Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Carlos Santana
Everything is a battlefield. If you fight with anger, you are part of the problem. If you fight with joy, you're part of the solution.
- Carlos Santana
Collection: Fighting
Image of Thomas Sankara
Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms, a loan, food aid, blackmail . We are fighting this system that allows a handful of men on earth to rule all of humanity.
- Thomas Sankara
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tim Dorsey
Always walk away from a fight. Then ambush.
- Tim Dorsey
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dani Shapiro
The only graceful thing to do is recognize and embrace what is actually happening, rather than fight against it.
- Dani Shapiro
Collection: Fighting
Image of F. Paul Wilson
If you come to a fight thinking it will be a fair one, you didn't come prepared.
- F. Paul Wilson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dan Millman
The secret of change consists in concentrating one's energy to create the new, and not to fight against the old.
- Dan Millman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Pitbull
I always wanna be able to fight, I always wanna be able to go left when they tell me to go right, not because I'm being hard-headed, it's just me taking a creative stance. I have no problem with constructive criticism, but, at the same time, I have a problem with doin' the same thing that everybody's doin'. And that's the way I've found a way to survive in the music game.
- Pitbull
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cory Booker
Heroism is not fighting some big battle. It is not standing up to some fearsome foe ... Heroism is every day getting up with a mission to show this world that you are going to light it up with your spirit, to make the best out of yourself.
- Cory Booker
Collection: Fighting
Image of Walker Percy
In this world goodness is destined to be defeated. But a man must go down fighting. That is the victory. To do anything less is to be less than a man.
- Walker Percy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wole Soyinka
When you fight corruption, corruption strikes back and that is the truth because when you fight corruption, you get confidence and when it gets to impunity, then it gets aggressive and says, 'oh, so you think you are different? You think you are tough and different?' This is why some of us are almost permanently in the libel court.
- Wole Soyinka
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alcaeus
Fighting men are the city's fortress.
- Alcaeus
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
The visual system of the brain has the organization, computational profile, and architecture it has in order to facilitate the organism's thriving at the four Fs: feeding fleeing, fighting, and reproduction.
- Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cicely Tyson
I am not a quitter. I will fight until I drop. It is just a matter of having some faith in the fact that as long as you are able to draw breath in the universe, you have a chance.
- Cicely Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael A. Stackpole
As long as I'm fighting, I'm not dying." - Mara Jade Skywalker
- Michael A. Stackpole
Collection: Fighting
Image of Malala Yousafzai
You must fight others, but through peace, and through dialogue, and through education.
- Malala Yousafzai
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hélder Câmara
If there is some corner of the world which has remained peaceful, but with a peace based on injustices the peace of a swamp with rotten matter fermenting in its depths - we may be sure that that peace is false. Violence attracts violence. Let us repeat fearlessly and ceaselessly: injustices bring revolt, either from the oppressed or from the young, determined to fight for a more just and more human world.
- Hélder Câmara
Collection: Fighting
Image of Maggie Q
Every action project you take, whether it be a movie or TV series, is always different and a lot of people don't really know how big a difference it is. It's a different style of fighting, a different tempo and all of that.
- Maggie Q
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Petersen
It matters not what you fight but what you fight for.
- David Petersen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elizabeth Warren
It's better to fight because if you don't fight, you can't win. Besides, even when you don't win, you can change the game.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elizabeth Warren
We don't win what we don't fight for.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elizabeth Warren
In a democracy, hostage tactics are the last resort for those who can’t otherwise win their fights through elections, can’t win their fights in Congress, can’t win their fights for the Presidency, and can’t win their fights in Courts. For this right-wing minority, hostage-taking is all they have left – a last gasp of those who cannot cope with the realities of our democracy.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Fighting
Image of Zinedine Zidane
It's hard to explain but I have a need to play intensely every day, to fight every match hard. And this desire never to stop fighting is something else I learnt in the place where I grew up.
- Zinedine Zidane
Collection: Fighting
Image of Waris Dirie
I always knew, from the very day of my own mutilation, that I would one day fight against this practice. I did not know how and when, but I knew that I would fight it.
- Waris Dirie
Collection: Fighting
Image of Waris Dirie
I have often felt like I was the only one fighting against female genital mutilation. There is still a huge taboo surrounding the topic, because it involves the most private parts of the female´s body. But whenever I feel like this is too much for me to do, I read e-mails and messages I receive every day from people thanking me for speaking up for them, for giving them a voice. These messages let me know that I am not alone, and that what I do is worthwhile.
- Waris Dirie
Collection: Fighting
Image of Machado de Assis
A life without fighting is a dead sea in the universal organism.
- Machado de Assis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sun Tzu
A warrior who is prepared to fight must also be prepared to die.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Susanna Kearsley
When I meet a wind I cannot fight , I can do naught but set my sails to let it take me where it will.
- Susanna Kearsley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Susanna Kearsley
Knowing that the battle will not end the way he wishes does not make it any less worthwhile the fight.
- Susanna Kearsley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Paul
People have said I have a Napoleon complex. But I've always had to fight for everything that I have.
- Chris Paul
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jane Hamilton
We're only passers-by, and all you can do is love what you have in your life. A person has to fight the meanness that sometimes comes with you when you're born, sometimes grows if you aren't in lucky surroundings. It's our challenge to fend it off, leave it behind us choking and gasping for breath in the mud. It's our task to seek out something with truth for us, no matter if there is a hundred-mile obstacle course in the way, or a ramshackle old farmhouse that binds and binds.
- Jane Hamilton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ronda Rousey
Life is a fight from the minute you take your first breath to the moment you exhale your last.
- Ronda Rousey
Collection: Fighting
Image of Otto von Bismarck
Never fight with Russian. On your every stratagem they answer unpredictable stupidity.
- Otto von Bismarck
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gene Luen Yang
Sometimes, a fight you cannot win is still worth fighting.
- Gene Luen Yang
Collection: Fighting
Image of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
We all have our own battles to fight, and sometimes we have to go it alone. I'm stronger than you think, you'd be surprised.
- Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Richard Llewellyn
Let the Unions become engines for the working people to right their wrongs. Not benefit societies, or burial clubs. Let the Unions become civilian regiments to fight in the cause of the people.
- Richard Llewellyn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Richard Llewellyn
You will only learn in a fight how much you've got to learn.
- Richard Llewellyn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michelle Obama
We have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ming-Dao Deng
Some Warriors look fierce, but are mild. Some seem timid, but are vicious. Look beyond appearances; position yourself for the advantage.
- Ming-Dao Deng
Collection: Fighting
Image of Judith Orloff
Surrender to life today. Don't fight anything. Just enjoy the flow.
- Judith Orloff
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rocky Graziano
The fight for survival is the fight
- Rocky Graziano
Collection: Fighting
Image of Channing Tatum
I'm not a fighter. I'm not a tough guy at all. I walk away from fights.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Fighting
Image of Channing Tatum
It comes down to the experience of it. The more you fight, the more you know, the more you can use in the ring.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Cleave
I wanted to look at the differences between how we fought then and how we fight now, because the current lack of closure generates a state of psychological unease that is interesting to acknowledge and examine.
- Chris Cleave
Collection: Fighting
Image of Janet Morris
Look around you. It's an honor to fight beside you. Today we choose to fight. For the freedom to fight on other days. So we remember what's worth fighting for.
- Janet Morris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Peter Thiel
Competition is overrated. In practice it is quite destructive and should be avoided wherever possible. Much better than fighting for scraps in existing markets is to create and own new ones.
- Peter Thiel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Justin Amash
The IRS takes your money. Congress uses our money to arm our enemies. The IRS takes more of your money. Congress uses that money to fight the enemies Congress just armed.
- Justin Amash
Collection: Fighting
Image of T. R. Fehrenbach
A people [America] that does not prepare to fight should then be morally prepared to surrender. To fail to prepare soldiers and citizens for limited, bloody ground action, and then to engage in it, is folly verging on the criminal.
- T. R. Fehrenbach
Collection: Fighting
Image of Luke Evans
Every film, every fight choreographer, wants to have a different flair, have a different fight technique. So any film I've done that involved weapons has always been fascinating because everyone is different.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Fighting