Top food Quotes Collection - Page 36

Discover a curated collection of food quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 36 provides more food quotes.

Image of Naomi Klein
One of the most disturbing ways that climate change is already playing out is through what ecologists call "mismatch" or "mistiming." This is the process whereby warming causes animals to fall out of step with a critical food source, particularly at breeding times, when a failure to find enough food can lead to rapid population losses.
- Naomi Klein
Collection: Food
Image of Philip Larkin
I like spaghetti because you don't have to take your eyes off the book to pick about among it, it's all the same.
- Philip Larkin
Collection: Food
Image of Sinclair Lewis
A man takes a drink, the drink takes another, and the drink takes the man.
- Sinclair Lewis
Collection: Food
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Breakfast cereals that come in the same colors as polyester leisure suits make oversleeping a virtue.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Food
Image of Fran Lebowitz
While it is undeniably true that people love a surprise, it is equally true that they are seldom pleased to suddenly and without warning happen upon a series of prunes in what they took to be a normal loin of pork.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Food
Image of Stephen Leacock
Any two meals at a boarding-house are together less than two square meals.
- Stephen Leacock
Collection: Food
Image of Charles Lamb
Brandy and water spoils two good things.
- Charles Lamb
Collection: Food
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Civilised adults do not take apple juice with dinner.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Food
Image of Madeleine L'Engle
That's something I've noticed about food: whenever there's a crisis if you can get people to eating normally things get better.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Collection: Food
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Cold soup is a very tricky thing and it is a rare hostess who can carry it off. More often than not the dinner guest is left with the impression that had he only come a little earlier he could have gotten it while it was still hot.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Food
Image of Jay Leno
McDonald's announced that it's considering a more humane way of slaughtering its animals. You know they fatten them up and then kill them. You know the same thing they do to their customers, isn't it?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Food
Image of Fran Lebowitz
White grapes are very attractive but when it comes to dessert people generally like cake with icing.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Food
Image of Georg C. Lichtenberg
If there were only turnips and potatoes in the world, someone would complain that plants grow the wrong way.
- Georg C. Lichtenberg
Collection: Food
Image of Fran Lebowitz
People have been cooking and eating for thousands of years, so if you are the very first to have thought of adding fresh lime juice to scalloped potatoes try to understand that there must be a reason for this.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Food
Image of Katherine Mansfield
England is merely an island of beef swimming in a warm gulf stream of gravy.
- Katherine Mansfield
Collection: Food
Image of Maimonides
A small amount of wine such as three or four glasses is of benefit for the preservation of the health of human beings and an excellent remedy for most illnesses.
- Maimonides
Collection: Food
Image of Thomas Malthus
[P]opulation, when unchecked, goes on doubling itself every twenty-five years, or increases in a geometrical ratio. ... [T]he means of subsistence, under circumstances the most favorable to human industry, could not possibly be made to increase faster than in an arithmetical ratio.
- Thomas Malthus
Collection: Food
Image of Herman Melville
Hell is an idea first born on an undigested apple dumpling.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Food
Image of Dave Barry
In Spain, attempting to obtain a chicken salad sandwich, you wind up with a dish whose name, when you look it up in your Spanish-English dictionary, turns out to mean: Eel with big abcess.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Food
Image of H. L. Mencken
I've made it a rule never to drink by daylight and never to refuse a drink after dark.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Food
Image of H. L. Mencken
How do they taste? They taste like more.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Food
Image of H. L. Mencken
It is surely no mere coincidence that the land of the emancipated and enthroned woman is also the land of canned soup, of canned pork and beans, of whole meals in cans, and of everything else ready made.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Food
Image of H. L. Mencken
All the great villainies of history, from the murder of Abel onward, have been perpetrated by sober men, chiefly by Teetotalers.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Food
Image of John Adams
Pray how does your asparagus perform?
- John Adams
Collection: Food
Image of Guy de Maupassant
The English have only three sauces - a white one, a brown one and a yellow one, and none of them have any flavor whatever.
- Guy de Maupassant
Collection: Food
Image of Donald Barthelme
Food ... is the topmost taper on the golden candelabrum of existence.
- Donald Barthelme
Collection: Food
Image of Karl Marx
Be careful to trust a person who does not like wine.
- Karl Marx
Collection: Food
Image of Rose Macaulay
When I have eaten mangoes, I have felt like Eve.
- Rose Macaulay
Collection: Food
Image of H. L. Mencken
In Baltimore, soft crabs are always fried (or broiled) in the altogether, with maybe a small jock-strap of bacon added.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Food
Image of Dave Barry
Speaking of food, English cuisine has received a lot of unfair criticism over the years, but the truth is that it can be a very pleasant surprise to the connoisseur of severely overcooked livestock organs served in lukewarm puddles of congealed grease. England manufactures most of the world's airline food, as well as all the food you ever ate in your junior-high-school cafeteria.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Food
Image of Judith Martin
The dinner table is the center for the teaching and practicing not just of table manners but of conversation, consideration, tolerance, family feeling, and just about all the other accomplishments of polite society except the minuet.
- Judith Martin
Collection: Food
Image of Mignon McLaughlin
The woman just ahead of you at the supermarket checkout has all the delectable groceries you didn't even know they carried.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Collection: Food
Image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Very well, I will marry you if you promise not to make me eat eggplant.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Collection: Food
Image of H. L. Mencken
Anyhow, the hole in the donut is at least digestible.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Food
Image of Herman Melville
The food of thy soul is light and space; feed it then on light and space. But the food of thy body is champagne and oysters; feed it then on champagne and oysters; and so shall it merit a joyful resurrection, if there is any to be.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Food
Image of Andrew Marvell
What wondrous life is this I lead! Ripe apples drop about my head.
- Andrew Marvell
Collection: Food
Image of Robin McKinley
I wondered what you'd have on the side with a plate of Deep Fried Anxiety. Pickles? Coleslaw? Potato-strychnine mash?
- Robin McKinley
Collection: Food