Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 32

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 32 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Dean Norris
Actors like to play bad guys because they're more fun. They also win more awards.
- Dean Norris
Collection: Fun
Image of Sebastian Silva
It's really fun doing scenes with people when there's no written dialogue because you're really listening to each other, you're playing off each other, because that's all you have as a guide.
- Sebastian Silva
Collection: Fun
Image of Will Packer
I've learned that if you can keep it calm and keep it fun and loose, then that allows for ideas from the crew. I don't care where an idea comes from, whether it's the crew or my producer or the actors or anybody. I just want it to be fun, and if that's the case, then I think you make a better movie.
- Will Packer
Collection: Fun
Image of Ed Helms
I found myself often asking the question, "Who deserves to be made fun of?" Depending on your mood, the answer can be no one or everyone. It took me a while to understand the math of how those field pieces came together. I don't think that ridicule is ever funny, but there are times when that gets the biggest response.
- Ed Helms
Collection: Fun
Image of Ed Helms
Improvisation is about finding the best joke or the silliest way to get something across. Improvising conflict is always fun because you can just go for it.
- Ed Helms
Collection: Fun
Image of Ed Helms
All I knew is that I loved movies and comedy and TV, and I wanted to perform. I made a bunch of shorts and movies in college, and that was always fun too. I directed some plays in college. It was taking it all in and trying to immerse myself in as much of it as possible.
- Ed Helms
Collection: Fun
Image of Ethan Hawke
If you can channel the best part of you that is bigger than yourself, where it’s not about your ego and not about getting ahead, then you can have fun and you aren’t jealous of others. You see other people's talent as another branch of your own. You can keep it rooted in joy. Life is long and there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. The point of it all is to learn.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Dobereiner
Half of golf is fun; the other half is putting.
- Peter Dobereiner
Collection: Fun
Image of Maggie Nelson
labels can be fun! Some people are like, "As a card-carrying bear, where I also have a little bit of fairy in me..." People have fun collaging these; there's a fun people have with their identifications. The irony of them can be lost if you're just wholeheartedly anti-identitarian.
- Maggie Nelson
Collection: Fun
Image of Cris Collinsworth
Get your calculators out, this will be fun!
- Cris Collinsworth
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonathan Tucker
What's unique for me, as an actor, is this idea that I don't have to be grounded to the natural law of things. I can pull things out of the air and communicate with other spirits and other elements in other languages or forms, but I'm still right here, on the earth. That's a lot of fun.
- Jonathan Tucker
Collection: Fun
Image of Dag Hammarskjold
We've got to learn hard things in our lifetime, but it's love that gives you the strength. It's being nice to people and having a lot of fun and laughing harder than anything, hopefully every single day of your life.
- Dag Hammarskjold
Collection: Fun
Image of Joseph McGinty Nichol
It's always fun watching new actors and new voices come out.
- Joseph McGinty Nichol
Collection: Fun
Image of Joseph McGinty Nichol
It's really fun to create something that touches the world.
- Joseph McGinty Nichol
Collection: Fun
Image of Perrie Edwards
Just have fun and take every bit of experience that you can.
- Perrie Edwards
Collection: Fun
Image of Betty Hutton
Some kind of fun lasts longer than others.
- Betty Hutton
Collection: Fun
Image of Merle Haggard
If I had a choice, and there was a "Y" in the road, I would always take the one that was more fun as opposed to the one that might make me more money.
- Merle Haggard
Collection: Fun
Image of Luci Swindoll
Don't take yourself too seriously. It just makes life all the harder. It'll all come out in the wash anyway, because God's glory eventually will eclipse everything that goes wrong on this earth. Lighten up and learn to laugh at yourself. None of us is infallible. We make mistakes in life, and more often than not, they're funny. Sometimes, being your own source of comedy is the most fun of all.
- Luci Swindoll
Collection: Fun
Image of Kay Panabaker
I think life is meant to be fun. You find work that you love and you surround yourself with people that you love. Life shouldn't be too difficult.
- Kay Panabaker
Collection: Fun
Image of Sergio De La Pava
Vote? What's so fun about voting? You should never vote, everyone knows that. If you vote and your guy wins you can't later complain because you helped put him there. That's why I never vote, so I can later complain.
- Sergio De La Pava
Collection: Fun
Image of Susan Downey
We've been playing a lot with television. We have some shows set up and then some new shows that are about to be set up. That's gonna be kind of a fun thing for us as producers.
- Susan Downey
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephen Marche
Only idiots or snobs ever really thought less of 'genre books' of course. There are stupid books and there are smart books. There are well-written books and badly written books. There are fun books and boring books. All of these distinctions are vastly more important than the distinction between the literary and the non-literary.
- Stephen Marche
Collection: Fun
Image of Nolan Gerard Funk
I think it's important to be authentic but also be able to have fun and not be overly controlling or insecure. Dating is just one of those things where it's kind of when you know, you know. I have been really busy with my career and sometimes I find it hard to juggle the two.
- Nolan Gerard Funk
Collection: Fun
Image of Nolan Gerard Funk
The best type of date is when it's an unexpected thing. It could be starting as a friendship or a first meeting where you meet and then you end up talking for 15 hours in a row. That's kind of where you're so in sync that it's just cohesive and it's fun.
- Nolan Gerard Funk
Collection: Fun
Image of Pete Lembo
I really try hard to keep a good bead on the pulse of the team. Am I pushing the right buttons? When do I need to be harder on them? When do I need to have a little more fun with them? It's all about timing. The more I can do that the better chance we have for these guys to be hitting on all cylinders and reach their potential.
- Pete Lembo
Collection: Fun
Image of Mathew Baynton
It's so infectious to watch people having fun.
- Mathew Baynton
Collection: Fun
Image of Edward Higgins White
I'm not coming in . . . this is fun.
- Edward Higgins White
Collection: Fun
Image of Tod Machover
The Beatles realized that what they were making in the studio could never be performed. And they had already given up on performing because there were too many screaming fans and they were playing in larger and larger venues so they couldn't even hear what they were playing, it just wasn't any fun any more.
- Tod Machover
Collection: Fun
Image of Donald Cerrone
It's all about being happy with your life and having fun. At least that's what works for me.
- Donald Cerrone
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Bradley
The era of television in which I grew up was much simpler than now. Its conventions were quite transparent and fun to think about. Who could ever remember the plot of those shows?
- Joe Bradley
Collection: Fun
Image of Emayatzy E. Corinealdi
I just love drama. I love the idea of exploring relationships, whatever they may be. That's fun for me.
- Emayatzy E. Corinealdi
Collection: Fun
Image of Constance Jablonski
Many models do yoga, but I find it boring. Id rather be outdoors having fun.
- Constance Jablonski
Collection: Fun
Image of Kasey Chambers
My whole life has been traveling, so it just seems normal to me, ... I'm able to leave on a bus with eight or nine guys, and I feel really comfortable with it. I've always done it. It's heaps of fun. They're all people I get along with really well. They're all my family, my best friends.
- Kasey Chambers
Collection: Fun
Image of Ben Thompson
I always make it a rule to let the other fellow fire first. If a man wants to fight, I argue the question with him and try to show him how foolish it would be. If he can't be dissuaded, why then the fun begins but I always let him have first crack. Then when I fire, you see, I have the verdict of self-defence on my side. I know that he is pretty certain in his hurry, to miss. I never do.
- Ben Thompson
Collection: Fun
Image of Candace Kita
The horror genre is my personal favorite. But then again, I was the kid who read coroner books for fun.
- Candace Kita
Collection: Fun
Image of Hal Holbrook
There was so much to learn and it was all fun. But the best part was getting a laugh from an audience. That was like drowning in candy.
- Hal Holbrook
Collection: Fun
Image of Robi Ludwig
I'm sure I've dated my share of loonies in the past. Sometimes I realized it early on and sometimes not that fast. Love can be blinding, even for therapists. Plus, crazy can be fun sometimes. Don't you think?! Maybe that's just me!
- Robi Ludwig
Collection: Fun
Image of Mary Anne Radmacher
When we have a circle of friends, we have more fun. We get more done, we feel and are stronger, and we really do celebrate the power of our 'us.'
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Collection: Fun
Image of Chad Ochocinco
I've brought excitement back to the game. I make the game fun.
- Chad Ochocinco
Collection: Fun
Image of David Douglas Duncan
It's very simple... this banging around with a camera and typewriter as a business is just one helluva lot of fun.
- David Douglas Duncan
Collection: Fun
Image of Ernest Holmes
But we are born to be happy, to be abundantly supplied with every good thing, to have fun in living, to consciously unite with the Divine Power that is around us and within us, and to grow and expand forever.
- Ernest Holmes
Collection: Fun
Image of Pantha du Prince
It's really a lot of fun to see that this music can actually survive, that it can be concert music. My solo shows are already going along that path. You have the freedom to basically push to party, or you can tell a story from nothing with soundscapes, moving images, to a real party mood. At some concerts, people get out of their seats and start dancing after a while.
- Pantha du Prince
Collection: Fun
Image of Rian Johnson
Writing sucks. I think it's terrible. Writing is not fun, and don't trust anyone who claims to enjoy it. Liars!
- Rian Johnson
Collection: Fun
Image of Jack Edmonds
Mathematics is fun if you don't let mathematicians push you around when you are doing it.
- Jack Edmonds
Collection: Fun
Image of Jessica Abel
When I was living in Mexico, I started reassessing my drawing style, and plunged into a period of doing exercises and research to develop a new way to draw. The result was a style that implies more than it shows, and so, ironically, feels more "true" to the scene I want to draw than a style that is more specific. It seems to me that the reader's imagination is able to fill in the gaps more effectively than I ever could. Plus it's a lot faster and more fun to do.
- Jessica Abel
Collection: Fun
Image of Teresa Mummert
Take the path that leads to nowhere. It's the most fun.
- Teresa Mummert
Collection: Fun
Image of Tom Tomorrow
I don't think that what I'm doing [political cartooning] is necessarily left versus right. What I'm addressing is top versus bottom. If I'm not spending a lot of time making fun of the more extreme elements of the Green Party, it's because what I do is to critique power.
- Tom Tomorrow
Collection: Fun
Image of Fred Hoyle
It is ironic that the scientific facts throw Darwin out, but leave William Paley, a figure of fun to the scientific world for more than a century, still in the tournament with a chance of being the ultimate winner... Indeed, such a theory is so obvious that one wonders why it is not widely accepted as being self-evident. The reasons are psychological rather than scientific.
- Fred Hoyle
Collection: Fun
Image of Leigh Newman
While you can't keep your heart from getting broken, you can stop breaking your own heart...once you realize the difference between what you can control and what you can't, and that it's far, far more fun to lavish all that attention on your own self-worth.
- Leigh Newman
Collection: Fun