Top energy Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of energy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more energy quotes.

Image of Lucy Liu
I generally won't do a role unless I feel like it's in my system somewhere, even if it's just a molecule of it. Like I just felt like I knew it and if I talked about it or discussed it or tried to rehearse it that it would take away the energy from that scene so I went in there and just did it.
- Lucy Liu
Collection: Energy
Image of John Porcellino
Punk rock was the first thing I found in my life that made me feel acceptable. The thing that got me into punk rock was the idea, "You're fine just the way you are." It sounds kind of dorky, but you don't have to make excuses for who you are or what you do. When you find something like punk rock, not only is it okay to feel that way - you should embrace your weirdness. The world is totally messed up, and punk rock was a way to see that and work with it without candy-coating it. It was saying, "Yeah, the world is this way, but you can still do something about it. Take energy from that."
- John Porcellino
Collection: Energy
Image of Johann Kaspar Lavater
He also has energy who cannot be deprived of it.
- Johann Kaspar Lavater
Collection: Energy
Image of Sinclair Lewis
I must say I'm not very fond of oratory that's so full of energy it hasn't any room for facts.
- Sinclair Lewis
Collection: Energy
Image of Tommy McDonald
I just always had energy and my energy came from G-O-D! But I never needed anyone to get me going because I always had that energy.
- Tommy McDonald
Collection: Energy
Image of Fernando Perez
In Cuba and specifically in Havana there's a sort of energy that turns every situation into something unexpected.
- Fernando Perez
Collection: Energy
Image of John Seagall
Music is a potent energy force.
- John Seagall
Collection: Energy
Image of Mark Alan Stamaty
Often the energy of a piece is more exciting to me than the subject.
- Mark Alan Stamaty
Collection: Energy
Image of Keak da Sneak
Rapping's a release of the good and the bad - that's the definition of hyphy. You can't be like that, you can't get hyphy in, like, a business environment. I can be me. I'm energy. Hyphy is energy.
- Keak da Sneak
Collection: Energy
Image of Dmitry Medvedev
We must learn to succeed in conditions of low fuel and energy prices
- Dmitry Medvedev
Collection: Energy
Image of Ray Metcalfe
Bold clean energy action is needed to stave off a climate hostile to human life.
- Ray Metcalfe
Collection: Energy
Image of Mamrie Hart
When one person is having a low energy day, the other can step it up. There's a collective amount of energy, and we're each on different levels each day.
- Mamrie Hart
Collection: Energy
Image of Don Ihde
I argue that science would be much richer if it were multisensory. The problem with instrumentation is that instruments, unlike our senses, can be monosensory. Since the discovery of the electromagnetic spectrum - which is really the discovery that all energy coming from something has a wave form - in theory we could image anything along that spectrum. In fact, we don't, because only certain parts of the spectrum have been instrumentalized. But the new thing is computerization. You can take all the data, the measurement of the frequencies, and transform it into an image.
- Don Ihde
Collection: Energy
Image of Deborah Day
One is often so busy doing life that it is easy to avoid evaluating whether you are putting your energy in the direction you value most.
- Deborah Day
Collection: Energy
Image of Kissey
I actually started meditating more when I moved to New York, which has helped me a lot. The energy is so much more magnified and intense here. In Sweden, there are forests and lakes nearby and you can chill. But here, I had to actively meditate to stay sane.
- Kissey
Collection: Energy
Image of Georgia Nott
The best part about performing is when you can fill the room with energy and you get that vibe back.
- Georgia Nott
Collection: Energy
Image of Kim Hyesoon
The body of poetry is nothing but energy, waves, rhythm.
- Kim Hyesoon
Collection: Energy
Image of Peter Jacobson
Shia [LaBeouf] was great. He's just high energy. He's into really playing, and I had to be on my toes in a way that I wasn't necessarily expecting.
- Peter Jacobson
Collection: Energy
Image of Matt Sorum
Performing is always my biggest rush. The energy is boundless from a great crowd.
- Matt Sorum
Collection: Energy
Image of John Pierrakos
Energy and consciousness are in a continual state of interaction: energy is shaped and directed by consciousness which is itself driven by energy.
- John Pierrakos
Collection: Energy
Image of Miki Berenyi
For one thing, Lush was our only job then. We want it to be great, and we put a lot of energy into it, but it can't take over everything like it did back in the day.
- Miki Berenyi
Collection: Energy
Image of Bernie Siegel
Remember this: Now is the only time you have. When God created the universe, it was now. You can't say to creation and energy, "I'll do it later, not now." Later doesn't exist. Creation doesn't know anything but now. Whenever you get around to doing what you want to do, it will be now. The things you need to do to live a happier, more fulfilling life-the only time you can possible start doing them is now.
- Bernie Siegel
Collection: Energy
Image of Manmohan Singh
India was a late comer to industrialization, and as such, we have contributed very little to the accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. But we are determined to be part of the solution to the problem.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Energy
Image of Manmohan Singh
If we have access to nuclear energy, that adds to our maneuverability in ensuring energy security as India marches on, on the path to accelerated development.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Energy
Image of Evgeny Morozov
In part, slacktivism is what happens when the energy of otherwise dedicated activists is wasted on approaches that are less effective than the alternatives.
- Evgeny Morozov
Collection: Energy
Image of Bill McKibben
We have to get our states to adopt what are called "renewable portfolio standards" pledging to use a lot of renewable energy by 2015 or 2020. We have to work with businesses and shops to get them engaged in the same way.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Energy
Image of Barry Long
All is energy and there is no energy higher than right love, which has no object
- Barry Long
Collection: Energy
Image of Elon Musk
Obviously Tesla is about helping solve the consumption of energy in a sustainable manner but you need the production of energy in a sustainable manner.
- Elon Musk
Collection: Energy
Image of James Van Praagh
When you're around negative energy it gets to you if you keep letting it affect you.
- James Van Praagh
Collection: Energy
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. We can save our planet and also boost our economy at the same time.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Energy
Image of Rajneesh
If you want to become an infinite source of love, then go on sharing love as much as you can. Don't be a miser; only misers lose energy.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Energy
Image of Barack Obama
The nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Energy
Image of Paramahansa Yogananda
The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Collection: Energy
Image of Simone Weil
Every kind of reward constitutes a degradation of energy.
- Simone Weil
Collection: Energy
Image of Nikola Tesla
So we find that the three possible solutions of the great problem of increasing human energy are answered by the three words: food, peace, work... Their scientific meaning and purpose now clear to me: food to increase the mass, peace to diminish the retarding force, and work to increase the force accelerating human movement.
- Nikola Tesla
Collection: Energy
Image of Rajneesh
Each obsession is a knot in your being. Once it is opened, great energy is released
- Rajneesh
Collection: Energy
Image of John Berger
Whenever the intensity of looking reaches a certain degree, one becomes aware of an equally intense energy coming towards one through the appearance of whatever it is one is scrutinizing.
- John Berger
Collection: Energy
Image of Terry Tempest Williams
I admire how she protects her energy and understands her limitations.
- Terry Tempest Williams
Collection: Energy
Image of James Howard Kunstler
We are in for a fiesta of default, repossession, and distress selling of suburban property, much of which will lose its presumed usefulness and monetary value in an energy-scarce economy.
- James Howard Kunstler
Collection: Energy
Image of James Howard Kunstler
Under the current high energy / high entropy regime, sustainable development is a joke.
- James Howard Kunstler
Collection: Energy
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
Life is rather above the measure of us all (save for a very few perhaps). We all need literature that is above our measure--though we may not have sufficient energy for it all the time.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: Energy
Image of Bill McKibben
Renewable energy is far more labor-intensive than fossil fuel production.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Energy
Image of David Nicholls
Letters, like compilation tapes, were really vehicles for unexpressed emotions and she was clearly putting far too much time and energy into them.
- David Nicholls
Collection: Energy
Image of Fritjof Capra
The elements of life are dynamic patterns of mass and energy, events rather than objects.
- Fritjof Capra
Collection: Energy
Image of Fritjof Capra
Modern physics has... revealed that every sub-atomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction.
- Fritjof Capra
Collection: Energy
Image of Kylie Minogue
I feel reinvigorated, having fresh energy and fresh ideas, and merging that with the history I have.
- Kylie Minogue
Collection: Energy
Image of George Orwell
In all the modern talk about energy, efficiency, social service and the rest of it, what meaning is there except "Get money, get it legally, and get a lot of it"? Money has become the grand test of virtue.
- George Orwell
Collection: Energy
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton doesn't have the energy to do anything.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Energy