Top fear Quotes Collection - Page 20

Discover a curated collection of fear quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 20 provides more fear quotes.

Image of John Carpenter
The strongest human emotion is fear. It's the essence of any good thriller that, for a little while, you believe in the boogeyman.
- John Carpenter
Collection: Fear
Image of Mark Allen
Look at your life as an experiment. Make a comprise with all your doubts and fears: For a year or two, do what you can to move toward your ideal scene, in a easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way. See what happens.
- Mark Allen
Collection: Fear
Image of Yasser Seirawan
Describing one competitive advantage of IBM's Deep Blue chess computer. It has no fear.
- Yasser Seirawan
Collection: Fear
Image of Pat Nixon
You can't underestimate the power of fear.
- Pat Nixon
Collection: Fear
Image of Susan Piver
Fearlessness requires attention and receptivity-it takes focus to stand in the still eye of a tornado and not be swept away by it.
- Susan Piver
Collection: Fear
Image of Marie Curie
Now is the time to understand more, so we fear less.
- Marie Curie
Collection: Fear
Image of Ashly Lorenzana
I think there were times when I was so afraid of losing you that I forgot I even had you at all.
- Ashly Lorenzana
Collection: Fear
Image of Albert Wohlstetter
Almost everyone seems concerned with the need to relax tension. However, relaxation of tension, which everyone thinks is good, is not easily distinguished from relaxing ones guard, which almost everyone thinks is bad. Relaxation, like Miltown, is not an end in itself. Not all danger comes from tension. The reverse relation, to be tense where there is danger, is only rational.
- Albert Wohlstetter
Collection: Fear
Image of James M. Kouzes
Do what you say you will do.
- James M. Kouzes
Collection: Fear
Image of Helen McCloy
what you fear, you invite.
- Helen McCloy
Collection: Fear
Image of Mick Farren
You are frightened of everything. You call it caution. You call it common sense. You call it practicality. You call it playing the odds, but that's only because you're afraid to call it by its real name, and its real name is fear.
- Mick Farren
Collection: Fear
Image of Sharon Creech
It seems to me that we can’t explain all the truly awful things in the world like war and murder and brain tumors, and we can’t fix these things, so we look at the frightening things that are closer to us and we magnify them until they burst open. Inside is something that we can manage, something that isn’t as awful as it had a first seemed. It is a relief to discover that although there might be axe murderers and kidnappers in the world, most people seem a lot like us: sometimes afraid and sometimes brave, sometimes cruel and sometimes kind.
- Sharon Creech
Collection: Fear
Image of Richard Adams
They're all so much afraid of the Council that they're not afraid of anything else.
- Richard Adams
Collection: Fear
Image of Daniel Defoe
Fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself.
- Daniel Defoe
Collection: Fear
Image of Jean-Paul Belmondo
Being afraid is the worst sin there is.
- Jean-Paul Belmondo
Collection: Fear
Image of Jamie McGuire
The only thing I'm afraid of is a life without you, Pigeon.
- Jamie McGuire
Collection: Fear
Image of David Emerald Womeldorff
Persecutors fear loss of control. Rescuers fear loss of purpose. Rescuers need Victims-someone to protect or fix-to bolster their self-esteem.
- David Emerald Womeldorff
Collection: Fear
Image of David Emerald Womeldorff
Persecutors, like Victims, act out of fear. The may seem fearless, but actually Persecutors are almost always former Victims.
- David Emerald Womeldorff
Collection: Fear
Image of Karen Thompson Walker
Our fears are an amazing gift of the imagination, a kind of everyday clairvoyance, a way of glimpsing what might be the future when there's still time to influence how that future will play out.
- Karen Thompson Walker
Collection: Fear
Image of Jeb Corliss
You can't let the fear of something completely and absolutely inevitable.
- Jeb Corliss
Collection: Fear
Image of John Welwood
The more two people open to each other, the more this wide-openness also brings to the surface all the obstacles to it: their deepest, darkest wounds, their desperation and mistrust, and their rawest emotional trigger points. Just as the sun's warmth causes clouds to arise by prompting the earth to release its moisture, so love's pure openness activates the thick clouds of our emotional wounding, the tight places where we are shut down, where we live in fear and resist love.
- John Welwood
Collection: Fear
Image of Gillian Anderson
It is not a matter of being fearless. The fear is sometimes constant, but it's about moving forward regardless of the fear. Courage means feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
- Gillian Anderson
Collection: Fear
Image of Joseph M. Marshall III
We are all afraid of something. But that shouldn't stop us from going on every day. We should not always walk in fear of the shadow while we are in the light. It is certain we will not know when or how the difficult and bad times will come, but if we accept that they will come, then they are easier to face when they do. And always remember that anything that causes the shadow is smaller than the source of light.
- Joseph M. Marshall III
Collection: Fear
Image of Laurence Boldt
The artist accepts the limitations of form, not with fear and dread, but as the starting point of creation.
- Laurence Boldt
Collection: Fear
Image of Publius Attius Varus
Let them hate me provided they fear me
- Publius Attius Varus
Collection: Fear
Image of Ruth Behar
I have a huge need for financial security; the emigrant in me has a fear of ending up homeless and in the gutter.
- Ruth Behar
Collection: Fear
Image of Martha Albrand
Once you allow anyone to terrorize you, you will be terrorized all your life. Terror corrupts. Pretty soon you'll be terrorizing others. ... Life doesn't mean anything if you can't rid yourself of fear.
- Martha Albrand
Collection: Fear
Image of Philip K. Jason
I sat there afraid that I might discover that the world around me is not real. then i thought: wait. i need fear that only if its true, and if it is, i must consider that while this may be bad, worse than that is living in a world that is only real because i am a coward.
- Philip K. Jason
Collection: Fear
Image of Mos Def
Fear not of men because men must die. Mind over matter and soul before flesh.
- Mos Def
Collection: Fear
Image of Heloise
Would that thy love, beloved, had less trust in me, that it might be more anxious!
- Heloise
Collection: Fear
Image of David D. Burns
Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can, paradoxically, make you a far happier and more productive person.
- David D. Burns
Collection: Fear
Image of Neil Steinberg
Perhaps the only institution more puffed-up and self-important than academia is government.
- Neil Steinberg
Collection: Fear
Image of Jean Lorrain
You see, the strangeness of my case is that now I no longer fear the invisible, I’m terrified by reality.
- Jean Lorrain
Collection: Fear
Image of Michael Crichton
Social control is best managed through fear.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Fear
Image of Michael Crichton
Human beings never think for themselves. For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told - and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity. We are stubborn, self-destructive conformists. Any other view of our species is just a self-congratulatory delusion.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Fear
Image of Susan Wiggs
Fear and love were sometimes the same thing both necessary unavoidable. Now she understood that it was okay to bleed if you know how to heal.
- Susan Wiggs
Collection: Fear
Image of Peter Beinart
Fears don't exist in isolation. They tend to rise and fall depending on what people think they can do about them.
- Peter Beinart
Collection: Fear
Image of Carlton Pearson
Belief compelled through fear is not belief, it is blind and forced obedience.
- Carlton Pearson
Collection: Fear
Image of Isaac Goldberg
Diplomacy is to do and say, the nastiest thing in the nicest way.
- Isaac Goldberg
Collection: Fear
Image of Barbara Marciniak
When you buy into any version of fear, it can become your experience because your molecules are intelligent and your energy responds to the predominant feeling in your being. The focus of your mind is exactly what gives the orders to create what you experience.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Fear
Image of Barbara Marciniak
The Quality of Love or Fear you Carry into each Moment determines which Road you Travel.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Fear
Image of John J. Geddes
I'm not afraid of the opinions of others - but of being needed and coming up short.
- John J. Geddes
Collection: Fear
Image of John J. Geddes
We fear monsters because we fear the dark parts of ourselves.
- John J. Geddes
Collection: Fear
Image of John J. Geddes
And not out of fear or loneliness, but only to find myself again... for we have come too far my Life, to turn back now.
- John J. Geddes
Collection: Fear
Image of Rob Brezsny
Obsessing on evil is boring. Rousing fear is a hackneyed shtick. Wallowing is despair is a bad habit. Indulging in cynicism is akin to committing a copycat crime.
- Rob Brezsny
Collection: Fear
Image of Veronica Rossi
If there was no fear, how could there be comfort? Or courage?
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Fear
Image of April Greiman
I like to step into areas where I am afraid. Fear is a sign that I am going in the right direction.
- April Greiman
Collection: Fear
Image of Courtney Milan
If people did not fear me so, how could anyone tolerate me?
- Courtney Milan
Collection: Fear
Image of Piri Thomas
As a writer I have always fought for the right to write. For writing is a time-honored means of communication. Lack of communication, the refusal of some to understand, or outright refusal to learn about other human beings is based on fear. Fear is what keeps people apart.
- Piri Thomas
Collection: Fear