Top Expectations Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Expectations quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Expectations quotes.

Image of Warren Buffett
The secret to happiness is having low expectations.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Expectations
Image of Rei Kawakubo
Celebrity doesn't really affect the work. What affects the work is the expectations from the outside. This is what no one understands.
- Rei Kawakubo
Collection: Expectations
Image of Leon Brown
Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations, and go with the flow of life.
- Leon Brown
Collection: Expectations
Image of Edward Hirsch
One of the deep fundamentals of poetry is the recurrence of sounds, syllables, words, phrases, lines, and stanzas. Repetition can be one of the most intoxicating features of poetry. It creates expectations, which can be fulfilled or frustrated. It can create a sense of boredom and complacency, but it can also incite enchantment and inspire bliss.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Expectations
Image of Sam Abell
The best lesson I was given is that all of life teaches, especially if we have that expectation.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Expectations
Image of Brian Tracy
You can NEVER rise higher than your expectations of yourself. Expect the BEST!
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Expectations
Image of D. Todd Christofferson
All of us can meet God's high expectations.
- D. Todd Christofferson
Collection: Expectations
Image of George W. Bush
I recognize I am essentially a failed human being in the sense that I can't possibly live up to the expectations of an Almighty.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Expectations
Image of Zhuangzi
You are still guided by your expectations.
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Expectations
Image of Akbar Ganji
There are varieties of theories of revolution. According to one of these theories, only one of these theories, revolutions occur when there is an explosion of rising expectation. And amongst the lower strata in Iranian society, we are witnessing an increasing rise of the expectation and it's clear that the regime is incapable of satisfying these demands.
- Akbar Ganji
Collection: Expectations
Image of Noam Chomsky
I had no expectations about Barack Obama and I'm not in the least disillusioned.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Expectations
Image of Agatha Christie
Things never come when they are expected.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Expectations
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Nothing is so great an adversary to those who make it their business to please as expectation.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Expectations
Image of George W. Bush
Compassionate conservative soft bigotry of low expectations.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Expectations
Image of Garry Winogrand
I have no expectations. None at all.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Expectations
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
Great expectations are better than a poor possession.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Expectations
Image of Kenneth E. Boulding
Nothing fails like success, because we do not learn anything from it. We only learn from failure, but we do not always learn the right things from failure. If there is a failure of expectations, that is, if the messages that we receive are not the same as those we expected, we can make three possible inferences.
- Kenneth E. Boulding
Collection: Expectations
Image of H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I never expect to lose. Even when I'm the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech. [Optimism through positive expectations can help to bring about what is desired and makes the wait more enjoyable.]
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Collection: Expectations
Image of Warren Buffett
Although we deal with probabilities and expectations, the actual results can deviate substantially from such expectations, particularly on a short-term basis.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Expectations
Image of George W. Bush
If I answer questions every time you ask one, expectations would be high. And as you know, I like to keep expectations low.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Expectations
Image of Deepak Chopra
Expectations determine outcome, always!
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Expectations
Image of Carlos Castaneda
It was stupidity that forced us to discard anything that did not conform with ourself - reflective expectations.
- Carlos Castaneda
Collection: Expectations
Image of George W. Bush
The case for trade is not just monetary, but moral. Economic freedom creates habits of liberty. And habits of liberty create expectations of democracy.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Expectations
Image of Vivian Gornick
We cannot depend on change, but we can depend on surprise. However, we cannot always depend on surprise either. This keeps us on our toes.
- Vivian Gornick
Collection: Expectations
Image of Bryan Cranston
When everyone has high expectation for you, it can attack your insecurities.
- Bryan Cranston
Collection: Expectations
Image of Charles Dickens
Moths, and all sorts of ugly creatures, hover about a lighted candle. Can the candle help it?
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Expectations
Image of Mason Cooley
When my expectations are exactly fulfilled, I feel that something uncanny has happened.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Expectations
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
Shining outward qualities, although they may excite first-rate expectations, are not unusually found to be the companions of second-rate abilities.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Expectations
Image of John Dewey
A being whose activities are associated with others has a social environment. What he does and what he can do depend upon the expectations, demands, approvals, and condemnations of others.
- John Dewey
Collection: Expectations
Image of William Congreve
Would any thing but a madman complain of uncertainty? Uncertainty and expectation are joys of life; security is an insipid thing; and the overtaking and possessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase.
- William Congreve
Collection: Expectations
Image of Charles Dickens
We changed again, and yet again, and it was now too late and too far to go back, and I went on. And the mists had all solemnly risen now, and the world lay spread before me.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Expectations
Image of Paulo Coelho
It isn't expectations that carry us forward, it's our desire to go on.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Expectations
Image of Michael Crichton
One of the most difficult features of direct experience is that it is unfiltered by any theories or expectations. It's hard to observe without imposing a theory to explain what we're seeing, but the trouble with theories, as Einstein said, is that they explain not only what is observed, but what can be observed. We start to build expectations based on our theories.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Expectations
Image of Charles Dickens
No varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Expectations
Image of Rene Descartes
Archimedes, that he might transport the entire globe ... demanded only a point that was firm and immovable; so also, I shall be entitled to entertain the highest expectations, if I am fortunate enough to discover only one thing that is certain and indubitable.
- Rene Descartes
Collection: Expectations
Image of Michael Crichton
Expectation works in mysterious ways---and totally unconsciously.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Expectations
Image of Leonard Cohen
I'm afraid to live any place but in expectation. I'm no life-risk.
- Leonard Cohen
Collection: Expectations
Image of Rachel Cohn
How would I ever know when that moment was right, when expectation met anticipation and formed...connection?
- Rachel Cohn
Collection: Expectations
Image of Mason Cooley
Make the expectations lively enough, and action will follow.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Expectations
Image of Vin Diesel
I'm an actor. I can do whatever I want. As an actor, not everything has to be the most obvious choice. And sometimes, the best thing you can do is to defy expectations.
- Vin Diesel
Collection: Expectations
Image of Emily Dickinson
Expectation is contentment - Gain satiety.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Expectations
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
If there is one recipe for unhappiness it is that: expectations.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Expectations
Image of Michael Crichton
The rules of grammar exist in large part to permit readers and writers to operate from a shared set of expectations.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Expectations
Image of Barbara Ehrenreich
Americans love marriage too much. We rush into mariage with abandon, expecting a micro-Utopia on earth. We pile all our needs onto it, our expectations, neuroses, and hopes. In fact, we've made marriage into the panda bear of human social institutions: we've loved it to death.
- Barbara Ehrenreich
Collection: Expectations
Image of Henry Giroux
Students, in particular, now find themselves in a world in which heightened expectations have been replaced by dashed hopes.
- Henry Giroux
Collection: Expectations
Image of George Eliot
We all remember epochs in our experience when some dear expectation dies, or some new motive is born.
- George Eliot
Collection: Expectations
Image of George Eliot
The thing we look forward to often comes to pass, but never precisely in the way we have imagined to ourselves.
- George Eliot
Collection: Expectations
Image of Steven Erikson
Any reasonable ruler would have the expectation and the demand the other way round.
- Steven Erikson
Collection: Expectations
Image of Eric Butterworth
You can have all you can expect and accept.
- Eric Butterworth
Collection: Expectations