Top football Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of football quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more football quotes.

Image of Greg Mortenson
Everywhere I go in Pakistan and Afghanistan, I am touched by the fierce desire for education, and the outpouring of hospitality and generosity. The most important ingredient is the relationships. The process takes "Three Cups of Tea". First you are a stranger, second a friend, and the third, you become family, but the process takes several years. Here in America, we have 8 second sound bytes, 2 minute football drills, and thirty minute power lunches.
- Greg Mortenson
Collection: Football
Image of Lawrence Taylor
Football is not a game for the weak of heart, because every day you've got a hundred reasons to take all those pads off and say, 'F-k it.'
- Lawrence Taylor
Collection: Football
Image of Lawrence Taylor
When you get old, everything is hurting. When I get up in the morning, it sounds like I'm making popcorn.
- Lawrence Taylor
Collection: Football
Image of Hank Stram
Football, like life, is about change.
- Hank Stram
Collection: Football
Image of John Barnes
I would like to lose some of the weight that I have put on since I stopped playing football.
- John Barnes
Collection: Football
Image of John Barnes
If Glenn Hoddle had been any other nationality, he would have had 70 or 80 caps for England.
- John Barnes
Collection: Football
Image of Michael Owen
To be the best you have to forget partying and concentrate all your energies on the football.
- Michael Owen
Collection: Football
Image of Michael Owen
You're on your own out there with ten mates.
- Michael Owen
Collection: Football
Image of Michael Owen
The Champions League is more interesting to watch than international football and the quality is superior as well.
- Michael Owen
Collection: Football
Image of Michael Owen
I want to be a top-flight football player, so I lead the life that enables me to be that type of player. I prefer to be seen in a decent light rather than an indecent one.
- Michael Owen
Collection: Football
Image of Arthur Guiterman
In life as in football, fall forward when you fall.
- Arthur Guiterman
Collection: Football
Image of Chuck Noll
Being stubborn is a virtue when you're right; it's only a character flaw when you're wrong.
- Chuck Noll
Collection: Football
Image of Chuck Noll
Watch the film, not the stopwatch.
- Chuck Noll
Collection: Football
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Most goals are scored between the posts.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Me Grandad is 74 and he's football bananas, so me nan gets loads of grief.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football
Image of Jamie Redknapp
The ball was coming down like a butterfly with sore feet.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Suarez will improve and he will get better.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football
Image of Steve Almond
Football is the most successful cult, in terms of members and profits, in human history. Oh wait, there's also religion.
- Steve Almond
Collection: Football
Image of Steve Almond
There's an invisible army of woman and men who really don't get why we give so much of ourselves to football. And they need to SPEAK UP.
- Steve Almond
Collection: Football
Image of Jerry Rice
After I got disciplined I got introduced to football and then after that everything just took off for me. I had a lot of role models: the teachers, the coaches. Watching them give so much to so many students so they can be successful in life basically just ingrained in me that I think it's more gratifying for me to give back and than just to receive.
- Jerry Rice
Collection: Football
Image of Jerry Rice
To me, it was never about what I accomplished on the football field. It was about the way I played the game. I played the game with a lot of determination, a lot of poise, a lot of pride and I think what you saw out there...was an individual who really just loved the game.
- Jerry Rice
Collection: Football
Image of Jerry Rice
I think just what my parents instilled in me was hard work and being able to always go out there and focus and be 100%. I took that work ethic into the NFL and everyday I always gave 100% and never wanted anything to be handed to me. I wanted to earn it. And every time I stepped on that football field during practice I wanted to leave that football field with learning something about what the practice was about for me that day...
- Jerry Rice
Collection: Football
Image of George Best
He can't kick with his left foot, he can't head a ball, he can't tackle and he doesn't score many goals. Apart from that he's all right.
- George Best
Collection: Football
Image of Bob Schieffer
The truth is the Super Bowl long ago became more than just a football game.
- Bob Schieffer
Collection: Football
Image of Lawrence Anthony
Why do we so mindlessly abuse our planet, our only home? The answer to that lies in each of us. Therefore, we will strive to bring about understanding that we are--each one of us--responsible for more than just ourselves, our family, our football team, our country, or our own kind; that there is more to life than just these things. That each one of us must also bring the natural world back into its proper place in our lives, and realize that doing so is not some lofty ideal but a vital part of our personal survival.
- Lawrence Anthony
Collection: Football
Image of Drew Brees
I don't know about voodoo, but I believe in destiny.
- Drew Brees
Collection: Football
Image of Drew Brees
It's my job to get us in good plays, or more importantly, out of bad plays.
- Drew Brees
Collection: Football
Image of Drew Brees
I was brought here [New Orleans] for a reason. I feel like I can make a tremendous impact, not only with the team but in the community.
- Drew Brees
Collection: Football
Image of Drew Brees
The only team that believed in me was the Saints, and I feel like I owe them a great debt of gratitude. I want to give them what they saw in me-a guy who could lead this team to a championship.
- Drew Brees
Collection: Football
Image of Bill Shankly
The socialism I believe in is everybody working for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards. That’s how I see football, that’s how I see life.
- Bill Shankly
Collection: Football
Image of Bill Shankly
The socialism I believe in isn't really politics. It is a way of living. It is humanity. I believe the only way to live and to be truly successful is by collective effort, with everyone working for each other, everyone helping each other, and everyone having a share of the rewards at the end of the day. That might be asking a lot, but it's the way I see football and the way I see life.
- Bill Shankly
Collection: Football
Image of Bill Shankly
Football is a simple game made complicated by people who should know better.
- Bill Shankly
Collection: Football
Image of Trevor Phillips
Most liberal-minded folk would like to think that since they are not hostile to people of a different race, racism is a disease of the uneducated, unenlightened and socially backward - football hooligans, British National Party supporters, policemen. You could call this the Bad Guy Theory. But the Bad Guy Theory does not explain why Indian-heritage children do nearly twice as well as Pakistani-heritage children at GCSE.
- Trevor Phillips
Collection: Football
Image of Burt Reynolds
In football you can make it if you've got the 'I'm-going-to-get-up-off-the-ground-and-kick-your-ass' attitude.
- Burt Reynolds
Collection: Football
Image of Knute Rockne
The best thing I ever learned in life was that things have to be worked for. A lot of people seem to think there is some sort of magic in making a winning football team. There isn't, but there's plenty of work.
- Knute Rockne
Collection: Football
Image of Knute Rockne
Yes, I know that you feel you are not strong enough. That's what the enemy thinks, too. But we're gonna fool them.
- Knute Rockne
Collection: Football
Image of Joe Paterno
They ask me what I'd like written about me when I'm gone. I hope they write I made Penn State a better place, not just that I was a good football coach.
- Joe Paterno
Collection: Football
Image of Irwin Shaw
If football players were armed with guns, there wouldn't be stadiums large enough to hold the crowds.
- Irwin Shaw
Collection: Football
Image of Pete Hautman
You ever watch a football game and get totally into it? Why? It's not a real battle. It's just a game somebody made up. So how can you take it seriously? Or, you ever see a movie that made your heart about jump out of your chest? Or one that made you cry? Why? It wasn't real. You ever look at a photo of food that made your mouth water? Why? You can't eat the picture. . . . . . Same thing with water towers and God. I don't have to be a believer to be serious about my religion.
- Pete Hautman
Collection: Football
Image of Pete Hautman
We were defined by what we did. What we had to do. I think this is why guys like football, and why they join the army, because as long as you are playing the game or following orders you do not have to figure out who you really are.
- Pete Hautman
Collection: Football
Image of Zinedine Zidane
Everything I have achieved in football is due to playing football in the streets with my friends
- Zinedine Zidane
Collection: Football
Image of Zinedine Zidane
Messi is the Mozart of football.
- Zinedine Zidane
Collection: Football
Image of Zinedine Zidane
It's true, pressure is something that goes with football nowadays. You need to accept it, and everything that it involves - the good and the bad.
- Zinedine Zidane
Collection: Football
Image of Pele
I love people. I wanted to be with the people. I wanted to give something back what I get from football, because God gave everything to me.
- Pele
Collection: Football
Image of Pele
I was born to play football, just like Beethoven was born to write music and Michelangelo was born to paint.
- Pele
Collection: Football
Image of Pele
Football is like a religion to me. I worship the ball, and I treat it like a god. Too many players think of a football as something to kick. They should be taught to caress it and to treat it like a precious gem.
- Pele
Collection: Football
Image of Gordon Strachan
I'm going to miss his childlike laugh. I'll forget the goals but I'll never forget that laugh.
- Gordon Strachan
Collection: Football
Image of Gordon Strachan
The reality, ... is that I need to win games of football. That's where the pressure and the sleepless nights come from. There's a fantasy pressure with this job but none of that matters. I need to make this team into a good unit, need to take it forward, give it a change of pace, need to get it younger and to use the experience of the lads we've got here. I need Lennon and Sutton and people like that to go and show how you handle being a Celtic player.
- Gordon Strachan
Collection: Football
Image of Gordon Strachan
Thomas Gravesen thinks he's broke his hand, but I told him that you play football with your feet and not your hand.
- Gordon Strachan
Collection: Football