Donald Cerrone

Image of Donald Cerrone
If you want to be the best, you've got to beat the best. The only problem is when I get that belt, who's going to be left to fight? That's what I want to know.
- Donald Cerrone
Collection: Best
Image of Donald Cerrone
You don't have to get ready if you stay ready, alright? I'm always in the gym, always training, all the time.
- Donald Cerrone
Collection: Time
Image of Donald Cerrone
You see all the movies where people say, 'Don't fight out of anger'? They say that for a reason.
- Donald Cerrone
Collection: Anger
Image of Donald Cerrone
It's a relaxed intensity I've got to live my life in.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
MMA makes you sore and tired every day. I wonder what we're going to be like when we're 50 or 60. I wake up some mornings and just say, 'Oh, God.' And then I go scuba diving.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I would fight every month. Think about the finances I would have. That would be financial freedom.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Put 'Cowboy' on every card. I'd be ready to go.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I could definitely make 145. But if 'Cowboy' is going to 145, I'm going after somebody who matters.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I enjoy fighting. It's one of my favorite things to do in the world, so I'm just enjoying every minute of it.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
This sport gives you the highest highs and the lowest lows.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
The opponent never matters to me. That's something I've always said.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
When they raise your hand, Oh my God, the feeling is unbelievable.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I feel so much better at 170, man.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Dos Anjos, his wrestling and grappling is supposed to be good, but I feel my Jiu Jitsu, wrestling and striking is way better. I'm better than him all across the board.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Even when I was a little punk kid, I would fight anybody - it didn't matter. That's who I've been my whole life.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
That's my style of fighting. I am throwing down, you know? Having fun. And that's my approach to life.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I thought I would be laying hardwood floors in Colorado - a construction worker. Middle class or working class, that's where I was! I just fought because I loved it. It was so fun! Being able to go in there and outthink your opponents.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Whether I'm in the main event or on the preliminary card, the same Cowboy is going to be out there.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I see the business side of it and moving up the ladder towards the title. That's where the money's at. That's the overall goal.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Bring the fights on. If I'm going to be the champ, I gotta beat everyone anyway, so what does sitting and waiting and holding my position do?
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Colorado's home for me.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I signed a contract to fight at UFC 187, so I'm going to fight at UFC 187, whoever it is against. It's the same thing.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I'm not worried about a title. It's just go and have fun.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I don't want to sound arrogant or cocky, but taking a fight on short notice against 'Cowboy,' you have to be mentally strong.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I remember kickboxing and traveling the world when I was young. I would go to Japan or Africa, and I would go for the experience. As soon as I got off the plane, we'd go have a good time, party. Fighting was just the outlet of what I was doing there.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
That Evan Dunham fight, I went back to not being serious. I was going to the lake and literally brought some wrestling mats down with me. We have a shop at the lake where we park the boat. I'd throw the mats in there, wakeboard all day, and train all night. I was having a good time, getting back to work.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Fighting angry and fighting mad isn't good.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
You have a short window, you know, and if I plan on living the lifestyle I want, I've got to make a nest egg.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I'll fight every weekend - hell yeah.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Bull riding is fun, but fighting is it.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
You ever try to beat your dad up? It just don't happen. He's got that old man strength.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I'll fight on Fight Pass; it's all the same to me.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I just take the fights and do what I love.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
You're not just top-10 UFC because you suck.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
The UFC has been nothing but great to me. I can't complain; they give me what I want.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I've had people say I'm inconsistent, and sure, I've never held a UFC or WEC title.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I thought that Yoel Romero and Tim Means got the only two tainted bottles of protein in the world. I thought it was crazy. You never know with these companies; you've got to be careful.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
You've got to know what you put in your body. That's it.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I'm not going to grant Bobby Green his wishes by fighting him and responding to his nonsense.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
We have no one to stand up for the fighters' rights. If something bad were to happen, no one backs him, and it's just him alone, and everything gets washed out. We need people to stand up and fight for it.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I'm a guy who likes to keep fighting five, six times a year, so if I ask for too much money, they might say, 'Well, we pay you too much. We can't let you keep jumping backwards and forwards and promote it.' The money I'm making is good to keep grabbing short-notice fights. I love them; they're my favorite ones.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I live a wild and crazy life.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
The only thing I can do is fight. Win or lose, I'm here every damn time.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I'm not trying to be anything other than the way I was born and raised.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
When I got picked up by the Tapout crew and was featured on their reality show, that really jumpstarted my career.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
People get all caught up thinking they have to train a certain way or take a certain approach to things, but there's so much more to this than fitting into what other people think you are supposed to do. You have to have fun and enjoy what you are doing; otherwise, what is it all worth?
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
I've been all over the world. I've been to Japan, Africa, Morocco, everywhere. Heck yeah, I would go to Ireland. Why not?
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
Is there any hungry fighters out there that say they don't get paid enough by the UFC? I tell you what: Cowboy's got the answer. Sign on the line. I don't care where you're at on the roster. Let's go.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
To be honest I quit taking training and fighting so seriously and went back to living my life and having fun. I try to teach that to all the guys who come out here to train and live with me.
- Donald Cerrone
Image of Donald Cerrone
When I fought Benson Henderson for the first time, or Jamie Varner, it was always like, 'Oh man... I'm in here fighting these guys. Do I really belong here?' That's all changed now.
- Donald Cerrone