Top courage Quotes Collection - Page 12

Discover a curated collection of courage quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 12 provides more courage quotes.

Image of William Samuel Johnson
Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage.
- William Samuel Johnson
Collection: Courage
Image of Karen Salmansohn
Basically, discipline, effort, patience and courage are hugely important core values for kids to grow up embracing.
- Karen Salmansohn
Collection: Courage
Image of Josefina Vazquez Mota
One of the hardest questions I have been asked is 'How will you manage the army if you are having menstrual cramps?' I have also been asked if I will have the courage to face criminals. My answer is that courage is not a matter of gender.
- Josefina Vazquez Mota
Collection: Courage
Image of Romola Garai
I am always naturally drawn to heroines that have human flaws because I enjoy people that have lived their life with courage and make big successes and big failures.
- Romola Garai
Collection: Courage
Image of William Hurt
Heroes to me are guys that sit in libraries. They absorb knowledge and then the risks they take are calculated on the basis of the courage it took to become replete with knowledge.
- William Hurt
Collection: Courage
Image of Q-Tip
I feel like Obama in a way. His idea that hope means not shrinking from a fight; it's the courage to reach for something. My music is that. Those are principles I try to embody.
- Q-Tip
Collection: Courage
Image of Shari Sebbens
It takes a lot of courage as an actor to take time off for family. But family is everything.
- Shari Sebbens
Collection: Courage
Image of Townsend Harris
The President regards the Japanese as a brave people; but courage, though useful in time of war, is subordinate to knowledge of arts; hence, courage without such knowledge is not to be highly esteemed.
- Townsend Harris
Collection: Courage
Image of Nick Clooney
The quality that defines us as Americans is the courage to respond to being hit. The courage to root out and destroy the killers. And, most importantly, the courage to hold on to our values and protect our hard-won freedoms while doing it.
- Nick Clooney
Collection: Courage
Image of Ben Horowitz
In all the difficult decisions that I made through the course of running Loudcloud and Opsware, I never once felt brave. In fact, I often felt scared to death. I never lost those feelings, but after much practice, I learned to ignore them. That learning process might also be called the courage development process.
- Ben Horowitz
Collection: Courage
Image of Ellen Bass
So much inspires me. People living their lives with courage, beauty of all kinds, nature in all its aspects, people I love and people I hardly know, and, of course, other poets.
- Ellen Bass
Collection: Courage
Image of Kim Reynolds
It takes courage to come forward, and I don't want any victim of sexual harassment to think twice about doing so.
- Kim Reynolds
Collection: Courage
Image of Lydia M. Child
None speak of the bravery, the might, or the intellect of Jesus; but the devil is always imagined as a being of acute intellect, political cunning, and the fiercest courage. These universal and instinctive tendencies of the human mind reveal much.
- Lydia M. Child
Collection: Courage
Image of Paul Johnson
Courage is the essential element in any great public man or woman.
- Paul Johnson
Collection: Courage
Image of Gerry Adams
Such decisions will be far reaching and difficult. But you never lacked courage in the past. Your courage is now needed for the future.
- Gerry Adams
Collection: Courage
Image of Richard Hatch
I love revolutionaries who have the courage to stand up against the status quo. They're always misunderstood, but they're the ones who are standing up for human rights.
- Richard Hatch
Collection: Courage
Image of Rick Perry
And I think most people in this country want to see a president that's got the courage to say we're going to cut the tax burden, and reduce the regulatory climate, and we're going to get Americans working.
- Rick Perry
Collection: Courage
Image of Samuel Johnson
He that fails in his endeavors after wealth or power will not long retain either honesty or courage.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Courage
Image of Junot Diaz
When I write, what I long for is not more realism or fiction but more courage. That's what I always find myself short on and what I have to struggle to achieve in order that the work might live.
- Junot Diaz
Collection: Courage
Image of Tadao Ando
I hope America can also be the cultural leader of the world, and use this frontier spirit to lead and show others that we need courage to go places where we have not gone before.
- Tadao Ando
Collection: Courage
Image of Geri Halliwell
The thing is, when I feel like I have to lose weight, the opposite happens. I remember stuffing loads of chocolate on the plane to the shoot, and I thought, 'Why don't you have the courage to show up in a body that's natural, not overly worked out?'
- Geri Halliwell
Collection: Courage
Image of Jeff Koons
I believe that art has been a vehicle for me that's been about enlightenment and expanding my own parameters, to give me courage to exercise the freedom that I have in life.
- Jeff Koons
Collection: Courage
Image of Major Taylor
These rules may seem simple enough, but it will require great morale and physical courage to adhere to them. But if carried out in the strict sense of the word it will surely lead to a greater success than could otherwise be attained.
- Major Taylor
Collection: Courage
Image of Jean Anouilh
It takes a certain courage and a certain greatness to be truly base.
- Jean Anouilh
Collection: Courage
Image of Rhea Perlman
My first and most loved real novel was 'Little Women.' I identified with the Jo character even though we were opposites. Jo was very strong-minded and brave, and I was shy and kind of a wuss, everyplace but in my own home. I wanted to be Jo. She was my alter ego. I think reading that book gave me courage.
- Rhea Perlman
Collection: Courage
Image of Shilpa Shetty
I have huge respect for women who go out of their homes and have the courage to make their own destiny. And let me tell you, Indian women are doing a great job. There are those who work because they have no option but to earn, and then there are those who do it because they have the right talent. I respect both.
- Shilpa Shetty
Collection: Courage
Image of Aung San Suu Kyi
I don't understand why people say that I am full of courage. I feel terribly nervous.
- Aung San Suu Kyi
Collection: Courage
Image of Luke Pasqualino
When I was 16 the first girl I had a crush on wasn't interested at all. I liked her from afar for ages, and when I eventually got the courage and told her, and she wasn't into me.
- Luke Pasqualino
Collection: Courage
Image of Antony Sher
As a gay Jewish white South African, I belong to quite a lot of minority groups. You constantly have to question who you are, what you are and whether you have the courage to be who you are.
- Antony Sher
Collection: Courage
Image of Kenny Loggins
You must have love as the core; it takes courage to be willing to constantly tell the truth to each other and risk letting the relationship go.
- Kenny Loggins
Collection: Courage
Image of Giraldus Cambrensis
It is remarkable that this people, though unarmed, dares attack an armed foe; the infantry defy the cavalry, and by their activity and courage generally prove victors.
- Giraldus Cambrensis
Collection: Courage
Image of John Doolittle
With his trademark courage and conviction, President Reagan led us out of the Cold War, spreading his vision of freedom, resulting in the release of millions of people from the yoke of communism.
- John Doolittle
Collection: Courage
Image of Said Sayrafiezadeh
I am haunted by what my life would have been had I not had the courage in my early twenties to leave Pittsburgh for New York City and really commit to being a writer. Pittsburgh is both post-industrial and provincial, and the opportunities there are limited. It would have been quite easy to simply drift through life.
- Said Sayrafiezadeh
Collection: Courage
Image of Stanley Baldwin
A statesman wants courage and a statesman wants vision; but believe me, after six months' experience, he wants first, second, third and all the time - patience.
- Stanley Baldwin
Collection: Courage
Image of Elliott Abrams
The courage of the Syrian protesters is remarkable, for they face prison, torture, or death every time they lift a banner.
- Elliott Abrams
Collection: Courage
Image of Helen Fisher
Men have a psychological need to show off their courage and strength. When he sees you talking to another guy, that instinct kicks in and he jumps to protect you and prove he's worthy of your love.
- Helen Fisher
Collection: Courage
Image of Ruta Sepetys
I adore themes of hope and courage and the ways we find meaning through suffering.
- Ruta Sepetys
Collection: Courage
Image of Judith Light
I wish we lived in a society that made it safe and provided the courage for everyone to come out.
- Judith Light
Collection: Courage
Image of Catherine Deneuve
I have no physical courage, I've asked for a double.
- Catherine Deneuve
Collection: Courage
Image of Sudha Murty
I like portraying women of character in my books. Women who exhibit loyalty and courage.
- Sudha Murty
Collection: Courage
Image of Stephen Baker
To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by.
- Stephen Baker
Collection: Courage
Image of William L. Jenkins
Ronald Reagan's well documented final battles with Alzheimer's disease were fought with the same conviction and courage that his many public battles were fought.
- William L. Jenkins
Collection: Courage
Image of Eddie Marsan
What I love about the East End is that there's a great perseverance, determination and courage. What I dislike about it is that there is sometimes a celebration of ignorance.
- Eddie Marsan
Collection: Courage
Image of Scott Walker
What makes America amazing is that there have always been men and women of courage who were willing to think more about the future of their children and grandchildren than they did about their own political careers.
- Scott Walker
Collection: Courage
Image of Dan Lipinski
With courage and character, American soldiers continue to put themselves on the line to defend our freedom, and so many have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
- Dan Lipinski
Collection: Courage
Image of Virgil Goode
Trump has the courage to stand up to Wall Street, to the K Street lobbyists, and say our trade deals have not been best for the ordinary, average citizen American.
- Virgil Goode
Collection: Courage
Image of Diane Ackerman
I'm fascinated how often and with what whole-heartedness people will risk their lives to perform acts of courage, sacrifice, and compassion for total strangers.
- Diane Ackerman
Collection: Courage
Image of Elisabeth Rohm
I have a lot of courage. I'm a realist.
- Elisabeth Rohm
Collection: Courage
Image of Zach Wamp
Before I begin talking about the threats we face, the vulnerabilities that we have, and frankly the courage of the men and women in uniform that stand in harm's way on behalf of a very grateful Nation, let me first honor the sacrifices of September 11.
- Zach Wamp
Collection: Courage