Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 33

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 33 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Daniel Franzese
I love to make things. If I have some free time and you have a dollar and a dream and you are making something funny and cool I'd love to be a part of it.
- Daniel Franzese
Collection: Dream
Image of Ian K. Smith
The happiest people are those with the fewest regrets. It is not because they have succeeded in everything they've tried; rather, they're happier because they at least put forth the effort - win or lose -and tried to make their thoughts and dreams a reality.
- Ian K. Smith
Collection: Dream
Image of L. J. Smith
Each night I lie and dream about the one Who kissed me and awakened my desire I spent a single hour with him alone And since that hour, my days are layed with fire.
- L. J. Smith
Collection: Dream
Image of Barnett Newman
Man's first expression, like his first dream, was an aesthetic one. Speech was a poetic outcry rather than a demand for communication. Original man, shouting his consonants, did so in yells of awe and anger at his tragic state, at his own self-awareness and at his own helplessness before the void.
- Barnett Newman
Collection: Dream
Image of Sky Ferreira
Dreams do come true. They definitely do come true. It just takes a while, I guess. Sometimes it doesn't, but for me it did, anyway.
- Sky Ferreira
Collection: Dream
Image of Ray Charles
Dreams, if they're any good, are always a little bit crazy.
- Ray Charles
Collection: Dream
Image of Ray Charles
Sometimes my dreams are so deep that I dream that I'm dreaming.
- Ray Charles
Collection: Dream
Image of Francisco Goya
The dream of reason produces monsters
- Francisco Goya
Collection: Dream
Image of Alex Salmond
For me as leader my time is nearly over but for Scotland the campaign continues and the dream will never die.
- Alex Salmond
Collection: Dream
Image of Adi Shankara
The world, like a dream full of attachments and aversions seems real until the awakening.
- Adi Shankara
Collection: Dream
Image of Adi Shankara
You never identify yourself with the shadows cast by your body, or with its reflection, or with the body you see in a dream or in your imagination. Therefore you should not identify yourself with this living body either.
- Adi Shankara
Collection: Dream
Image of Adi Shankara
The witness of the three states of consciousness [waking, dream and deep sleep] and of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss is the Self
- Adi Shankara
Collection: Dream
Image of Gilbert Ryle
Dreamers of dreams may be pathfinders; but they may be mere vagrants. Of those who depart from the pavements, only a few are explorers: the rest are mere jaywalkers
- Gilbert Ryle
Collection: Dream
Image of Gilbert Ryle
Overt intelligent performances are not clues to the workings of minds; they are those workings. Boswell described Johnson's mind when he described how he wrote, talked, ate, fidgeted and fumed. His description was, of course, incomplete, since there were notoriously some thoughts which Johnson kept carefully to himself and there must have been many dreams, daydreams and silent babblings which only Johnson could have recorded and only a James Joyce would wish him to have recorded.
- Gilbert Ryle
Collection: Dream
Image of Brandon Bays
Recognize how truly blessed you are. Take time to count your blessings and write them down. To make your dreams come true you must already be soaking in the very presence you wish to create.
- Brandon Bays
Collection: Dream
Image of Bud Flanagan
We dream our dreams away.
- Bud Flanagan
Collection: Dream
Image of Joe Abercrombie
What’s the difference? Fill a hundred pits with dead Northmen, congratulations, have a parade! Kill one man in the same uniform as you? A crime. A murder. Worse than despicable. Are we not all men? All blood and bone and dreams?
- Joe Abercrombie
Collection: Dream
Image of Burt Lancaster
You sit in your tepee and dream and then you go to wherever the dream may take you. It might come true. You wait for real life to catch up.
- Burt Lancaster
Collection: Dream
Image of Van Jones
Now is not the time to shrink from the challenge of saving our only home in the universe. Now is not the time to pull into ourselves, retreating into either survivalist or escapist mode. To the contrary, this is the time for titans, not turtles. Now is the time to open our arms, expand our horizons, and dream big. Big problems require big solutions.
- Van Jones
Collection: Dream
Image of Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
I immediately loved working with flies. They fascinated me, and followed me around in my dreams.
- Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
Collection: Dream
Image of Gerald Holton
Persons living in this modern world who do not know the basic facts that determine their very existence, functioning, and surroundings, are living in a dream world. Such persons are, in a very real sense, not sane.
- Gerald Holton
Collection: Dream
Image of Dorothy Malone
Sirk was every womans dream of a director.
- Dorothy Malone
Collection: Dream
Image of Peter Yarrow
We've lived through a time in which people have felt they could forge their own future and make a better world. We may not have achieved our dreams in the time frame that we once believed was realistic, but the magnitude of what is yet to be achieved only confirms the importance of our commitment. Knowing this, we can't stop now.
- Peter Yarrow
Collection: Dream
Image of Gina Carano
When you dream big, you eventually attract big things.
- Gina Carano
Collection: Dream
Image of John Clare
Into the nothingness of scorn and noise, Into the living sea of waking dreams, Where there is neither sense of life or joys, But the vast shipwreck of my life's esteems; And e'en the dearest--that I love the best-- Are strange--nay, rather stranger than the rest.
- John Clare
Collection: Dream
Image of Irving Penn
I always thought we were selling dreams, not clothes
- Irving Penn
Collection: Dream
Image of Steven Chu
I've always been inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, who articulated his Dream of an America where people are judged not by skin color but "by the content of their character." In the scientific world, people are judged by the content of their ideas. Advances are made with new insights, but the final arbitrator of any point of view are experiments that seek the unbiased truth, not information cherry picked to support a particular point of view.
- Steven Chu
Collection: Dream
Image of Galen
If sometimes dreams come true, what of our nightmares?
- Galen
Collection: Dream
Image of Rene Char
A poet should leave traces of his passage, not proofs. Traces alone engender dreams.
- Rene Char
Collection: Dream
Image of Stella Benson
There are some people who can never see a little cloud of fantasy float across the horizon of their dreams without building a heavy castle in the air upon it, and bringing it to earth.
- Stella Benson
Collection: Dream
Image of Stella Benson
always there is a sort of dream of air between you and the hills of California, a veil of unreality in the intervening air. It gives the hills the bloom that peaches have, or grapes in the dew.
- Stella Benson
Collection: Dream
Image of Marcus Borg
God’s dream for us is not simply peace of mind, but peace on earth.
- Marcus Borg
Collection: Dream
Image of Jonathan Horton
I am completely honest and truthful when I say I don’t want a gold for myself. I want a gold for the team. You go up there and do it as a collective group and it’s so much more satisfying, I mean you look around and you see the faces and just wow, this was a team effort and we did this together. It’s incredible and that’s my dream. I wanna win a gold medal and see the flag go up, hear the national anthem and just know that I did it with my brothers standing next to me.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Dream
Image of Jonathan Horton
It's hard to put what it means into words. It's just a dream I had when I was a little kid. It's not every day [you] get to make your lifelong dream come true. The point of doing things in life is you pursue a goal, and you go after it, you reach it and you pick another one. But they're hard to attain.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Dream
Image of Terry Fox
Dreams are made possible if you try.
- Terry Fox
Collection: Dream
Image of Terry Fox
I don’t feel that this is unfair. That’s the thing about cancer. I’m not the only one, it happens all the time to people. I’m not special. This just intensifies what I did. It gives it more meaning. It’ll inspire more people. I just wish people would realize that anything’s possible if you try; dreams are made possible if you try
- Terry Fox
Collection: Dream
Image of John Haines
Cabbages, whose heads, tightly folded see and hear nothing of this world, dreaming only on the yellow and green magnificence that is hardening within them.
- John Haines
Collection: Dream
Image of Wang Wei
A traveler s thoughts in the night Wander in a thousand miles of dreams.
- Wang Wei
Collection: Dream
Image of David Vitter
I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams!
- David Vitter
Collection: Dream
Image of Yolanda King
I know in my heart the dream will be realized. I choose to believe. And choosing is a powerful thing. It's available to you at every moment. You can choose understanding over anger, believing over nonbelieving, action over inaction. It gives meaning to every choice we make.
- Yolanda King
Collection: Dream
Image of P. C. Cast
Night can't cloak your scarlet dream. Accept Desire's call.
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Dream
Image of Leroy Chiao
I remember getting advice like, "Oh, do what interests you. Don't worry about tomorrow, live for today," kind of thing. And to a degree, you've got to do that, you've got to follow your passions. You've got to follow your dreams, but you also have to have a plan. You can't just say I'm going to do what interests me today and I'm not going to worry about tomorrow, that doesn't work. And anyone who's tried that I think quickly finds that out. Think about what turns you on, what do you dream about? But along with that, make a plan and work hard to make it happen.
- Leroy Chiao
Collection: Dream
Image of Wendy Beckett
The dream world, the true freedom of the imagination, does not open to self-conscious manipulation.
- Wendy Beckett
Collection: Dream
Image of Nabeshima Naoshige
A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams.
- Nabeshima Naoshige
Collection: Dream
Image of Hillary Clinton
Never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance in the world to pursue your dreams.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Dream
Image of Luis Bunuel
If someone were to tell me I had twenty years left, and ask me how I'd like to spend them, I'd reply 'Give me two hours a day of activity, and I'll take the other twenty-two in dreams.'
- Luis Bunuel
Collection: Dream
Image of Luis Bunuel
I find it [science] analytical, pretentious and superficial-largely because it does not address itself to dreams, chance, laughter, feelings, or paradox-in other words,-all the things I love the most.
- Luis Bunuel
Collection: Dream