Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 28

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 28 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Mario
I've lived this lifestyle as an artist and sometimes we get caught up in the fun, women and partying. But when you really sit back and think about it, it's not what fulfills you deep down inside and there's much more to experience in life than just that.
- Mario
Collection: Fun
Image of Shannon Leto
INTO THE WILD was a lot of fun, but challenging, 'cause you can get lost in the movement.
- Shannon Leto
Collection: Fun
Image of Simon Rich
I was never a cool person; in fact, cool people have always made fun of me. That’s why I loved [the Robert Cormier YA novel] The Chocolate War - because the cool kids (not the establishment) were the villains. I totally identified with that.
- Simon Rich
Collection: Fun
Image of Jens Lekman
I wanted to create a more spontaneous outlet for my songwriting to have alongside the more long-winded process of making an album. I wanted to have some fun.
- Jens Lekman
Collection: Fun
Image of Antoine Fuqua
Not harder than it should be, no. We're about the business, we're about the work. It's all about the work, always. We have fun and laugh and there're days that are more intense than others, but we're there to make it better. He's always going to try and make it better, I'm always going to try and make it better. So you accept anything, you accept whatever it takes to get it up on the screen and make it worthy.
- Antoine Fuqua
Collection: Fun
Image of Annie Sprinkle
My whole purpose is to bring what's hidden out in the open so people can look at it and discuss it. And sexually oriented material is very important to study in an academic setting. Controversy is part of the fun.
- Annie Sprinkle
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Wedge
The most fun is to inhabit the world where cartoon physics is king. And that just means that things move with kind of an energy and exaggeration and appeal that is different from what we see in our world. We're bound by, at least, Newton's Laws of physics here and in animation we're not. So, director's can be extremely eccentric, you can sculpt motion in animation in a way that you just can't do any other way. In any other performance medium.
- Chris Wedge
Collection: Fun
Image of Ava Gardner
I've certainly never taken the care of myself that I should have. On the contrary. I've done a lot of late nights without enough sleep and all that. But I've had fun. Whatever wrinkles are there, I've enjoyed getting them.
- Ava Gardner
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Buck
You have to make that stand out from the rest of the three hours. There are times when I'm having fun and being loose, and there are times when I'm ultra serious - calling the Giants/Patriots in the Super Bowl is a lot different than calling the Giants/Cubs game last Saturday. There are different levels of intensity, and I try to respect that when I'm doing it.
- Joe Buck
Collection: Fun
Image of Kate Christensen
Blogging is different from both journal-writing and writing for print. It's more fun than either of those. The freedom to write whatever I want and the unmediated connection with readers are the payoff.
- Kate Christensen
Collection: Fun
Image of Kari Byron
Science gets more fun when I get a bigger gun!
- Kari Byron
Collection: Fun
Image of Josh Gad
We use improv in all kinds of fun ways. Sometimes it's to invent or discover new things, sometimes it's to weird out the other actors, and sometimes it's to create a sense of fun, to find new things inside the scripted lines.
- Josh Gad
Collection: Fun
Image of Keegan Bradley
The best part about winning the PGA is getting great pairings at tour events. Its fun to play with Phil Mickelson and other past major champions.
- Keegan Bradley
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlie Rowe
Obviously, I'm quite young and I haven't really thought about what films I'd like to go into yet. I love challenging films, really. I'd prefer to do some gritty, challenging roles. That would be awesome, and really fun. I want to be as diverse as possible.
- Charlie Rowe
Collection: Fun
Image of Garik Israelian
It's not very fun to do spectroscopy.
- Garik Israelian
Collection: Fun
Image of Mike Ness
There's something about playing every night, it becomes easy and it becomes fun. I love being up there and playing for different crowds every night.
- Mike Ness
Collection: Fun
Image of Matthew Richter
Fun is going to enhance interest, because people don't feel incompetent when they're having fun.
- Matthew Richter
Collection: Fun
Image of Kevin Conroy
I think that different actors bring different qualities to the Batman character. It's such a wonderful mantle to put on that I think it's a lot of fun for different actors to see how they play it.
- Kevin Conroy
Collection: Fun
Image of Joan Juliet Buck
Practically everything I did as an experiment while I was working on the book made me feel cold, angry, and decidedly peculiar. Clinical. Because I wasn't acting from the motives people usually work from: to feel good, to have fun, to make something last.
- Joan Juliet Buck
Collection: Fun
Image of Erland Josephson
In Bergman's world I represented a sort of intellectual, skeptical, ironic person, rather cold and frustrated. When I went abroad and made films in Italy and other places, I was used in different ways. I was rather often cast as crazy people, maniacs. It was very good for me and it was fun because it is nice to play crazy people if you are not in reality. And I think perhaps that changed how Ingmar saw me. Suddenly I was on the more magical side of his world, playing the people with fantasies, variety, the artists.
- Erland Josephson
Collection: Fun
Image of Sam McBratney
After writing several Nutbrown Hare stories, I thought: what might happen when a little hare begins to explore the space around him? (Think of rivers, mountains, fields and trees!) Will there be fun? Oh yes. Will there be trouble ahead? Could be. For you, here are some of the adventures of Little Nutbrown Hare.
- Sam McBratney
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Grant
[Sunbathing nude] was a liberating experience. It felt unbelievably crazy to take off all my clothes and play in the sun. I've not had that much fun in so long.
- Amy Grant
Collection: Fun
Image of Freddie Stroma
I'm not a massive fan of just playing myself on screen. If you can play lots of different characters, that's fun. As long as the material is good, that's what the attraction is for me.
- Freddie Stroma
Collection: Fun
Image of Ramon Bautista
Life is fun if you just find out how.
- Ramon Bautista
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel Griffiths
Acting is like playing, while directing is really fun, sort of like an orgy.
- Rachel Griffiths
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel Griffiths
There`s a good sense of fun and lack of sarcasm in the Texans, maybe a little earnestness which is kind of why I found it quite Australian.
- Rachel Griffiths
Collection: Fun
Image of T.J. Dillashaw
I think it's real important to enjoy what you do, have fun with it and not to put the pressure on yourself of everyone watching.
- T.J. Dillashaw
Collection: Fun
Image of Hank Haney
It's fun as a coach to work with somebody that has power and that has potential to achieve, really, anything that he wants to achieve. It's just a question of time and how much work they put into it.
- Hank Haney
Collection: Fun
Image of Mardy Fish
Besides my strokes improving, I've gotten a lot more comfortable with the game. The travel's not so tough any more, I'm learning my way around the circuit. I'm learning to cope and I'm having fun. That's the key -- the tennis is fun and I'm really enjoying it.
- Mardy Fish
Collection: Fun
Image of Gunnar Peterson
The first thing people lose on a diet is their sense of humor. Keep it fun. Keep it light.
- Gunnar Peterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeffrey Steingarten
Among the cognoscenti, though, it is not just about elaborate new flavors. I always consider the main test of ice cream to be the simple ice creams, especially vanilla. One should have fun when one eats, but it should also be seriously good.
- Jeffrey Steingarten
Collection: Fun
Image of Alex Borstein
The writing is amazing because having a hand in creating what you're going to be performing... there's nothing like it. It's always going to be better suited for you. You're always going to know the lines faster, because you wrote it. The writing is so very hard. It's the hardest part of the whole process. In some ways the acting is a lot easier and a lot more fun.
- Alex Borstein
Collection: Fun
Image of Alex Borstein
If for no other reason than it's just fun to watch people age, and it's fun to watch what happened to '80s hairdos and outfits, and what they look like now.
- Alex Borstein
Collection: Fun
Image of Nina Jacobson
If the movie [The Hunger Games] were stylized violence that was pretty and fun and cool, which is great when you go see 300 or The Matrix, it would just be out of sync with the fact that they're kids.
- Nina Jacobson
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Fafard
I thought, 'Well, I'll amuse people a little bit.' During lunch hour, while everyone was off to the faculty club and this and that, I set up a bunch of bases down the hallway of the school and I put all of the portraits I had completed... and I waited for the reaction.... that's how I got started again, doing portraits of people around me.
- Joe Fafard
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Buckley
I'm such a goofball - I need someone who can make fun of me.
- Robert Buckley
Collection: Fun
Image of Ricky Gervais
It's better to create something that others criticise than to create nothing and criticise others. Go create, have fun!!
- Ricky Gervais
Collection: Fun
Image of Brian Acton
Close to the Edge by Yes. Such a fun tune to play on bass.
- Brian Acton
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonathan Gruber
Exploiting the stupidity of the American voter is fun and easy: kinda like squeezing a lemon.
- Jonathan Gruber
Collection: Fun
Image of Lee Taemin
When something's hard, smiling helps us in the end, and it becomes fun.
- Lee Taemin
Collection: Fun
Image of Shauna James Ahern
Gina Hyams has put together a fabulous fun book/gift: Pie Contest in a Box: Everything You Need to Host a Pie Contest. There’s a great book inside, with recipes, pie history, and plenty of inspiration for gathering your friends together to see who can make the best pie. Plus, ribbons! And scorecards! This would be a great party.
- Shauna James Ahern
Collection: Fun
Image of Sarah Stillman
There’s no such thing as being totally ‘found’…the fun, I think, is in the searching.
- Sarah Stillman
Collection: Fun
Image of Matt Berninger
I focus on the words and then I have fun putting together the music after.
- Matt Berninger
Collection: Fun
Image of Toby Lightman
Bartending was definitely crazy and fun, because you got to meet so many different people. Unlike people I worked with, I did not date a lot of men that I met while I was working - it's just not what you do.
- Toby Lightman
Collection: Fun
Image of Julie Klausner
All I know is it’s silly to chase fun when all you need is the ground underneath you to be solid. And I don’t expect to be one of those people that does cartwheels in yogurt commercials. I wanna be the cartoon character in that antidepressant ad who has, like, little lines under her eyes, and the divot in the middle of the pill is the pill’s mouth... have you seen this ad? It’s very good. It’s for Abilify, which is not a word.
- Julie Klausner
Collection: Fun
Image of Greg Brown
It's impossible for me to think of music as a contest. All of the awards ceremonies, I mean I'm sure they're fun for people, but they have no meaning to me.
- Greg Brown
Collection: Fun
Image of Yolanda Foster
I like to have fun, but I don't play games.
- Yolanda Foster
Collection: Fun
Image of Kassie DePaiva
The View' was so much fun. So much fun because the audience was 85-percent fans that wanted to be there celebrating 'One Life to Live' and the other 15 percent were crew members from 'One Life to Live'. It was just really, really wonderful and the clips were wonderful.
- Kassie DePaiva
Collection: Fun
Image of Jay Crownover
Being Captain No-Fun really is no fun
- Jay Crownover
Collection: Fun