Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 37

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 37 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Holly Black
Sam: You know what I wish? Cassel: What? Sam: That someone would covert my bed into a robot that would fight other bed robots to the death for me.
- Holly Black
Collection: Fighting
Image of Steven Pressfield
Persian envoy "our arrows will black out the sun..." Dienekes of the Spartans.."Good, then we'll fight in the shade.
- Steven Pressfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
I wish I had the courage not to fight and doubt everything... I wish, just once, I could say, 'This. This is good enough. Just because I choose it.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ann Patchett
That was the way things worked. When you were looking for the big fight, the moment that you thought would knock everything over, nothing much happened at all.
- Ann Patchett
Collection: Fighting
Image of Arundhati Roy
We must pay close attention to those with another imagination: an imagination outside of capitalism, as well as communism. We will soon have to admit that those people, like the millions of indigenous people fighting to prevent the takeover of their lands and the destruction of their environment - the people who still know the secrets of sustainable living - are not relics of the past, but the guides to our future.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rajneesh
Without any fight, just being a witness, mind disappears.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Fighting
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Every talent must unfold itself in fighting.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gail Carriger
What if I arrange to be around Lord Akeldama during the full moon?” The earl looked daggers. “I am certain he would be extremely helpful in a fight. He could ruthlessly flatter all your attackers into abject submission.
- Gail Carriger
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Tyson
I hope I can improve. I'm far from perfect. Sometimes, I wonder what would happen if I fought myself. I think it would be a one-round KO. But if I was fighting myself, I know I could take my best punch. No, make that two rounds. I would knock myself out in two rounds.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Tyson
The U.S. prostitutes are fighting with everybody, shooting at everybody. It's like dating a gangbanger.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Greene
When there are no other options, people fight harder. If the choice is life or death they have nothing to lose.
- Robert Greene
Collection: Fighting
Image of Walter Scott
Where is the coward that would not dare to fight for such a land as Scotland?
- Walter Scott
Collection: Fighting
Image of Steven Soderbergh
I just find it annoying that in these sequences [of the fight scenes], traditionally, there's music trying to pump you up. I don't like that, personally, as an audience member. This just reflects my taste.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Tyson
What was most important was the knowledge [aspect] of the fight. I learned this early on and just told myself to "upgrade my mind." That's just what I wanted to do my whole life.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Tyson
Fighting is endurance, knocking a guy out in 10 seconds is not fighting, its beating him to the punch. But when you put in that time, that is fighting because you are thinking
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Tyson
I felt the same fear in my first fight as I did in my last fight. It never goes away.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dennis Prager
That's a phenomenon of the Left: You don't fight evil. You fight carbon emissions
- Dennis Prager
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bertolt Brecht
Who fights may lose, but who does not fight has lost already.
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: Fighting
Image of Barack Obama
Internationally, I have obviously been deeply concerned about how we fight the terrorist threat.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marianne Williamson
We don't need to fight the forces of chaos so much as we need to restore and revitalize the forces of peace.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Larry Wall
For the sake of argument I'll ignore all your fighting words.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Fighting
Image of Julia Quinn
I was told once that the most important part of a fight is making sure your opponent looks worse than you do when you’re through.
- Julia Quinn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bernie Sanders
I would have put more emphasis on bringing working class people together to fight for a government that works for all of us.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bernie Sanders
I think - you know, I can't speak for 13 million people, but I think most of my supporters understand Trump has got to be defeated. We need to elect as many progressives as possible. And we need to continue the fight to create an agenda which works for working families and not just for wealthy campaign contributors.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sun Tzu
All warfare is based on deception. If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight and if not: split and re-evaluate.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bernie Sanders
The reality is we that have a corrupt campaign finance system which separates the American people's needs and desires from what Congress is doing. So to my mind, what we have got to do is wage a political revolution where millions of people have given up on the political process, stand up and fight back, demand the government that represents us and not just a handful of campaign contribution - contributors.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bernie Sanders
I have spent the better part of my adult life standing up and fighting for working families.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mickey Rourke
I tried to change my name for the fights, but the only way they could pay me money was if I used my own name. I wanted to change my name to, like, Romeo something-or-other, and they said, "No, we can't do that. We've got to use Mickey Rourke." Because they paid me a lot of money to go over to Europe and Asia to fight.
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tony Snow
President Bush has committed billions to the fight against AIDS, thus making retroviral drugs available to millions of HIV-positive Africans.
- Tony Snow
Collection: Fighting
Image of Derek Landy
Are you going to shoot me?' Vengeous sneered. 'I wouldn't be surprised. What would a thing like you know about honor? Only a heathen would bring a gun to a sword fight.' And only a moron would bring a sword to a gunfight.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Richard Branson
Avoid litigations. They are expensive and consume loads of time but if you have got a good case and a better chance of winning; then fight it out.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Peter Steele
There's a lot of things that go on when you're on tour that cannot be controlled. I'm not even talking about myself, but of course there's sexual activity and drugs, fighting and language; it is certainly not a place to raise a family
- Peter Steele
Collection: Fighting
Image of Guillermo del Toro
I think making small movies reminds you of the effort. When you make big movies, the effort is to fight for freedom. When you make small movies, the effort is making the day, making the budget, and it's great, too.
- Guillermo del Toro
Collection: Fighting
Image of Malala Yousafzai
If you hit a Talib, then there would be no difference between you and the Talib. You must not treat others with cruelty. You must fight others through peace and through dialogue and through education.
- Malala Yousafzai
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sun Tzu
Subjugating the enemy's army without fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sun Tzu
Getting people to fight by letting the force of momentum work is like rolling logs and rocks. Logs and rocks are still when in a secure place, but roll on an incline; they remain stationary if square, they roll if round. Therefore, when people are skillfully led into battle, the momentum is like that of round rocks rolling down a high mountain - this is force.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tavis Smiley
I think when I stop fighting, I die in a sense.
- Tavis Smiley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tavis Smiley
I love the fight. I don't - it's not a negative, it's a positive, and I love the challenge. There's that little part of me that I love proving someone wrong in that way when they have an image of me or something, or they think they have me figured out or they think I'm a certain way.
- Tavis Smiley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
People say to me, you have not got stage fright. And if I haven't got stage fright, then I'm going to be comfortable within myself, and then something - I've always been that way and so I'm fighting to get away from that fear.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Fighting
Image of Veronica Roth
Out of my peripheral vision, I see Four shove the door open and walk out. Apparently this fight isn't interesting enough for him. Or maybe he's going to figure out why everything's spinning like a top, and I don't blame him; I want to know the answer too.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
The best piece of advice I received before I got married was, "Be careful what you say when you're in a fight, because it could stick in someone's head." I don't think I've ever said anything I really regretted. I'm very sympathetic to women. I've really studied wife-ology, and I know you've got to figure out the feelings. Deal with the feelings.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Fighting
Image of Haruki Murakami
The whole terrible fight occured in the area of imagination. That is the precise location of our battlefield. It is there, that we experience our victories and defeats.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeaniene Frost
This isn’t the first time I’ve faced death, and I don’t intend for it to be the last,” I said, repeating the same words he’d told me before fighting in that fateful duel. “I’ve chosen to live a dangerous life, but it’s who I am, and that wouldn’t change even if we’d never met.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexander Pope
For forms of faith let graceless zealots fight; his can't be wrong whose life is in the right.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Fighting
Image of Barack Obama
I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting." (Victory Speech, Nov. 7, 2012)
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michelle Obama
Don't let anyone speak for you, and don't rely on others to fight for you.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of George Jean Nathan
Impersonal criticism?is like an impersonal fist fight or an impersonal marriage, and as successful.
- George Jean Nathan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Craig Groeschel
Tragically, many people have this faithless, wishy-washy mindset, which causes them to lose the battle in their minds before they ever fight it in the world.
- Craig Groeschel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Woodrow Wilson
We have beaten the living, but we cannot fight the dead.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: Fighting