder and story-teller, feeling death about to arrive and take him, went and said goodbye to the trees in the yard, one by one, embracing them and crying because he knew he wouldn't see them again. To truly appreciate life we must remember that nothing lasts for ever and take nothing we enjoy for granted. In so doing we stay grateful and happy for all our good fortune.
- Jose Saramago
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Robert Browning
Poetry, like love, is something we never truly say goodbye to.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Cassandra Clare
"Simon,” said a voice at his shoulder, and he turned to see Izzy, her face a pale smudge between dark hair and dark cloak, looking at him, her expression half-angry, half-sad. “I guess this is the part where we say good-bye?
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sherman Alexie
When it comes to death, we know that laughter and tears are pretty much the same thing. And so, laughing and crying, we said good-bye to my grandmother. And when we said goodbye to one grandmother, we said good-bye to all of them. Each funeral was a funeral for all of us. We lived and died together. All of us laughed when they lowered my grandmother into the ground. And all of us laughed when they covered her with dirt. And all of us laughed as we walked and drove and rode our way back to our lonely, lonely houses.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Robin Sharma
Say goodbye to the energy vampires in your life (the negative souls who steal your enthusiasm).
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
A chord, stronger or weaker, is snapped asunder in every parting, and time's busy fingers are not practiced in re-splicing broken ties. Meet again you may; will it be in the same way? With the same sympathies? With the same sentiments? Will the souls, hurrying on in diverse paths, unite once more, as if the interval had been a dream? Rarely, rarely!
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Stephen Chbosky
I’m so sorry that I wasted your time because you really do mean a lot to me and I hope you have a very nice life because I really think you deserve it. I really do. I hope you do, too. Okay, then. Goodbye.
- Stephen Chbosky
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Raymond Chandler
To say goodbye is to die a little.
- Raymond Chandler
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Frederick Buechner
When friends speak overmuch of times gone by, often it's because they sense their present time is turning them from friends to strangers. Long before the moment came to say goodbye, I think, we said goodbye in other words and ways and silences. Then when the moment came for it at last, we didn't say it as should be said by friends. So now at last, dear Mouse, with many, many years between: goodbye.
- Frederick Buechner
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Cassandra Clare
Every meeting led to a parting, and so it would, as long as life was mortal. In every meeting there was some of the sorrow of parting, but in everything parting there was some of the joy of meeting as well.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Raymond Chandler
The French have a phrase for it. The bastards have a phrase for everything and they are always right. To say goodbye is to die a little.
- Raymond Chandler
Collection: Goodbye
Image of John Burroughs
Before the bud swells, before the grass springs, before the plough is started, comes the sugar harvest. It is sequel of the bitter frost; a sap run is the sweet goodbye of winter.
- John Burroughs
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Jimmy Buffett
I slowly surrender to the child in me who can't say goodbye.
- Jimmy Buffett
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Anna Brownell Jameson
As the presence of those we love is as a double life, so absence, in its anxious longing and sense of vacancy, is as a foretaste of death.
- Anna Brownell Jameson
Collection: Goodbye
Image of George W. Bush
Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Kevin Keegan
Every picture paints a thousand words and that one said 'goodbye'
- Kevin Keegan
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sergio Leone
I didn't want [actress] just to be a woman standing at the window, waving hello and goodbye to men as they came and went in the world that they were struggling through. I wanted her to have a true function.
- Sergio Leone
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Woody Allen
End production today. Wrap party as usual a little sad. Slow danced with Scarlett. Broke her toe. Not my fault. When she dipped me back, I stepped on it. Penélope [Cruz] and Javier [Bardem] anxious to work with me again. Said if I ever come up with another screenplay to try and find them. Goodbye drink with Rebecca [Hall]. Sentimental moment. Everyone in cast and crew chipped in and bought me a ballpoint pen.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Woody Allen
In 1940 I was just turning 5 years old and being taken to the movies. For those of us who were not old enough to understand the horror of war it was a very romantic era because these guys were kissing their wives and girlfriends goodbye and going off to fight and become heroes.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of P. C. Cast
merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sarah Dessen
But all the love in the world won't save a sinking ship. You have to either bail or jump overboard.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sarah Dessen
But I'd long ago learned not to be picky in farewells. They weren't guaranteed or promised. You were lucky, more than blessed, if you got a good-bye at all.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Paulo Coelho
Millions of couples out there practiced the art of sadomasochism every day, without even realizing it. They went to work, came back, complained about everything, insulted their wife or were insulted by her, felt wretched, but were, nonetheless, tightly bound to their own unhappiness, not realizing that all it would take was a single gesture, a final goodbye, to free them from that oppression.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sarah Dessen
She was so emotional, on the verge of tears. This was what I'd wanted to prevent with all those quick disappearances, the tangledness of farewells and all the baggage they brought with them. But now, looking at Deb, I realized what else I'd given up: knowing for sure that someone was going to miss me. What happened to goodbye, Michael in Westcott had written on my page. I was pretty sure I knew, now. It had been packed away in a box of its own, trying to be forgotten, until I really needed it. Until now.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sarah Dessen
I hadn't said goodbye. It had been easier, like always, to just disappear, sparing myself the messy details of another farewell. Now, my fingers hovered over my track pad, moving the cursor down to his comment section before I stopped myself. What was the point? Anything I said now would only be an afterthought. Elizabeth who goes by her middle name
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Leonard Cohen
May everyone live, And may everyone die. Hello, my love, And my love, Goodbye.
- Leonard Cohen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of William Cowper
Not to understand a treasure's worth till time has stole away the slighted good, is cause of half the poverty we feel, and makes the world the wilderness it is.
- William Cowper
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
I had to kiss it [ playing Hamlet] goodbye because Marvel have to plot things for the next three, four years.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Johnny Depp
[Jack Sparrow]'s a blast to play. I'll be in a deep, dark depression saying goodbye to him. I'll keep the costume and just prance around the house, entertain the kids....I mean, at a certain point, the madness must stop, but for the moment, I can't say that he's done.
- Johnny Depp
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Ani DiFranco
Stepped out into the cold, collar high, under the slate gray sky. The air was smoking and the streets were dry, and I wasn't joking when I said goodbye.
- Ani DiFranco
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Tony Curtis
Joe: We can't just walk out on her without saying goodbye. Jerry: What? Since when? You usually walk out and leave 'em with nothing but a kick in the teeth. Joe: That's when I was a saxophone player. Now I'm a millionaire.
- Tony Curtis
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sarah Dessen
What happened to goodbye?
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Sophocles
Goodbye to the sun that shines for me no longer.
- Sophocles
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Suzanne Collins
I do plan on saying one or two things to him when we're allowed an hour for goodbyes. To let him know how essential he's been to me all these years. How better my life has been for knowing him." -Katniss Everdeen
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Goodbye
Image of John Denver
all bags are pack ready to go i am standing here outside your door i hate to wake you up to say goodbye dawn is braking its early morn the taxi waiting he blowing his horn already i am so lonesome i could die so kiss me and smile for me tell me that you'll wait for me and hold me like you never let me go cause leaving on a jet plane don't know when ill be back again oh babe i hate to go there so many let you down so many time i played around i tell you know that don't mean a thing every plase i go i'll think of you every song i sing i'll sing for you.
- John Denver
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Johnny Depp
The funny thing is you oddly don't really say goodbye to all the characters you've played. There's like a chest of drawers in your head that you can always access. They're always around. I'm not sure if that's healthy. But they're all there.
- Johnny Depp
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Martin Amis
They're always looking forward to going places they're just coming back from, or regretting doing things they haven't yet done. They say hello when they mean goodbye.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Walter Cronkite
Leaving San Francisco is like saying goodbye to an old sweetheart. You want to linger as long as possible.
- Walter Cronkite
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Russell T Davies
There's one tiny little gap in the universe left, just about to close. And it takes a lot of power to send this projection. I'm in orbit around a supernova. I'm burning up a sun just to say good bye.
- Russell T Davies
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
Why didn't he say goodbye? I gave myself a bruise. Why didn't he say 'I love you'?
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Goodbye