Top goal Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of goal quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more goal quotes.

Image of Jeremy Piven
My goal, everyone's goal is to get better at what we do.
- Jeremy Piven
Collection: Goal
Image of Juan Roman Riquelme
Paulinho is like a black Lampard, but also makes headed goals. He is a phenomenon.
- Juan Roman Riquelme
Collection: Goal
Image of Sean Swarner
If you want to do something and you have a goal, do it, don't wait, because your channel might change sometime soon - and quite unexpectedly.
- Sean Swarner
Collection: Goal
Image of Stephen Covey
To set and work toward any goal is an act of courage.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Goal
Image of Stephen Malkmus
There's always a chance, a goal to make something different and get it right, finally.
- Stephen Malkmus
Collection: Goal
Image of Roderick E. Stevens
The peculiar fascination which the speeding train has for us comes from the evident progress it is making toward its definite goal ahead.
- Roderick E. Stevens
Collection: Goal
Image of Dan Kimball
The fruit of the Spirit wasn't intended to be a list of goals for us to produce - it is the Holy Spirit through us who produces fruit.
- Dan Kimball
Collection: Goal
Image of David Easton
Approach any room with the goal of making it the most attractive and comfortable, the room you want to live in the most.
- David Easton
Collection: Goal
Image of Chris Evert
Whatever your goal in life, be proud of every day that you are able to work in that direction.
- Chris Evert
Collection: Goal
Image of Abram L. Sachar
The goal of a great democracy should be fulfillment, not ease. It should be adequacy, not serenity.
- Abram L. Sachar
Collection: Goal
Image of Fabio Capello
If you want to score a goal, you have to hit the target.
- Fabio Capello
Collection: Goal
Image of Fern Britton
My goal is to have a Firm Britain.
- Fern Britton
Collection: Goal
Image of Gerald R. Ford
My goal is for a cooperative world at peace, using its resources to build, not to destroy.
- Gerald R. Ford
Collection: Goal
Image of Shulamith Firestone
Feminism, when it truly achieves its goals, will crack through the most basic structures of our society.
- Shulamith Firestone
Collection: Goal
Image of Helen Fielding
It is proved by surveys that happiness does not come from love, wealth, or power but the pursuit of attainable goals.
- Helen Fielding
Collection: Goal
Image of Bonnie Bassler
The goal of scientists is you hope that the thing you're working on is bigger than the thing you're pipetting into that tube at the moment.
- Bonnie Bassler
Collection: Goal
Image of Jim Yong Kim
Why is it that when it comes to our most cherished social goal [health care], we not only tolerate poor execution, sometimes we even celebrate it?
- Jim Yong Kim
Collection: Goal
Image of Ben Casnocha
Long-term goals are dangerous. They limit you. They hinder you from reacting to new conditions.
- Ben Casnocha
Collection: Goal
Image of Tarek Saab
Any goal without salvation as its ultimate end is as pointless as trying to live forever on this earth.
- Tarek Saab
Collection: Goal
Image of Mas Oyama
I realized that perseverence and step-by-step progress are the only ways to reach a goal along a chosen path.
- Mas Oyama
Collection: Goal
Image of Mas Oyama
Human beings are capable of virtually limitless degradation; they are also capable of virtually limitless improvement and achievement. Success depends on goals and on diligence in pursuing them.
- Mas Oyama
Collection: Goal
Image of Peggy Fleming
The ultimate goal should be doing your best and enjoying it.
- Peggy Fleming
Collection: Goal
Image of Jeff VanderMeer
Imbuing fiction with a life that extends beyond the last word is in some ways the goal: the ending that goes beyond the ending in the reader's mind, so invested are they in the story.
- Jeff VanderMeer
Collection: Goal
Image of Chris Solinsky
I tape my list of goals, both large and small, above my bed so I can see them when I wake up. This holds me accountable.
- Chris Solinsky
Collection: Goal
Image of Stanley Fish
Freedom of speech is not an academic value. Accuracy of speech is an academic value; completeness of speech is an academic value; relevance of speech is an academic value. Each of these is directly related to the goal of academic inquiry: getting a matter of fact right.
- Stanley Fish
Collection: Goal
Image of William Ross Ashby
What is important is that complex systems, richly cross-connected internally, have complex behaviours, and that these behaviours can be goal-seeking in complex patterns.
- William Ross Ashby
Collection: Goal
Image of Naz?m Hikmet
We can only reach our goal amid bloodletting
- Naz?m Hikmet
Collection: Goal
Image of Julius Erving
Goals determine what you are going to be
- Julius Erving
Collection: Goal
Image of Dave Ulrich
People will change when they see that the change will help them reach their goals. If the CHRO sees that the HR transformation that others desire will help the CHRO reach his or her goals, then there will be more support. Absent this reasoning, the CHRO may go through the motions, but the transformation will not be sincere or lasting.
- Dave Ulrich
Collection: Goal
Image of Stephen Weiss
I got to score goals and get points. I got to get on the board somehow.
- Stephen Weiss
Collection: Goal
Image of Peter Drucker
If you have more than five goals, you have none.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Goal
Image of Alfredo Di Stefano
Scoring goals is like making love: everyone can do it, but nobody does it like me.
- Alfredo Di Stefano
Collection: Goal
Image of Rory Vaden
We're busy being busy. Distraction is a dangerously deceptive saboteur of our goals, because we are not present to how much time we lose. We're distracted by things like being in meetings or on conference calls, or we get on Facebook related to business and the updates of friends captivate our attention and an hour goes by before we wake up.
- Rory Vaden
Collection: Goal
Image of Paula Scher
The goal of design is to raise the expectation of what design can be
- Paula Scher
Collection: Goal
Image of Eric Butterworth
The goal should not be to make money or acquire things, but to achieve the consciousness through which the substance will flow forth when and as you need it.
- Eric Butterworth
Collection: Goal
Image of Michael Kenna
One advances by standing on the shoulders of giants, but the ultimate goal is to find one's own vision.
- Michael Kenna
Collection: Goal
Image of Joe Mauer
I have a few goals that I kind of keep to myself.
- Joe Mauer
Collection: Goal
Image of Reem Acra
I am my own cheerleader. I am the one who puts my goals, who pushes myself to get to the next goal. I don't have someone next to me saying, 'Here you go, now do this, it's your next step, go for it.'
- Reem Acra
Collection: Goal
Image of Vivek Wadhwa
The goal should be to build a sustainable lifestyle business that does good for employees and customers - and that steadily builds wealth.
- Vivek Wadhwa
Collection: Goal
Image of Tamara de Lempicka
My goal is never to copy. Create a new style.
- Tamara de Lempicka
Collection: Goal
Image of Bill Bright
Set goals so big that unless God helps you, you will be a miserable failure.
- Bill Bright
Collection: Goal
Image of Michael Fassbender
My goal was for acting to become my main income. I would say to myself, 'I'm good enough'. That became my mantra.
- Michael Fassbender
Collection: Goal
Image of Mary Kirchoff
Our larger goal is to tell the story
- Mary Kirchoff
Collection: Goal
Image of Ferdinand Foch
Every manoeuvre must be the development of a scheme; it must aim at a goal.
- Ferdinand Foch
Collection: Goal
Image of Ferdinand Foch
Far from being a sum of distinct and partial results, victory is the consequence of efforts, some of which are victorious while others appear to be fruitless, which nevertheless all aim at a common goal, all drive at a common result: namely, at a decision, a conclusion which alone can provide victory.
- Ferdinand Foch
Collection: Goal
Image of Abby Wambach
I've never scored a goal in my life without getting a pass from someone else.
- Abby Wambach
Collection: Goal
Image of Abby Wambach
I don't care who scores the goals, I'm going to leave my human beingness on the field!
- Abby Wambach
Collection: Goal
Image of Abby Wambach
Four goals in (16) minutes. Literally I don't even know how that happens especially in a World Cup final.
- Abby Wambach
Collection: Goal
Image of John Drinkwater
This be my pilgrimage and goal Daily to march and find The secret phrases of the soul, The evangels of the mind.
- John Drinkwater
Collection: Goal