Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 82

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 82 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Miranda Kerr
I like it to fit my individual body shape, and I encourage other women to find what works for their body shape and not necessarily follow trends. But what is it that works for you as an individual, and what brings out the best in you, and what can you have fun with and feel really good about.
- Miranda Kerr
Collection: Fun
Image of Miranda Kerr
I enjoy experimenting and trying new beauty products. It is fun to try new looks!
- Miranda Kerr
Collection: Fun
Image of Gabriel Iglesias
Hanging out with comics, all they did was make fun of me.
- Gabriel Iglesias
Collection: Fun
Image of Angelina Jolie
I'm not a hugger. People make fun of me. It's something that I have a hard time with. If someone hugs me, I hold my breath. Snuggling, cuddling, hugging, crying - all that stuff makes me very uncomfortable.
- Angelina Jolie
Collection: Fun
Image of Douglas Adams
He didn't know why he had become president of the galaxy, except that it seemed a fun thing to be.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Fun
Image of Norah Jones
Music is fun. It should be fun. And that's the key, I think. Keep it as the thing you love.
- Norah Jones
Collection: Fun
Image of Norah Jones
I had success early on where I'm able to try to keep it fun, and I don't have to do things just for the sake of making a living, which a lot of my musician friends don't have that luxury of course.
- Norah Jones
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Jordan
Don't be like me. Be better than me. That's the goal.
- Michael Jordan
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Bach
It's easy to live the expected and conventional. It's when you live the unexpected that you start having fun with your life.
- Richard Bach
Collection: Fun
Image of Kim Kardashian
So far, designing is the most exciting thing. Ive done I have a vision of what I want the clothes to look like in my mind and its fun to see it come alive on paper.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Fun
Image of Kim Kardashian
I just want a look so classic that I don't get made fun of for it later!
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Fun
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
No, Simi. No food. (Acheron) No, Simi. No food. The Simi don’t like this, akri. Katoteros is boring. There’s nothing fun there. Only old dead people who want to come back here. Bleh! (Simi) Simi...(Acheron) I hear and obey, akri. The Simi just never said she would do so quietly. (Simi)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Kiedis
Once you've seen a solution to the disease that's tearing you apart, relapsing is never fun.
- Anthony Kiedis
Collection: Fun
Image of Angelina Jolie
I've been fortunate in that I've been able to have that balance as an actress to be able to do the wild, fun action movies and also be allowed to do the dramas. Hopefully, if I'm able to keep that balance, I'd love to always try to do both.
- Angelina Jolie
Collection: Fun
Image of Ashley Judd
Well, maybe there are one or two things about the double jeopardy concept that are overlooked. I could be charged with violating my probation. I could be charged for illegal possession of a firearm or violating his civil rights if I did kill him. But when you're making a movie, there's only so much that you can do. I know that some people, while thoroughly enjoying it, have said, It's a little bit implausible. But it's such great fun.
- Ashley Judd
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Bach
We're the bridge across forever, arching above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing disasters triumphs challenges impossible odds, testing ourselves over and again, learning love and love and love!
- Richard Bach
Collection: Fun
Image of Diana Wynne Jones
After that, all the while Millie was eating the pudding... we both tore Christopher's character to shreds. It was wonderful fun.... He drove everyone mad in Chrestomanci Castle by insisting on silk shirts and exactly the right kind of pajamas. 'And he could get them right anyway by magic,' Millie told me, 'if he wasn't too lazy to learn how.... But the thing that really annoys me is the way he never bothers to learn a person's name. If a person isn't important to him, he always forgets their name.' When Millie said this, I realized that Christopher had never once forgotten my name.
- Diana Wynne Jones
Collection: Fun
Image of Margot Kidder
Making Superman was so hard. We were a year over schedule. We were there a year and a half, the first time. And in a year and a half, you go through everything you go through in a life. So you can't really go, "Oh, it must have been fun to work with Chris Reeve." In a year and a half, you bonded like a family, so you know someone far too well to think something as simplistic as "Oh, it's just fun." You know their secrets. I mean, it was everything. It was truly - it's a cliché to say we were family, but we really were.
- Margot Kidder
Collection: Fun
Image of Margot Kidder
It's no accident that all the awards are for smaller movies. When you have $100 million in the budget for a movie, there's something obscenely wrong with the picture. But we didn't in those days, so it was fun.
- Margot Kidder
Collection: Fun
Image of Mac DeMarco
Usually when festivals are really huge it's kind of weird. It's totally fun for me and my band to play in front of a crowd that doesn't necessarily know who we are, but festivals get pretty impersonal when they get super large.
- Mac DeMarco
Collection: Fun
Image of Mac DeMarco
I really love a lot of Japanese music, like Ryuichi Sakamoto and this guy I got really into, Tatsuro Yamashita. When I was a little younger, I thought synthesizers meant Kraftwerk, cold, robotic, weird, Autobahn. But these guys are having a lot of fun on these things. Sometimes. Sometimes it's very somber. They could go either way.
- Mac DeMarco
Collection: Fun
Image of Mac DeMarco
Over a year before I started recording Salad Days, so I finally sat down and was like I have to do this. And it did feel like a chore. I was looking at it in a completely wrong way, trying to one up myself. Just the typical sophomore album bullshit. The main thing I got out of it is I eventually gave up on all that stuff. I had to re-learn why I liked making music in the first place, why I liked recording in my room all the time. Because it's fun. It's fun for me.
- Mac DeMarco
Collection: Fun
Image of Douglas Adams
Science fiction that's just about people wandering around in space ships shooting each other with ray guns is very dull. I like it when it enables you to do fairly radical reinterpretations of human experience, just to show all the different interpretations that can be put on apparently fairly simple and commonplace events. That I find fun.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Fun
Image of Douglas Adams
You just come along with me and have a good time. The Galaxy's a fun place. You'll need to have this fish in your ear.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Fun
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Now leave. (Adron) Why would I want to do that? I mean, heaven forbid I should be around someone who actually likes me. It’s so much more fun to be here with you insulting my manhood and questioning my parentage every five seconds. (Tiernan)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Fun
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
I want to go to the park. (Livia) Why? (Adron) Because, and I know this is a new concept for you, we might actually have fun. Can you imagine? You might even smile and the world could come to an end over it. (Livia)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Fun
Image of Clive James
I actually didn't like that feeling of being out of touch because what I do depends on being in touch. But it's fun to talk about. That's one of the real dangers of drugs: they're too much fun to talk about.
- Clive James
Collection: Fun
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Simi. Return to me. (Acheron) 'Return to me, Simi.’ Don’t go frying the goddess. Don’t go frying Thanatos. I am not a yo-yo, akri. I am a Simi. I hate it when you get me all excited about going to kill something and then tell me no. I don’t like that. It boring. You don’t ever let me have any fun anymore. (Simi)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Fun
Image of Anna Kendrick
People like to make fun of the fans who camp out but people have renaissance fairs; people do Civil War re-enactments; people do what they like. I'm tired of hearing people rage on the fans. If you don't like Twilight, don't buy a ticket.
- Anna Kendrick
Collection: Fun
Image of Garrison Keillor
The thought of people in this day and age sitting down to listen to a radio variety show on Saturday evening is rather implausible and was even more so in 1974 when we started “A Prairie Home Companion.” Thank goodness Minnesota Public Radio was too poor to afford good advice or the show never would've got on the air. We only did it because we knew it would be fun to do. It was a dumb idea. I wish I knew how to be that dumb again.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Bach
We [Americans] are game-playing, fun-loving creatures; we are the otters of the universe.
- Richard Bach
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Bach
From time to time it's fun to close our eyes, and in that dark say to ourselves, 'I am the sorcerer, and when I open my eyes I shall see a world that I have created, and for which I and only I am completely responsible.' Slowly then, eyelids open like curtains lifting stage-center. And sure enough, there's our world, just the way we've built it.
- Richard Bach
Collection: Fun
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Maybe I’m just tired. (Geary) People only say that when they’re not really willing to deal with the issue at hand. It’s like when you ask a guy what he’s thinking and he says ‘nothing’ but in reality you know he’s checking out another woman and he doesn’t want you to give him grief over it. It’s Thia’s theory. (Tory) I think you need to stay away from her before she corrupts you. (Geary) Nah, it’s too much fun. She has the most misguided views on everything. But I think what I just said is one of the few lucid thoughts she’s ever managed. (Tory)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Fun
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You two go and have fun. I have plenty of stuff here to entertain me with. Plato rocks! (Tory)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Fun
Image of Angelina Jolie
I 've been married so much in my life that I never really had lovers, so it's been a fun time. Hopefully the men are enjoying it as well.
- Angelina Jolie
Collection: Fun
Image of William James
If evolution and the survival of the fittest be true at all, the destruction of prey and of human rivals must have been among the most important. . . . It is just because human bloodthirstiness is such a primitive part of us that it is so hard to eradicate, especially when a fight or a hunt is promised as part of the fun.
- William James
Collection: Fun
Image of Maureen Johnson
It's us," Stephen said. "Oh, thank God," said a voice. Callum emerged from behind the Dumpster. Even with all that was going on, it was hard not to take notice of this: he wore only his underpants and his socks and shoes. ...I don't think I hid my staring very well either. "Go ahead and change," Stephen said, handing me the bag. "I'll go and get the car." "Please be quick," Callum added. "This is not as fun as it appears.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Fun
Image of Erykah Badu
I love to leave the interpretation of my music up to the listener. It's fun to see what they'll say it is
- Erykah Badu
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Idle
I always have a feeling you should move the playing field and the minute you know what you're doing, you're wrong. Therefore, I wanted us not to try to follow Spamalot immediately, but to do something different. This is perfect because it uses all the same skills, like story telling and lyric writing and music writing, but it's presenting it in a different form. And of course it gives me and John a nice chance to perform and show off which is also fun.
- Eric Idle
Collection: Fun
Image of Bryan Fuller
Everything was so designed by Hannibal to break down Will in the first season, until Will's sanity became questionable. It's so much easier to believe that somebody losing their mind is capable of terrible things than it is to consider Frasier Crane, a charming, fun doctor who invites you to dinner. If you put those two in a police lineup, you're going to pick the guy who's melting down.
- Bryan Fuller
Collection: Fun
Image of Sheena Iyengar
I think of choosing as a... both a fun and an effortful activity and I think of choice as something that in order for you to really get what you want out of it you have to put a lot into it and so I'm only willing to do that for a few different things and for the rest I really just try to either satisfy, come up with a simple rule or let somebody else make the choice.
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: Fun
Image of Janet Jackson
That's what I think I am: a lot of fun - a lot of fun to be with.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Fun
Image of Gabriel Iglesias
I love Australia. First of all, everyone is so nice. The people are down to Earth, and they like having fun with you.
- Gabriel Iglesias
Collection: Fun
Image of Douglas Adams
You turn the computer into the storyteller and the player into the audience, like in the old days when the storyteller would actually respond to the audience, rather than just having the audience respond to the storyteller. I had an enormous amount of fun, actually, working on that.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
It seemed fun to play a villain on stage and I wanted my jokes to be so good that I could just calmly tell them on stage.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
My perfect night would be going out to an awesome restaurant, then heading over to the Comedy Cellar to hang out with other comics, drinking beers and making fun of each other.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Fun
Image of Derek Jeter
As long as I'm having fun I'm going to play.
- Derek Jeter
Collection: Fun
Image of Mick Jagger
Of course, I do occasionally arouse primeval instincts, but I mean, most men can do that. They can't do it to so many. I just happen to be able to do it to several thousand people. It's fun to do that.
- Mick Jagger
Collection: Fun
Image of Dwayne Johnson
If I like it, if I think the character is going to be fun, if I think the story is good and if it appeals to me, then I want to do it.
- Dwayne Johnson
Collection: Fun