Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 4

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Image of Elaine S. Dalton
Virtue is the strength and power of the daughters of God.
- Elaine S. Dalton
Collection: Daughter
Image of Elaine S. Dalton
Virtue is the strength and power of daughters of God. ... If all humanity really understood the importance of the statement ‘We are daughters of our Heavenly Father,’ how would women be regarded and treated?
- Elaine S. Dalton
Collection: Daughter
Image of Elaine S. Dalton
Mothers, your relationship with your daughter is of paramount importance, and so is your example. How you love and honor her father, his priesthood, and his divine role will be reflected and perhaps amplified in your daughter’s attitudes and behavior.
- Elaine S. Dalton
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gemma Galgani
'Look Daughter, and learn how to love' and He showed me His five open wounds.
- Gemma Galgani
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gabriel Macht
On 3 things in his bucket list: On my bucket list... Uhm, the question is totally catching me by surprise. Some more travel, spending quality time with my family and just getting the most I can out of my wife and daughter.
- Gabriel Macht
Collection: Daughter
Image of P. W. Singer
Drons change the way politicians think about war. You already have society's barriers against war dropping, and now you have a technology that takes the barriers to the ground. We can carry it out without having to deal with some of the consequences of sending our sons and daughters into harm's way.
- P. W. Singer
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tony Goldwyn
My two daughters live on Facebook and social media is their mode of communication.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Daughter
Image of Johann Hermann Baas
Botany, the eldest daughter of medicine.
- Johann Hermann Baas
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bob Carlisle
Sweet sixteen today. She's looking like her momma a little more every day.
- Bob Carlisle
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jeffrey Tambor
When I got this role, my daughter Molly said, 'Dad, you've come full circle.
- Jeffrey Tambor
Collection: Daughter
Image of Isabella Rossellini
From the time I was a child I wanted to be like my mother. Not necessarily an actress - I never dreamed I'd have the courage. But an active, volatile woman like she was.
- Isabella Rossellini
Collection: Daughter
Image of Phil Esposito
I tried to talk my daughter out of going with a hockey player but, he's a good kid. He asked me if he could marry Carrie before he asked her. I said: You want to what? I thought he was just going to ask for more ice time.
- Phil Esposito
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gary North
The question eventually must be raised: Is it a criminal offense to take the name of the Lord in vain? When people curse their parents, it unquestionably is a capital crime (Ex. 21:17). The son or daughter is under the lawful jurisdiction of the family. The integrity of the family must be maintained by the threat of death. Clearly, cursing God (blasphemy) is a comparable crime, and is therefore a capital crime (Lev. 24:16).
- Gary North
Collection: Daughter
Image of Pearl S. Buck
No daughter is ever her mother's darling. That spot is always reserved for the son.
- Pearl S. Buck
Collection: Daughter
Image of Columba Bush
My daughter, unfortunately, is ill, because drug addiction is an illness. She's been fighting it for years.
- Columba Bush
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joe Flaherty
Seeing Neil Entwistle accused of this awful crime gives us little comfort and, in fact, only adds to our enormous pain and suffering. To think that someone we loved, trusted and opened our home to could do this to our daughter and granddaughter is beyond belief. The betrayals to the family, to Neil's family, to our family (and) to our friends here and in the UK are unbearable.
- Joe Flaherty
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joe Flaherty
They miss Rachel and Lillian Rose every minute of every day. It doesn't bring them any comfort to see him standing there and know that their daughter and granddaughter are gone.
- Joe Flaherty
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joe Flaherty
To think that someone we loved, trusted, opened our home to could do this to our daughter and granddaughter is beyond belief.
- Joe Flaherty
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jerry Glanville
I haven't heard from Elvis since his daughter married Michael Jackson. I think it killed him.
- Jerry Glanville
Collection: Daughter
Image of Don Williams
It's something families could do together. They can be passed on from father to son, or father to daughter.
- Don Williams
Collection: Daughter
Image of Arenda L. Wright Allen
Of course the welfare of our children is a legitimate state interest. However, limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples fails to further this interest. Instead, needlessly stigmatizing and humiliating children who are being raised by the loving couples targeted by Virginia's Marriage Laws betrays that interest. E. S.-T. [the 15-year-old daughter of two of the plaintiffs], like the thousands of children being raised by same-sex couples, is needlessly deprived of the protection, the stability, the recognition and the legitimacy that marriage conveys.
- Arenda L. Wright Allen
Collection: Daughter
Image of Guy Lombardo
Many a man wishes he were strong enough to tear a telephone book in half - especially if he has a teenage daughter.
- Guy Lombardo
Collection: Daughter
Image of Linda Grant
The legacy of women's war work is our present post-industrial employment structure. It was the war that created the demand for a technologically advanced, de-skilled, low-paid, non-unionized female workforce and paved the way for making part-time work the norm for married women now. A generation later, it was the daughters of wartime women workers who completed their mothers' campaign for equal pay.
- Linda Grant
Collection: Daughter
Image of Eric Zorn
I don't know if God exists and I don't care. God's will and design for this temporal and spatial vastness, if any, is so patently, deliberately impenetrable that I doubt any mortal has a grasp on it. The very inexplicability of sad events like the tsunami, like the AIDS crisis or even like the cancer death of the father of one of my daughter's 2nd-grade classmates last week are, to me, reminders to focus on our obligations to one another, not to the infinite; to honor the creator, if any, by honoring creation itself and hoping that's good enough.
- Eric Zorn
Collection: Daughter
Image of Carol Klein
The tie is stronger than that between father and son and father and daughter. The bond is also more complex than the one between mother and daughter. For a woman, a son offers the best chance to know the mysterious male existence.
- Carol Klein
Collection: Daughter
Image of George Fordyce
Who can describe the transports of a beam truly parental on beholding a daughter shoot up like some fair and modest flower, and acquire, day after day, fresh beauty and growing sweetness, so as to fill every eye with pleasure and every heart with admiration?
- George Fordyce
Collection: Daughter
Image of David Cannadine
Royal relationships across the generations have often been strained and distant, rather than close and affectionate. Most eldest sons, interminably waiting to become king, have not been on the best of terms with the sovereign to whose death they look forward with a debilitating combination of guilt-ridden anxiety and eager anticipation. And younger sons (and daughters, too) have often found their lives empty of purpose: cut off by their royal statius, but unable to find anything rewarding with which to fill the time.
- David Cannadine
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mary Higgins Clark
When a scientist's son or daughter becomes a scientist they'll say "Wonderful! Wonderful!" So, why, in the name of God, would a mother be jealous to see her daughter become a successful writer?
- Mary Higgins Clark
Collection: Daughter
Image of Paul H. Dunn
As with the bud, so with the blossom. A boy is the only thing known from which a man can be made. I hope that we as parents are teaching our children that they are the sons and daughters of God, and that they have the capacity to become like him. It was the old Edinburgh weaver who prayed, 'O God, help me to hold a high opinion of myself.' Likewise I would counsel young people to hold a high opinion of themselves, to remember who they really are, and to put their faith in their Heavenly Father.
- Paul H. Dunn
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gordon Lightfoot
'If You Could Read My Mind' was written during the collapse of my marriage. It's a great song. No one has any gripes about it. I wondered what my wife and daughter might think. My daughter is the one who got me to correct 'The feelings that you lacked' to 'The feelings that we lacked'.
- Gordon Lightfoot
Collection: Daughter
Image of Paul Gerson Unna
Dermatology ... this young daughter of medicine.
- Paul Gerson Unna
Collection: Daughter
Image of Cecile Richards
No mother in the world wants her daughter to have fewer rights than she did...
- Cecile Richards
Collection: Daughter
Image of Margaret Truman Daniel
He's [Harry S. Truman] just your dad, and you love him. It's only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home - it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love. My father was a great man.
- Margaret Truman Daniel
Collection: Daughter
Image of Suzy Favor Hamilton
I fully intend to make amends and get back to being a good mother, wife, daughter, and friend.
- Suzy Favor Hamilton
Collection: Daughter
Image of Eva LaRue
AMC [All My Children] launched my career and changed my life. I got married there and had my baby there and made so many close friends. I am so sad that it is going away. It is a part of television history. Pine Valley is a part of America. It breaks my heart. That role taught me how to really be an actress. It introduced me to a man who gave me my daughter. That is something that I am eternally thankful for and will always be.
- Eva LaRue
Collection: Daughter
Image of Max Miller
My wife's father said if you marry my daughter I'll give you three acres and a cow. I'm still waiting for the three acres.
- Max Miller
Collection: Daughter
Image of Cotton Mather
Religion brought forth Prosperity, and the daughter destroyed the mother.
- Cotton Mather
Collection: Daughter
Image of Donna Air
Having this lovely person in my life. My daughter is the funniest person I know and I couldn't imagine my life without her. I think it also starts an amazing journey in a woman. You don't obsess about yourself in the way you used to, as the bulk of your time isn't spent on you.
- Donna Air
Collection: Daughter
Image of Coco Chanel
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
- Coco Chanel
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ana Castillo
When I hear that Jennifer Lopez is such a role model for Latinas, on the one hand I respect her for her business sense and I respect her for her ambition. But she's in the entertainment world. She's done it on her looks and very specifically on her anatomy. Madonna is also considered a great businesswoman and so is Yoko Ono. I feel if I had a young daughter right now, I would feel a little discouraged if that was my daughter's primary role model for success and for young people, for Latinas and Latinos.
- Ana Castillo
Collection: Daughter
Image of Warsan Shire
Give your daughters difficult names. Give your daughters names that command the full use of the tongue. My name makes you want to tell me the truth. My name doesn't allow me to trust anyone that cannot pronounce it right.
- Warsan Shire
Collection: Daughter
Image of Charles Stuart Calverley
The farmer's daughter hath soft brown hair And I met with a ballad, I can't say where, That wholly consisted of lines like these.
- Charles Stuart Calverley
Collection: Daughter
Image of Isabel Allende
There is no death, daughter. People die only when we forget them,' my mother explained shortly before she left me. 'If you can remember me, I will be with you always.
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Daughter
Image of Theodore L. Cuyler
A large portion of Christ's miracles of love were wrought at the urgent request of parents for their suffering children. Is that ear gone deaf to-day? Will He not do for our children's souls what He did for the bodies of the ruler's daughter, and the dead youth at Nain?
- Theodore L. Cuyler
Collection: Daughter
Image of Anne Truitt
Humility is the daughter of truth.
- Anne Truitt
Collection: Daughter
Image of John Tooby
The assertion that 'culture' explains human variation will be taken seriously when there are reports of women war parties raiding villages to capture men as husbands, or of parent cloistering their sons but not their daughters to protect their sons' virtue, or when cultural distributions for preferences concerning physical attractiveness, earning power, relative age and so on show as many cultures with bias in one direction as in the other.
- John Tooby
Collection: Daughter
Image of Margaret Halsey
Identity is not found, the way Pharaoh's daughter found Moses in the bulrushes. Identity is built.
- Margaret Halsey
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jim Beaver
First day working with Tom Hiddleston. He is my ideal as an actor: brilliant, reliable, human, decent, open, and friendly. He charmed my daughter as he has charmed me. I think my kid charmed him, too. This is a fellow I could joyfully spend the rest of my career working with. He's that good and that generous.
- Jim Beaver
Collection: Daughter