Top design Quotes Collection - Page 29

Discover a curated collection of design quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 29 provides more design quotes.

Image of Donna Karan
I never see one woman when I design, it's always a universe of women
- Donna Karan
Collection: Design
Image of Hubert H. Humphrey
We will have to decide today whether we will design the future or resign ourselves to it.
- Hubert H. Humphrey
Collection: Design
Image of Robert Kiyosaki
By its very nature and design, Network Marketing is a strikingly Fair, Democratic, Socially Responsible system of generating wealth.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Collection: Design
Image of C. S. Lewis
The happiness which God designs for his higher creatures is the happiness of being freely, voluntarily united to him.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Design
Image of Charles Lindbergh
History has recorded nothing so dramatic in design, nor so skillfully manipulated, as this attempt to create the National Reserve Association, or the Federal Reserve.
- Charles Lindbergh
Collection: Design
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I design like I breathe. You don't ask to breathe. It just happens
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Design
Image of Jonathon Keats
I call myself an experimental philosopher which is as ambiguous a term as comprehensive anticipatory design scientist.
- Jonathon Keats
Collection: Design
Image of Lenny Kravitz
Good design is being able to put a $100,000 thing next to a $20 thing. If it looks right and it works then it works. It doesn't have to be expensive; it's all about the high meets low for me.
- Lenny Kravitz
Collection: Design
Image of Maya Lin
I cannot force a design; I do not see this process as being under my conscious control.
- Maya Lin
Collection: Design
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Science has done absolutely nothing about noise. The worst design flaw in the human body is that you can't close your ears. The reason you can't close your ears is, if a lion was coming, you had to wake up. Today no lions are coming. Beeping trucks are coming. I read the other day that the guy who invented the beep when trucks go backward, he died. I thought: Of course - he dies, I have to listen to it.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Design
Image of Donald Knuth
The designer of a new kind of system must participate fully in the implementation.
- Donald Knuth
Collection: Design
Image of Donald Knuth
Meta-design is much more difficult than design; it's easier to draw something than to explain how to draw it.
- Donald Knuth
Collection: Design
Image of Christian Louboutin
I’ve always been very detail orientated, but I have gone from embellishment to nudity - from designing for a woman that likes to be dressed to designing for a woman that likes to be undressed.
- Christian Louboutin
Collection: Design
Image of Norman Mailer
The world's not what I want it to be. But then no one ever said I had the right to design the world.
- Norman Mailer
Collection: Design
Image of Steve Martin
Anyway, seeking work is a tad difficult given the poor design of the streets with their prohibitive curbs and driveways that don't quite line up.
- Steve Martin
Collection: Design
Image of Marshall McLuhan
Of the many unforeseen consequences of typography, the emergence of nationalism is, perhaps, the most familiar
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Design
Image of John Maeda
Really great products, like @nest, have #design baked in from the beginning instead of slapped on at the end.
- John Maeda
Collection: Design
Image of John Maeda
Things that I can do myself, I either do by myself, or teach a willing undergraduate who doesn't know how to do those things by doing it for me. Things that I can't do myself, my graduate students should be doing.
- John Maeda
Collection: Design
Image of Christian Louboutin
Designing is always on the mind of a designer, and as I was saying it's a sort of digestive process, so I usually keep it to myself unless I'm collaborating with someone because explaining all the things that are going on in your head can be quite exhausting, especially in the early stages of a project.
- Christian Louboutin
Collection: Design
Image of Tony Robbins
Where focus goes, energy flows. And if you don’t take the time to focus on what matters, then you’re living a life of someone else’s design.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Design
Image of Neil Gaiman
You have to finish things – that’s what you learn from, you learn by finishing things.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Design
Image of Josef Muller-Brockmann
Grid systems in graphic design.
- Josef Muller-Brockmann
Collection: Design
Image of Ayrton Senna
You either commit yourself as a professional racing driver that’s designed to win races or you come second or you come third or fifth and am not design to come third, fourth or fifth, I? race to win.
- Ayrton Senna
Collection: Design
Image of Walt Disney
When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Design
Image of Doris Lessing
Whatever you’re meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.
- Doris Lessing
Collection: Design