William Congreve

Image of William Congreve
There is in true beauty, as in courage, something which narrow souls cannot dare to admire.
- William Congreve
Collection: Courage
Image of William Congreve
Courtship is to marriage, as a very witty prologue to a very dull play.
- William Congreve
Collection: Dating
Image of William Congreve
Beauty is the lover's gift.
- William Congreve
Collection: Beauty
Image of William Congreve
Come, come, leave business to idlers, and wisdom to fools: they have need of 'em: wit be my faculty, and pleasure my occupation, and let father Time shake his glass.
- William Congreve
Collection: Business
Image of William Congreve
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.
- William Congreve
Collection: Love
Image of William Congreve
Never go to bed angry, stay up and fight.
- William Congreve
Collection: Anger
Image of William Congreve
Say what you will, 'tis better to be left than never to have been loved.
- William Congreve
Collection: Love
Image of William Congreve
Fear comes from uncertainty. When we are absolutely certain, whether of our worth or worthlessness, we are almost impervious to fear.
- William Congreve
Collection: Fear
Image of William Congreve
Music has charms to sooth a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.
- William Congreve
Collection: Music
Image of William Congreve
A hungry wolf at all the herd will run, In hopes, through many, to make sure of one.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
If there's delight in love, 'Tis when I see that heart, which others bleed for, bleed for me.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
Wit must be foiled by wit: cut a diamond with a diamond.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
They are at the end of the gallery; retired to their tea and scandal, according to their ancient custom.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
If this be not love, it is madness, and then it is pardonable.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
I confess freely to you, I could never look long upon a monkey, without very mortifying reflections.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
Grief walks upon the heels of pleasure; married in haste, we repent at leisure.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
You are a woman: you must never speak what you think; your words must contradict your thoughts, but your actions may contradict your words.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
A little disdain is not amiss; a little scorn is alluring.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
A wit should be no more sincere than a woman constant.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
I know that's a secret, for it's whispered everywhere.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
I find we are growing serious, and then we are in great danger of being dull.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
They come together like the Coroner's Inquest, to sit upon the murdered reputations of the week.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
'Tis well enough for a servant to be bred at an University. But the education is a little too pedantic for a gentleman.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
Invention flags, his brain goes muddy, and black despair succeeds brown study.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
In my conscience I believe the baggage loves me, for she never speaks well of me herself, nor suffers any body else to rail at me.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
No, I'm no enemy to learning; it hurts not me.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
He who closes his ears to the views of others shows little confidence in the integrity of his own views.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
To find a young fellow that is neither a wit in his own eye, nor a fool in the eye of the world, is a very hard task.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
She likes herself, yet others hates, For that which in herself she prizes; And while she laughs at them, forgets She is the thing that she despises.
- William Congreve
Image of William Congreve
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.
- William Congreve
Collection: Hell Hath No Fury
Image of William Congreve
He that first cries out stop thief, is often he that has stolen the treasure.
- William Congreve
Collection: Honesty
Image of William Congreve
Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand
- William Congreve
Collection: Hands
Image of William Congreve
No mask like open truth to cover lies, As to go naked is the best disguise.
- William Congreve
Collection: Honesty
Image of William Congreve
There are times when sense may be unseasonable, as well as truth.
- William Congreve
Collection: May
Image of William Congreve
Delay not till tomorrow to be wise; tomorrow's sun to thee may neve rise.
- William Congreve
Collection: Wise
Image of William Congreve
Women like flames have a destroying power; never to be quenched till they themselves devour.
- William Congreve
Collection: Women
Image of William Congreve
Nothing but you can lay hold of my mind, and that can lay hold of nothing but you.
- William Congreve
Collection: Mind
Image of William Congreve
Every man plays the fool once in his live, but to marry is playing the fool all one's life long.
- William Congreve
Collection: Funny
Image of William Congreve
Love's but the frailty of the mind, When 'tis not with ambition joined; A sickly flame, which if not fed expires; And feeding, wastes in self-consuming fires.
- William Congreve
Collection: Ambition
Image of William Congreve
But say what you will, 'tis better to be left than never to have been loved. To pass our youth in dull indifference, to refuse the sweets of life because they once must leave us, is as preposterous as to wish to have been born old, because we one day must be old.
- William Congreve
Collection: Sweet
Image of William Congreve
Thus grief still treads upon the heels of pleasure; Married in haste, we may repent at leisure.
- William Congreve
Collection: Marriage
Image of William Congreve
It is the business of a comic poet to paint the vices and follies of human kind.
- William Congreve
Collection: Business
Image of William Congreve
I know a lady that loves to talk so incessantly, she won't give an echo fair play; she has that everlasting rotation of tongue that an echo must wait till she dies before it can catch her last words!
- William Congreve
Collection: Echoes
Image of William Congreve
O, she is the antidote to desire.
- William Congreve
Collection: Desire
Image of William Congreve
These articles subscribed, if I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into wife.
- William Congreve
Collection: Wife
Image of William Congreve
I came up stairs into the world, for I was born in a cellar.
- William Congreve
Collection: World
Image of William Congreve
If happiness in self-content is placed, The wise are wretched, and fools only blessed.
- William Congreve
Collection: Wise
Image of William Congreve
Who pleases one against his will.
- William Congreve
Collection: Pleasure
Image of William Congreve
I hope you do not think me prone to any iteration of nuptials.
- William Congreve
Collection: Thinking