Top design Quotes Collection - Page 7

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Image of Richard Rogers
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges facing our cities or to the housing crisis, but the two issues need to be considered together. From an urban design and planning point of view, the well-connected open city is a powerful paradigm and an engine for integration and inclusivity.
- Richard Rogers
Collection: Design
Image of Rachel Roy
I can't design anything unless I'm excited by it, meaning I have an urge to wear it.
- Rachel Roy
Collection: Design
Image of William A. Dembski
There is an immediate payoff to intelligent design: it destroys the atheistic legacy of Darwinian evolution. Intelligent design makes it impossible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.
- William A. Dembski
Collection: Design
Image of Kiernan Shipka
I design some of my own clothes now.
- Kiernan Shipka
Collection: Design
Image of Kenneth R. Miller
The new strategy is to teach intelligent design without calling it intelligent design.
- Kenneth R. Miller
Collection: Design
Image of Cornelia Parker
Being a sculptor who uses found objects, all the objects I use in my work have been designed by other people. So I'm tweaking them in some way by squashing them or throwing them off cliffs! Then I formalise my damage by suspending them or arranging them in some kind of way. So I'm using other people's design in a way, so I'm an 'un-maker.'
- Cornelia Parker
Collection: Design
Image of Mariam Naficy
All of the designs on Minted are crowd-sourced from a global community of independent designers. We hold monthly design and art challenges that anyone in the world is welcome to enter.
- Mariam Naficy
Collection: Design
Image of Peter Stuyvesant
The design of those commissioners, frigates and warlike force is directed rather against Long Island and these your Honors' possessions, than to the imagined reform of New England.
- Peter Stuyvesant
Collection: Design
Image of Jack Nicklaus
Pete Dye introduced me to golf course design back in the 1960's. He came to my hometown Columbus, Ohio to work on The Golf Club.
- Jack Nicklaus
Collection: Design
Image of Lena Headey
Nothing I do is by design. It's always the result of a happy accident. I didn't have a career plan. It has just become the way it is. It's all good fun.
- Lena Headey
Collection: Design
Image of Trent Reznor
I have been wildly enthused about gaming since I was younger, and a career path I chose not to go down but did really consider was getting into programming and game design.
- Trent Reznor
Collection: Design
Image of Niklaus Wirth
Clearly, programming courses should teach methods of design and construction, and the selected examples should be such that a gradual development can be nicely demonstrated.
- Niklaus Wirth
Collection: Design
Image of Dries van Noten
I'm a fashion designer, not a shoe designer. I like to design clothes.
- Dries van Noten
Collection: Design
Image of Alan Cooper
The payoff of a customer-centric approach to software and digital product design is substantial and long-lasting for both companies and their customers.
- Alan Cooper
Collection: Design
Image of Nate Berkus
When you buy things that are expensive, like a sofa or something that really feels like an investment, you need to keep it as plain as possible, as simple as possible. Make sure that it's a clean design that will work with whatever style you want it to.
- Nate Berkus
Collection: Design
Image of Donald Norman
Readers always seem to think that the author has some control over the design of their books.
- Donald Norman
Collection: Design
Image of Cynthia Rowley
Art has definitely influenced how I think of design, both as individual items and as a body of work.
- Cynthia Rowley
Collection: Design
Image of Raf Simons
As an industrial designer, you design the thing by yourself, and then it goes away from you, whereas fashion is in constant relation to the body and to psychology. It makes it more complicated, and it makes it more challenging.
- Raf Simons
Collection: Design
Image of Genevieve Gorder
That was always my frustration with so many of these shows, because design is not an ambush... it's a relationship. You have to know how people move and live and work to be able to design for them.
- Genevieve Gorder
Collection: Design
Image of Ginny Brown-Waite
Through the harsh design of fate, Florida was dealt the unfortunate circumstances of bearing the brunt of not one but two hurricanes, and it appears more dark clouds are poised to visit the Sunshine State.
- Ginny Brown-Waite
Collection: Design
Image of Maria Sharapova
Ever since I was young I loved making things and being part of the design process.
- Maria Sharapova
Collection: Design
Image of Moshe Safdie
Urban design as a discipline barely exists in most American and Canadian cities. In Singapore, there are innovative transportation strategies at work.
- Moshe Safdie
Collection: Design
Image of Brad Pitt
I'd like to design something like a city or a museum. I want to do something hands on rather than just play golf which is the sport of the religious right.
- Brad Pitt
Collection: Design
Image of Jil Sander
Initially, it was the unpractical in fashion that brought me to design my own line. I felt that it was much more attractive to cut clothes with respect for the living, three-dimensional body rather than to cover the body with decorative ideas.
- Jil Sander
Collection: Design
Image of David Small
Things like anatomy and drawing and design and color had pretty much been drop-kicked out of the curriculum in the '70s, when I was studying art, in favor of abstraction and minimalism.
- David Small
Collection: Design
Image of Vera Wang
All those years of skating and dancing have carried over. I can't design anything without thinking of how a woman's body will look and move when she's wearing it.
- Vera Wang
Collection: Design
Image of John Langdon
Language, philosophy, and science are interwoven into the design of words, which are manipulated to create surprising illusions.
- John Langdon
Collection: Design
Image of Jamais Cascio
Preventing global warming from becoming a planetary catastrophe may take something even more drastic than renewable energy, superefficient urban design, and global carbon taxes.
- Jamais Cascio
Collection: Design
Image of Scott Westerfeld
I've learned a lot about stage-managing for illustration. Sometimes you have to delete characters from a scene just to keep from overcrowding the image. I've also learned to making big-scale design decisions early.
- Scott Westerfeld
Collection: Design
Image of Carson McCullers
The mind is like a richly woven tapestry in which the colors are distilled from the experiences of the senses, and the design drawn from the convolutions of the intellect.
- Carson McCullers
Collection: Design
Image of Robert Shea
Just as predatory animals follow a similar general design and behave in similar ways, so organizations, especially those in competition with one another, must follow certain design principles if they are to succeed and prevail.
- Robert Shea
Collection: Design
Image of Ron Ben-Israel
We used to be referred to as bakers and then we became known as cake decorators and now we are known as cake designers. I teach at the French Culinary Institute in New York and cake design is a legitimate profession.
- Ron Ben-Israel
Collection: Design
Image of Michael Hirst
When you're making a TV drama, the showrunner is God, and so however onerous and difficult and consuming that responsibility is, you're being treated with respect, so it changes your whole outlook to the production. You're being asked about costumes, set design, music, every aspect of the show.
- Michael Hirst
Collection: Design
Image of Nicolas Ghesquiere
In terms of design, it's true the world has an influence. But, as a designer, you have to protect yourself. You have to look at the world and then forget it.
- Nicolas Ghesquiere
Collection: Design
Image of Alexander McQueen
I can design a collection in a day and I always do, cause I've always got a load of Italians on my back, moaning that it's late.
- Alexander McQueen
Collection: Design
Image of Norman Foster
When the Great Fire of London destroyed most of the medieval city in 1666, Christopher Wren was invited to design a new one. Within days, he had drawn up an elegant grid of broad boulevards leading to majestic squares, but it came to nothing - the existing landowners wanted things as they had been.
- Norman Foster
Collection: Design
Image of Moshe Safdie
I'm completely taken and impressed by the planning authority of Singapore and its Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). It's the most cutting-edge agency in the world. They have very effective guidelines for development, and they review design as it evolves.
- Moshe Safdie
Collection: Design
Image of Kevin Kelly
Species go extinct because there are historical contraints built into a given body or a given design.
- Kevin Kelly
Collection: Design
Image of Mariam Naficy
Over the years, I observed that many talented graphic designers, including those in my own family, had difficulty getting their designs to market. I thought it would be possible to hold open stationery design competitions where all designers could participate.
- Mariam Naficy
Collection: Design
Image of Roman Coppola
That's a hobby of mine - to do whatever I can for unusual for-hire creative projects. I am waiting for someone to really challenge me - obviously I'm often approached to do film related work, but I would be very happy to design a bar or an amusement park ride. I would love to be an imagineer!
- Roman Coppola
Collection: Design
Image of Claudia Schiffer
I design for myself and the first question I ask is, 'Would I wear it?'
- Claudia Schiffer
Collection: Design
Image of Calvin Klein
People who run a ready-to-wear company are businessmen rather than production or design people.
- Calvin Klein
Collection: Design
Image of Raf Simons
In fashion design, you can divide people into two groups. You have people who come with an aesthetic that is there forever, even if it evolves. Then you have people I call 'jumpers.' One season it can be this; the next season it's completely something else. I always knew I am more of a jumper.
- Raf Simons
Collection: Design
Image of Ben Stein
For me, I've always believed that there was a God. I've always believed that God created the heavens and earth - so, for me it's not a huge leap from there to intelligent design.
- Ben Stein
Collection: Design
Image of Janina Gavankar
I'm always drooling over great design, from fashion to furniture.
- Janina Gavankar
Collection: Design
Image of Daniel Keys Moran
The federal debt in this country is principally of Republican design.
- Daniel Keys Moran
Collection: Design
Image of Donald Norman
I prefer design by experts - by people who know what they are doing.
- Donald Norman
Collection: Design
Image of Peter Eisenman
I don't design houses with the nuclear family idea because I don't believe in it as a concept.
- Peter Eisenman
Collection: Design
Image of Hilary Farr
In a small powder room, the inclination is to go with a light wall color. My trick is to do the opposite - such as a patterned wallpaper or a deep color on the walls. It's more interesting and makes a design statement.
- Hilary Farr
Collection: Design