Jamie Redknapp

Image of Jamie Redknapp
I'm enjoying myself this year and for once I'm not chasing my fitness.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Fitness
Image of Jamie Redknapp
But there's no point in looking back and saying I was unlucky.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
People always seem to be interested in my private life because I'm married to a pop star.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
But I just want to be known for my football.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I haven't achieved as much as I should have done in my career.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I'm a footballer, that's my job and that's all I want to be known for.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I enjoy spending time at home or going out for a quiet meal in a restaurant.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
But what goes on in my life outside of the game should be my business.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I have always passed the ball and worked on that part of my game.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
You have to be professional and think about the future.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I never got to the point when I felt like running away from it all.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I am a positive person and do not allow things to get on top of me.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
At no point was my career under threat, so I always knew that I would get back into action.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
It's important we win and because of the players we have we should win some matches in style.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
We need to win something for the fans because they have been patient and very understanding and we owe them.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
From a personal point of view I want some medals because that is what you aim for when you start out playing.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
You want to win things and I am at a club where we have the players to do that.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I'm looking out for myself, but I'm looking out for my dad, too.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I know I'm 25 now, but there's still that little lad inside me who likes his dad there to see him.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
My dad knows the business, and he tells me I've got to do what's best for me.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I suppose it hacks me off sometimes when people go on about all the other stuff, because I have really worked hard at my game, and I've been incredibly dedicated in getting myself fit, and getting my game right.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Sometimes, you just get a label and it sticks.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
People have always thought of me as a passer of the ball, but you can't just be that these days.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
You've got to do it all, the physical as well as the skilful.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
As I say, you get labelled. To stop all that, I've got to win things - that's the only way you make your mark.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I've been at Liverpool for eight years, and the time has come for us to start achieving.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
In the past I've had a bad injury, and then struggled when I've got back because I've been unfit.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
It's not enough just being a good passer of the ball.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Although my dad Harry is the manager of West Ham, we get on very well.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Once Liverpool had asked me to sign again, there was no hesitation.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I've had two or three injuries when with England and it's been a bit bizarre.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
People ask me why I keep getting injured but I have just had to accept it is one of those things that happen.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
There is pressure every day as a footballer.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
You can't play when you're not 100% fit especially at this level.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
The way I am, I like to look forward instead of looking back.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
But I've never once thought that I wouldn't get back, as if you do think like that, then you're in trouble.
- Jamie Redknapp
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Most goals are scored between the posts.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Arsenal's width comes from wide areas.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Arsenal
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Gareth Bale literally has three lungs
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Three
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Me Grandad is 74 and he's football bananas, so me nan gets loads of grief.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football
Image of Jamie Redknapp
The ball was coming down like a butterfly with sore feet.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football
Image of Jamie Redknapp
You can't just play on the edge of games - you have to be in the thick of it.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Games
Image of Jamie Redknapp
In his youth Michael Owen was literally a greyhound.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Youth
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Only one thing can stop Luis Suarez from being voted as the Players' Player of the Year... his fellow players.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Player
Image of Jamie Redknapp
My guilty pleasure is One Direction.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: One Direction
Image of Jamie Redknapp
It's a horrible feeling - there's nothing worse for any player than to be thinking at the back of your mind that there's something wrong with you.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Player
Image of Jamie Redknapp
You could have the best suit in the world, but if you haven't got the right shirt and tie with it you could look like a bag of rubbish. I think the shirt is the most important thing - you need a nice collar with it so that you can make it look good.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Nice
Image of Jamie Redknapp
I've always loved wearing a suit. When you have on a crisp shirt and a tie you always feel like you're going somewhere. It feels like a bit of an occasion.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Like You
Image of Jamie Redknapp
As I say, you get labeled. To stop all that, I've got to win things - that's the only way you make your mark.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Winning
Image of Jamie Redknapp
Suarez will improve and he will get better.
- Jamie Redknapp
Collection: Football