Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 14

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 14 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Clarence Jordan
Now faith is the turning of dreams into deeds. It is betting your life on the unseen realities
- Clarence Jordan
Collection: Dream
Image of Edith Sitwell
Rhythm is one of the principal translators between dream and reality.
- Edith Sitwell
Collection: Dream
Image of Alicia Silverstone
My biggest dream in the world is for everyone to become vegetarian, so there won't be any more suffering.
- Alicia Silverstone
Collection: Dream
Image of Steven Millhauser
Stories, like conjuring tricks, are invented because history is inadequate for our dreams.
- Steven Millhauser
Collection: Dream
Image of Steven Millhauser
That afternoon he told me that the difference between human beings and animals was that human beings were able to dream while awake. He said the purpose of books was to permit us to exercise that faculty. Art, he said, was a controlled madness… He said books weren't made of themes, which you could write essays about, but of images that inserted themselves into your brain and replaced what you were seeing with your eyes.
- Steven Millhauser
Collection: Dream
Image of Steven Millhauser
His ambition was to insert his dreams into the world, and if they were the wrong dreams, then he would dream them in solitude.
- Steven Millhauser
Collection: Dream
Image of Willie Nelson
If you wait for tomorrow to follow your dreams, by the time that you get there they're gone.
- Willie Nelson
Collection: Dream
Image of Hilary Swank
As long as we dare to dream and don't get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible - there's truly no end to where our dreams can take us.
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Dream
Image of Hilary Swank
I ended up dropping out of high school. I'm a high school dropout, which I'm not proud to say, ... I had some teachers that I still think of fondly and were amazing to me. But I had other teachers who said, 'You know what? This dream of yours is a hobby. When are you going to give it up?' I had teachers who I could tell didn't want to be there. And I just couldn't get inspired by someone who didn't want to be there
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Dream
Image of Hilary Swank
What do dreams know of boundaries?
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Dream
Image of Ricky Nelson
In the town of broken dreams the streets are filled with regret, maybe down in lonesome town I can learn to forget.
- Ricky Nelson
Collection: Dream
Image of Jim Valvano
To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to get your emotions going. To be enthusiastic every day and as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, 'Nothing great could be accomplished without enthusiasm,' to keep your dreams alive in spite of problems whatever you have. The ability to be able to work hard for your dreams to come true, to become a reality.
- Jim Valvano
Collection: Dream
Image of Jim Valvano
You need to have a dream, a goal, and you must be willing to work hard.
- Jim Valvano
Collection: Dream
Image of Steve Aylett
Dreams always end before you kill the last person.
- Steve Aylett
Collection: Dream
Image of Al Pacino
There is only one way of surviving all the early heartbreaks in this business. You must have a sense of humor. And I think it also helps if you are a dreamer. I had my dreams all right. And that is something no one can ever take away. They cost nothing, and they can be as real as you like to make them. You own your dreams and they are priceless. I've been a lavatory attendant, a theatre usher, a panhandler, all for real. Now, as an actor, I can be a journalist today and a brain surgeon tomorrow. That's the stuff my dreams are made of.
- Al Pacino
Collection: Dream
Image of Ludwig van Beethoven
Music is like a dream. One that I cannot hear.
- Ludwig van Beethoven
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael J. Sullivan
Sometimes the price of dreams is achieving them.
- Michael J. Sullivan
Collection: Dream
Image of Sharon Kay Penman
During the day, memories could be held at bay, but at night, dreams became the devil's own accomplices.
- Sharon Kay Penman
Collection: Dream
Image of Janos Arany
In love, as in dreams, all is possible
- Janos Arany
Collection: Dream
Image of Haven Kimmel
My favorite was Love Is...Never Having to Say You're Sorry. This was,the good Lord knew, a dream of mine. But every time I refused to apologize for something, Love seemed to just fly out the window.
- Haven Kimmel
Collection: Dream
Image of Ayrton Senna
If a person has no dreams, they no longer have any reason to live. Dreaming is necessary, although in the dream reality should be glimpsed. For me this is a principle of life.
- Ayrton Senna
Collection: Dream
Image of Yanni
My new question was, What do you do when your dreams come true? My answer was: Find new ones.
- Yanni
Collection: Dream
Image of Lee Kuan Yew
You begin your journey not knowing where it will take you. You have plans, you have dreams, but every now and again you have to take uncharted roads, face impassable mountains, cross treacherous rivers, be blocked by landslides and earthquakes. That's the way my life has been.
- Lee Kuan Yew
Collection: Dream
Image of Petrarch
Death is a sleep that ends our dreaming. Oh, that we may be allowed to wake before death wakes us.
- Petrarch
Collection: Dream
Image of Petrarch
All pleasure in the world is a passing dream.
- Petrarch
Collection: Dream
Image of Liza Minnelli
Don't listen to anyone who doesn't know how to dream
- Liza Minnelli
Collection: Dream
Image of Thomas Pynchon
You go from dream to dream inside me. You have passage to my last shabby corner, and there, among the debris, you’ve found life. I’m no longer sure which of all the words, images, dreams or ghosts are ‘yours’ and which are ‘mine.’ It’s past sorting out.
- Thomas Pynchon
Collection: Dream
Image of Thomas Pynchon
Idle dreaming is often of the essence of what we do.
- Thomas Pynchon
Collection: Dream
Image of Robin Jones Gunn
We all need to have dreams. The question is, does the dream control you or do you control the dream?
- Robin Jones Gunn
Collection: Dream
Image of Joe Girard
The important thing is to dare to dream big, then take action to make it come true.
- Joe Girard
Collection: Dream
Image of Christina Baker Kline
When something terrible happens, a lifetime of small events and unremarkable decisions, of unresolved anger, and unexplored fears begins to play itself out in ways you least expect. You've been going along from one day to the next, not realizing that all those disparate words and gestures were adding up to something, a conclusion, you didn't anticipate. And later, when you begin to retrace your steps you see that you will need to reach back further than you could have imagined, beyond words and thoughts and even dreams, perhaps to make sense of what happened.
- Christina Baker Kline
Collection: Dream
Image of Richard K. Morgan
We all get our dreams stamped on from time to time, right? And if it didn’t hurt, what kind of second-rate dreams would they be?
- Richard K. Morgan
Collection: Dream
Image of Adeline Yen Mah
Please believe that one single positive dream is more important than a thousand negative realities.
- Adeline Yen Mah
Collection: Dream
Image of Elizabeth von Arnim
When I got to the library I came to a standstill, - ah, the dear room, what happy times I have spent in it rummaging amongst the books, making plans for my garden, building castles in the air, writing, dreaming, doing nothing.
- Elizabeth von Arnim
Collection: Dream
Image of Margo Lanagan
There is something about talking in the night, with the shreds of sleep around your ears, with the silences between one remark and another, the town dark and dreaming beyond your own walls. It draws the truth out of you, straight from its little dark pool down there, where usually you guard it so careful, and wave your hands over it and hum and haw to protect people's feelings, to protect your own . . . You can bring out the jaggedest feelings - if you are my wife and know how to state them calm - into the night quiet. They will float there for consideration, harming no one.
- Margo Lanagan
Collection: Dream
Image of Steven Spielberg
I don't dream at night, I dream at day, I dream all day; I'm dreaming for living.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Dream
Image of Jonathan Groff
In a play, you can adjust your performance to audience reaction, but in a film it's like you're trapped in a bad dream watching yourself act and you're in the audience
- Jonathan Groff
Collection: Dream
Image of Janelle Monae
I wanna scream and dream and throw a love parade / Is that okay?
- Janelle Monae
Collection: Dream
Image of Howard Schultz
Believe in your dreams and dream big. And then after youve done that, dream bigger.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Dream
Image of Howard Schultz
If you pour your heart into your work, or into any worthy enterprise, you can achieve dreams others may think impossible.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Dream
Image of Howard Schultz
It's one thing to dream, but when the moment is right, you've got to be willing to leave what's familiar and go out to find your own sound.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Dream
Image of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
There are two Mustafa Kemals. One the flesh-and-blood Mustafa Kemal who now stands before you and who will pass away. The other is you, all of you here who will go to the far corners of our land to spread the ideals which must be defended with your lives if necessary. I stand for the nation's dreams, and my life's work is to make them come true.
- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Collection: Dream
Image of James O'Barr
Life is just a dream on the way to death.
- James O'Barr
Collection: Dream
Image of James O'Barr
So the crow spirals down through a collapsed dream and the only sound it makes in like a concave scream.
- James O'Barr
Collection: Dream
Image of Jordan Belfort
Dream stompers are people who want to stomp on your hopes and dreams. Lose their phone numbers
- Jordan Belfort
Collection: Dream
Image of Maria Shriver
You know those goals you've set for yourself, those dreams you've been waiting for the perfect time to live out? It's time!
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Dream
Image of Neil Peart
...The important thing is: if you fail once, or if your luck is bad this time, the dream is still there. A dream is only over if you give it up-or if it comes true.
- Neil Peart
Collection: Dream
Image of Neil Peart
A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission.
- Neil Peart
Collection: Dream