Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 34

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 34 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Kelly Cutrone
When you leave home to follow your dreams, your road will probably be riddled with potholes, not always paved in happy Technicolor bricks. You'll probably be kicked to the ground 150 million times and told you're nuts by friends and strangers alike. As you progress you may feel lonely or terrified for your physical and emotional safety. You may overestimate your own capabilities or fail to live up to them, and you'll surely fall flat on your face once in a while.
- Kelly Cutrone
Collection: Dream
Image of Dmitry Pisarev
But what is to be done? Is it possible to infect ourselves on purpose just in order to have the satisfaction of dying beautifully and tranquilly? No! What is to be done? We must live while we are alive, eat dry bread if there is no roast beef, know many women if it is not possible to love a woman, and, in general, we must not dream about orange trees and palms, when under foot are snowdrifts and the cold tundra.
- Dmitry Pisarev
Collection: Dream
Image of Frank Winfield Woolworth
Dreams never hurt anybody if you keep working right behind the dreams to make as much of them become real as you can.
- Frank Winfield Woolworth
Collection: Dream
Image of Louis-Ferdinand Celine
An unfamiliar city is a fine thing. That's the time and place when you can suppose that all the people you meet are nice. It's dream time.
- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Collection: Dream
Image of Susan Collins
Leaders are visionaries. They see the outcome. Leaders are communicators. They tell us what they're seeing. They hold the dream, letting us feel that it's possible. Our minds open up to what they show us could be. We dream with them. We get excited with them, drawing on all our abilities to create the future.
- Susan Collins
Collection: Dream
Image of Max Delbruck
The particular thing about science is to combine that [the dreams of obtaining power] with a retreat from the world. Other people want to obtain power by going out into the world, but the scientist really wants to obtain power by retreating from the world.
- Max Delbruck
Collection: Dream
Image of Tsem Tulku
You are your dreams. Your dreams are what you can become, so don't stop dreaming and believing. Just Do It!
- Tsem Tulku
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Ringer
The American Dream was not about government's taking huge sums of money (under the label of "taxation") from citizens by force. The American Dream was about individualism and the opportunity to achieve success without interference from others.
- Robert Ringer
Collection: Dream
Image of Danielle LaPorte
When you decide to go after a new dream, you need to give less to your current reality and more to your desired reality... Take your energy out of what you don’t want to be doing anymore so you can put it in what you really want to be doing.
- Danielle LaPorte
Collection: Dream
Image of Alexander Ovechkin
My dream has come true. I play with the great players and on a great team. I'm smiling and happy and enjoying the time of my life.
- Alexander Ovechkin
Collection: Dream
Image of Alexander Ovechkin
Olympics are probably the most important thing for Russians than any other athletes in the whole world. Since I was a little kid and since everybody was a little kid, their dream was playing in Olympic Games, especially if we have a chance to represent our country in Sochi, it's unbelievable and it's going to be a great thing.
- Alexander Ovechkin
Collection: Dream
Image of Kuki Gallmann
It was only my second night in Africa, yet something had begun to grow inside me which I could not stop, as if my childhood dreams had finally found the place where they could materialize. I had arrived where I was always meant to be. I did not know how it could be practically achieved, but I was certain beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was here that I wanted to live.
- Kuki Gallmann
Collection: Dream
Image of Brian Andreas
In my dream the angel shrugged and said, if we fail this time, it will be a failure of imagination. And then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand.
- Brian Andreas
Collection: Dream
Image of Clifford Stoll
I claim that this bookless library is a dream, a hallucination of on-line addicts; network neophytes, and library-automation insiders...Instead, I suspect computers will deviously chew away at libraries from the inside. They'll eat up book budgets and require librarians that are more comfortable with computers than with children and scholars. Libraries will become adept at supplying the public with fast, low-quality information. The result won't be a library without books--it'll be a library without value.
- Clifford Stoll
Collection: Dream
Image of Kevin Sorbo
Work hard, believe in your dreams, follow your dreams, don't give up, don't let failures hold you back. Those things were preached to me. They've taken a firm rooting system in my beliefs and what I'm passing on to my kids.
- Kevin Sorbo
Collection: Dream
Image of Jimmy Buffett
Shells sink, dreams float. Life's good on our boat.
- Jimmy Buffett
Collection: Dream
Image of Charles W. Chesnutt
I think I must write a book. It has been my cherished dream and I feel an influence that I cannot resist calling me to the task.
- Charles W. Chesnutt
Collection: Dream
Image of James Martineau
If we listen to our self-love, we shall estimate our lot less by what it is than by what it is not; shall dwell upon its hindrances and be blind to its possibilities; and, comparing it only with imaginary lives, shall indulge in flattering dreams of what we should do if we had but power, and give if we had but wealth, and be if we had no temptations.
- James Martineau
Collection: Dream
Image of James Martineau
High hearts are never long without hearing some new call, some distant clarion of God, even in their dreams; and soon they are observed to break up the camp of ease, and start on some fresh march of faithful service.
- James Martineau
Collection: Dream
Image of John Herschel
There is a gentle, but perfectly irresistible coercion in a habit of reading well directed, over the whole tenor of a man's character and conduct, which is not the less effectual because it works insensibly, and because it is really the last thing he dreams of.
- John Herschel
Collection: Dream
Image of Simon Rattle
I can’t imagine what my school friends must have thought was going on because I was wandering around in some kind of dream. I felt as though my insides had been taken out which is, I now realize, the right feeling.
- Simon Rattle
Collection: Dream
Image of John C. Dvorak
The tablet market has only succeeded as a niche market over the years and it was hoped Apple would dream up some new paradigm to change all that. From what I've seen and heard, this won't be it.
- John C. Dvorak
Collection: Dream
Image of Harold Klemp
An unselfish dream, goal, or service can help us to the height of spiritual living.
- Harold Klemp
Collection: Dream
Image of Eric Maisel
Dream, but expect nothing. Desire, but expect nothing. Hope, but expect nothing. Release your need to control and gain real control.
- Eric Maisel
Collection: Dream
Image of Ed Belfour
I always wanted to play professional hockey. Every hockey player's dream, no matter at what level or what age, is to play professionally. At first you don't know what it's all about, but you have that dream and you always work hard toward it. The older you get, the more you start dedicating yourself to the game.
- Ed Belfour
Collection: Dream
Image of Eddie Harris
It takes a dream to get started, desire to keep going, and determination to finish.
- Eddie Harris
Collection: Dream
Image of Shawn Phillips
Your body, the only one you will ever have, is the foundation of your life. And it’s either an anchor limiting your freedom and potential or a source of radiant energy, vitality and joy, elevating your life and the lives of those around you. It’s your choice… will yours be a source of strength, from which you will impact the world, or an obstacle, preventing you from your dreams and desires? … As my friend, NFL Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway is fond of saying,'If you’re going to bother setting a goal, aim high!'… My advice to you, aim high; aim for strength.
- Shawn Phillips
Collection: Dream
Image of Shawn Phillips
Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a dream. Today is the day to make your mark—to make a difference.
- Shawn Phillips
Collection: Dream
Image of Tom Monaghan
I believe everyone on earth has a certain goal/dream in life. I also believe anyone can achieve this if they set their minds to it.
- Tom Monaghan
Collection: Dream
Image of Colette Baron-Reid
Be willing to dance the victory dance as if your greatest dreams are realized, and watch how easily things fall into place.
- Colette Baron-Reid
Collection: Dream
Image of Colette Baron-Reid
Are you committed to your highest vision for your life or are you just satisfied to dream?
- Colette Baron-Reid
Collection: Dream
Image of Roman Abramovich
I'm realising my dream of owning a top football club. Some will doubt my motives, others will think I'm crazy.
- Roman Abramovich
Collection: Dream
Image of Bill Phillips
It's Very Important to understand the difference between dreams and goals. Dreams are things we wish for-things you enjoy thinking about but don't really know when they'll happen. Goals, on the other hand, are specific things you have decided you need to accomplish within a clearly defined period of time.
- Bill Phillips
Collection: Dream
Image of Madison Cawein
And some by hours; Some measure days by dreams And some by flowers; My heart alone records My days and hours.
- Madison Cawein
Collection: Dream
Image of Madison Cawein
Again let us dream where the land lies sunny And live, like the bees, on our hearts' old honey, Away from the world that slaves for money-- Come, journey the way with me.
- Madison Cawein
Collection: Dream
Image of Dries van Noten
Our role is to dream and inspire rather than collude in impacting the reality.
- Dries van Noten
Collection: Dream
Image of Mary Schmich
Chicago is constantly auditioning for the world, determined that one day, on the streets of Barcelona, in Berlin's cabarets, in the coffee shops of Istanbul, people will know and love us in our multidimensional glory, dream of us the way they dream of San Francisco and New York.
- Mary Schmich
Collection: Dream
Image of Anna de Noailles
Nothing is real but dreams and love.
- Anna de Noailles
Collection: Dream
Image of Page Smith
Alan Chadwick's garden is a 'garden of the mind' as much as it is of the soil, and like all genuinely inspired creations it has the power to stir us to new dreams, to a new vision of what man and nature can do, together.
- Page Smith
Collection: Dream
Image of Sherman Alexie
These are things you should learn. Your past is a skeleton walking one step behind you; your future is a skeleton walking one step in front of you. Maybe you don’t wear a watch, but your skeletons do, and they always know what time it is. Now, these skeletons are made of memories, dreams, and voices. And they can trap you in the in-between, between touching and becoming. But they’re not necessarily evil, unless you let them be.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Dream
Image of Sherman Alexie
Can you hear the dreams crackling like a campfire? Can you hear the dreams sweeping through the pine trees and tipis? Can you hear the dreams laughing in the sawdust? Can you hear the dreams shaking just a little bit as the day grows long? Can you hear the dreams putting on a good jacket that smells of fry bread and sweet smoke? Can you hear the dreams stay up late and talk so many stories?
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Dream
Image of William McDonough
Designing renders visible our hopes and dreams. It is the first signal of human intentions.
- William McDonough
Collection: Dream
Image of Judith Warner
Give your kids time to dream.
- Judith Warner
Collection: Dream
Image of J. D. Sedding
There be delights that will fetch the day about from sun to sun and rock the tedious year as in a delightful dream ... For a garden is Arcady brought home. It is man's bit of gaudy make-believe - his well-disguised fiction of an unvexed Paradise ... a world where gayety knows no eclipse and winter and rough weather are held at bay.
- J. D. Sedding
Collection: Dream
Image of Gill Robb Wilson
Not that one choose to draw aside in churlish mein or vein, From common lot of what life holds of pleasure, toil or pain But that the call-s to rise and cruise alone with dreams unshared Or plan alone for some far goal, for which none else has cared Or fight alone for what you hold is worth a warrior-s strife And ask no gain or fame or aught beyond the joy of life.
- Gill Robb Wilson
Collection: Dream
Image of Menachem Begin
Free women and men everywhere must wage an incessant campaign so that these human values become a generally recognized and practised reality. We must regretfully admit that in various parts of the world this is not yet the case. Without those values and human rights the real peace of which we dream is jeopardized.
- Menachem Begin
Collection: Dream
Image of Ava DuVernay
If your dream only includes you, it's too small.
- Ava DuVernay
Collection: Dream
Image of Robin Skelton
More dreams are destroyed in bed than are ever found there.
- Robin Skelton
Collection: Dream